Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, April 04, 1884, Image 1

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’^r?'!!!!!M Ou raTBWR >> ” gaeo uo a genii 1 r &-.
son last week on lodges. That the
connection of so many professed
Christians with these different
Editor and -Publisher, Monmouth, Or.
lodges is a great hindrance to' the
Waupun, Wisconsin, Associate Editor.
cause of Christ we believe can not
*”n........ '’’"‘TgMWfliM rriw i
j .......»
■ 4>e oucoeasfully. GQQtodktes.L^W£,
Cne Copy, one year..........................$2 00
are told that here in Albany there
One Copy, six months. t ............... 1 00
is a lodge for every night in the
week, and many people, some Chris­
Prices will be given on application.
tians among the rest, belong to most
— -11
[ Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as of them. The result of tins state
second class mail matter. ]
of things is painfully seen and felt
Please Notice.
on the Churches of the city. For
We are not respoftslbte for the opinions and
sentiments expressed by our contributors, but our part, we are not ashamed to
for onr own writing alone. Hence oui readers frankly state that we belong to but
Hust judge for themselves. ’We intend to give
■pace for the free expression of opinion, within one lodge and that is the O ne which
the limits of sound dweredon, ana the good of
Hie cause; but not be held aa indorsing what Christ said he would build on T his
others may writo.
R ock , and the gates of hell should
All matter intended for publication in this
not prevail against it. We think
paper should be written :
1. On one side of the sheet only.___ ____
that ineludes all the goad there is
4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so world has known or ever will know.
— that it maj not be defaced in transit.
5. Write brief articles.
Still we think the example of “ Out-
6. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or
'qHeri^hbta ggompMrted by ymi r riauiB. r——— ■ -aider ” oats ide oT-th^-human lodges,
NOTICE— All private letters and all other and inbide of the Church of Christ
matter demanding the special attention of the would weigh more than his words.
editor, and all orders for books, tracts, otc.,
should be addressed to ,J. F. Floyd, Albany. , Suppose he tries it.
Oregon. All subscriptions for the H erald , all
NO. 14.
butors, wc will see such results a» punishment at the hand of the ci-
"vTTai iwi*-
we dare not dream of now?
pie the Divine govern­
“The interest in the union 'meet­ ment. Even the animal, vegetable
ings at the Court House on Sunday
evenings, does not decrease. They and mineral kingdoms are subject to
have been the means of producing supreme authority, and they are
some extra sermons, and of making quietly and harmoniously filling up
• ■ •
Z__________ _________
matter intended for publication and letters in
paper should be addressed to C hristian -----
ald , Monmouth, Oregon.
Subscribe for the H erald , and
give it a fair trial.
• •
Some brother wishes to know if
we have Church Records. We will
supply them, containing places for
960 names, for $1.00 each.
Bro. W. Y. Taylor, a minister at
Weatherford, Texas, writes us that
he expects to spend the summer in
Oregon. He wishes to devote his
time to preaching while here.
We have received a copy of the
Medical Index,” published at
Kansas City, Mo, by Dr. A. P.
Campbell. It contains forty pages
reading matter, is issued monthly
and is the result of the consolida­
tion of the “ Kansas and Missouri
Valley Medical Index,” and “ The
New Medical Era and t Sanitarian.”
We hope the venture may be suc-
__ eeanful and prove blessing to hu-
one church are as much entitled to
the title* of Christian as those of
another. The spirit displayed by
the Clergymen in working together
Tor a^mfftbn c/tuse is a commend­
able one.”—Albany Democrate.
Then why don’t they lay aside
-their .human names and wear the
title Christian.’.and that alone?
That union which is one in name
only during one evening in seven
while the rest AT the week is de-
voted to the building up pf the re­
spective branches of sectarianism,
which they are governed. zVll na­
ture is under divine lavy and is in
complete submission to the will of
the Law Giver. .Utlenefi we^see or­
der and beauty prevailing every­
where in the universe. The planets,
both primary and secondary, which
make up the solar system, do" not
act independently of one another.
The earth can not say to the sun,
I have no~Tieed" of jou.—Nor-the-
sun to the moon, 1 have no need of
you. Neither does Mercury, Venus,
not the Christian union of. which Neptune,.claim either the. privilege
the Bible knows any thing, That or the power to,move independently
Christian union which is worth the of the Sun or of one another. The
name means a surrender of all hn- ’ ■safne'^TeaVtaw is Trvrr att-of tltese
man names, creeds, traditions of heavenly bodies, and to this same
men and all other causes and forms, law they are all obedient.
of sectarianism and a permanent
Now what we wish to emphasize
Bro. A. McLean writes us that
union on the Bible alone. Any, that the same principle governs
^n^cirronr - thing short of this is a mere com-
the total amount received for For­ promise and a hypocrisy, and is in the spiritual kingdom of Christ
eign Missions was $1,841.16. This poorly adapted to those who wish How could it be otherwise, seeing
is a good showing for one week. to duly exercise either their brains the Author of all nature is also the
Author of the Bible and the Spirit­
He further says : “ The March col­ or conscience. ~
ual Kingdom. The Scriptures are
lections promise to be the largest in
------------ ;----------- -----------------------------------------
our history: During the first week OBEDIENCE TO THE KING. full on this point. Even Christ was
subject to the will of ’his Father,
there were fifty churches more that
All civil government is based on leaving us an example that we
reported than in the same time last
year.’ In some places the day was the principle that the ruled are to should follow in his steps. He
stormy, and the collection was de­ be subject to the ruler. If the peo­ says, “ For 1 came down from hea
ferred. Last year, the largest con­ ple were to declare themselves in­ ven, not to do mine own will, but
tribution from any church was dependent of all rule and all au­ the will of him that sent me.” This
$6606. This year the church at thority and assume the responsi­ was necessary that they might be
Des Moines has sent in already bility of doing as they pleased, one and thus, work together in the
$13050, when all the pledges are civil government would be an iin- redemption of the world. This
paid, it will reach nearly, if not possibility, and confusión and all complete submiseion to his Father
quite, $200 00 The preachers were forms of evil, and that continually, is seen in all that our blessed Savior
nevei- so enthusiastic. One says would be the inevitable result. But did or said fmm the time he enter­
that he is goihg to observe “ mis­ if the king is allowed to rule su- ed on his public ministry till he
sionary day ” at each of the seven preme, and Hie people are willing was taken from the earth. His
points in his circuit. The churches to be subject to his authority, then baptism, his temptation, his inces­
are falling into line. Our papers just to the extent that this is true sant labors and his sufferings and
have taken an unusual interest in and the rule is just, will peace and death were demonstrations of this
ths. collection. We are destined to harmony prevail among that peo­ ever-living principle. The apostles
become a great missionary people ple. Any other course would not of Christ were also in. like-manner
in the near future. When each of only be regarded as disrespect to subject to the will of the Father.
our five thousand churches can be the king, but positive treason, and In their work there was not only
regu| af contri™ such persons would justly deserve zeal, but system and cooperation aq