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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1884)
AIYaiigerous Case. EXPLANATORY . à 3U « dDui» the more we have to come Barrow. * ♦ ♦ R ochjcsteb , June 1, 1882. “Ten ....... TB MftfC 1 t ai attacked wlLB the iiwt , 1— we go, Intense and deathly pains In back and 4 — Kidneys. back.— . ... A Smart Man is one who does hi3 work quickly and Veil Tfiis is what Dr. HT V. Pierce’S *' Golden Medical Discovery ” does as a blood-purifier and strengthener. It arouses the torpid liver, purifies the blood, and is the best remedy for con sumption, which is scrofulous disease of the lungs. 4 • “Extending to the end of my toes and to my brain! _...... Which made me delirious I ‘■From agqny. > “ It took-three men to hold me oh my bed at tinies! “ The Doctors tried in vain to relieve me. But to ho purpose. “ Morphine and other opiated “Had no effect I ' “ After two months I was given up to die! “ When my wife heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters had done for her, she at once got and gave me " -W l!»'... ’Th» fi r« th»He if we would haVe powerful minds, seemed to go hunting through my system the pain. we must think ; if we would have for ‘•The second dose eased me so much that two hours, something I had not done faithful hearts, we must love ; if we I for slept two months. Before I had used live at work, as hard as would have strong muscles, we bottles, VUVllVC, I * was vue well v. v... and -- .................... -- .must labor. _........ _ ................ ... iZkedia^ Advice To Mothers. ’.ng a hard cold, I was taker, with the most acute and painful rheumatism all through M bs W inslow ’ s S oothing S ybup should al • she doctors again, and after several weeks, ways be used when children are cutting teetn. they left me a cripple on crutches for life, It relieves the little sufferer at once: it pro- as they said. 1 met a friend and told him 41, dimes natural, quiet sleep by relieving the my case, and he said Hop Hitters had ♦ child from pain, and the little cherub awakes cured him and would cure me. I poobed as “ bright as a button. ’ It is very pleasant at him, but lie was to rarnest I was in- _______to taste. It soothes the child, softens the guma.iTIays'pauiTreTieves winff. regulate« fhe iRlced -ftr-ww-then* -egaiBsr--L»-4fei!a iharr bowels, and is the best known remedy for four weexs I threw away mV crutches and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or went to work lightly and kept onyuring other causes. Twenty-five eta. a bottle. 13-20-1 y the bitters for five weeks, until I Lccaine as well as any man living, and haVqheep —------- ------------ < so tor si? years since. It also cured my —■We can become familiar with a ' wifeiA^Lnd■■been so Ai• y<a->; at <1 hits kept herand niy children, well and hearty landscape ; we know whera to find with from two to three bottles Per year. the waterfall, and the shady ledge There is no need to be sick at all if these bitters are used. J. J- B erk , Ex-buper- where the violets grow in spring; -- viso r. ........ ....... ...-. __________ ____ __ r-t-r... - •f< but we can never tell where we shall come upon*the Bhady dell, or where the fountains will gush and th&bird* with<4- Edward Davies. « — Ayer’s Cherry Peotoral possesses fax- reaohing and powerful healing qualities which its' persistent use will demon strate in any oane of colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles, while its sooth ing and restorative effects are realized at once.--------- --------------------- -— If you would not fall into sin, do not Bit by the door of temptation. Beautiful Womeu are mado pallid and unattractive by functional irregularities, * which Dr. Fierce’«. “ Favoritq ,Prescription ” «ill infallibly cute. Thousands of testimo nials. By druggists. • . . I nternational S unday school lessons This volume of comments and Suggestions upon the Sunday.School Lessona lor .1884 is now ready. It has been carefully prepared by Dr. E. W. llagndon, the editor of the Christian Quarterly Review, a scholar whose rfmocTse methods of thought'enable him to express what iaj>eeded in the fewest words. The Scripture readings are given in both the com mon version and the Revision-in parallel columns, so that a glance will show the difference. The history of each lesson is concisely presented; the Lesson Notes are clear, plain, pointed, and free from useless verbiage and speculation, and the ^Application at the close will help.the teacher in geography, biography, and history required to a correct understanding is unusually full. A.pronouncing dictionary adds much to its value. Tho volume contains about two hundred broad pages, giving about four pages to each lesson. It is printed on clear, bold type, and sub though a costly book, in order to place it in the hands o^very teacher in every school we place it at lower rates than VVJ „1UU1 yyAlao for Spasms and Folling Sickness."®* Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none in delirium of fever."®* 49* Neutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood Boros. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds."®* «-Permanently and promptly cures paralysis. Y es, It is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. * Changes bad breath to good, removing cause. t^T'Routs biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxative."®« It drives Sick Headache like thè wind.“®« Contains no drastic catharticTor opiated Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing it.“®« Restores life-giving properties, to the blood1.“»* Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders.“®« tar*Reliable when all opiates fail.“®« Refreshes the mind and Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded.“®« ty* Endorsed in writing by over fifty thousand Leading physicians to U. S. and Eiwopo.-®« - Leading clergymen in U. 8. and Europe.“®« Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror.-®« For sale by all leading druggists. $1.50.-®* The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Co., Propr’s. Sf. Joseph, Mo. (22) For testimonials and circulars send stamp. EEDIMGTON A €0., Agents, Ssn Francisco. M a psopte h.ive become rich working IV fl jTj for us «0 otter a business easy to . N H H.W learn—paying largesutusof money M ii> profits Every one willing to ¡2 ■ 9 work can get rich Men. women and _ VII evwr boys «rwrgtrtt.aeewi.vWwg for - tunes No capital required Wo wRI start yon in business You run no risk whatever. You need not be awaxfertm home Full particulars free. W, v, R. J>CwiS, »SkaudolpUSt,Chicago,111. . ■ *c : * v |/*4X.VVV* --------- ----- v™ ~ Price, Single Copy, -Post-paid, GO cents. Where one dozen are ordered, or one ordered for every teacher in the school, whether more or less than a dozen, the price will be 50 cents. Where as many as twenty are ordered at 50 cents each, an extra copy will he given, Address MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO GRAND OFFER FOR THE NEXT 60 DATS ONLY. $854 Square Grand PianQ for only $245. T jt A 1\m 1 1 A. 11 U CmXTT T* Dll lull - O1 Magnificent rosewood case, elegantly finished, 3 strums Oo 7 13 Octaves, fall patent aaniante agraffes, our new paten serpentine an a large Tanqy moulding, tiill iron xrame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact, every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument, has been added. ---- EEy^Our price for this instrument, boxed and delivered on board can at ^QX AO lano Cover. Stool and Book, only . O4rxu<W New York, wrh fine Piano Just reduced from our late wholesale, factory price, $295, for CO days Ohly. This is now, by far, . . . ------ rfftFrarli n n u i f eai . pfiTOF." "WTTgSMfi'HTga^TuriTOr!" VtnrgnnrtCBT-tmrgstn~cwi ___ ____ re ________ demand for this style ! 8end in your order at once. Do not lose this rare opportunity. io i_-L not send This Piano will be sent on 15 days test trial. Please send reference if you do —2 monev with order. Cash send with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not just as represented. Several other special Bargains : Pianos, $160 up. < Jvar 15,000 in use, and not one dissatisfied purchaser. Don’t fail to write us before buying. Hand some Illustrated Piano Catalogue, mailed free, givipg the highest testimonials ever awarded,any piano manufacturer. Every Tinno fully warranted for 5 years. . ’• MENDBLS8OHX PIANO CO., P. O. Box «058, New York City. 13-40-ly Treatment For CATARRH BARNES’ Patent Foot and SteamPower Machinery. Complete outfits for Actual Work-shop Busi ness. Lathes for Wood or Metal. Circular Saws, Scroll Saws, Formers, Mortisers.Ta- Roners, etc., etc. Machines on <ue and Price List Free.. W. F. A JOHN BARNFN. No, 147 Ruby Street, And Diseases of the HEAD,THROAT A LUNGS/ Can be taken at home. No case incurable when our qu^tions are properly answered. Write fir circulars, testimonials, etc., REV. T. P. CHILDS, Troy, Ohio. A/NTNlUrpO wapted for The History of AVTJjDI 10 ChrifetianHy. by Abbott. A grand chance. A $4 book at ‘the popular price of $1.75. Liberal terms. .The religious papers mentiou it as one of the few great religious works of .the world Greater success never known by agents Tern's free. «S tinson A Co.. Publisher», Portland, Maine. ____ _ UoekTurd. 1U. ' CHOICE SELECTIONS B3JIIgunnnNow ready .4 Rs _ ff. f. This number is uniform I«—fc*SJwith the Series, and con- tains another nesnarn aplendid »ee- iHniatiiin« and lij’adinp, com bining Sentiment. Oratory, I*atho«, Humor, Fan. Price, 30ct»., mailed free. Sold by Booksellers. All of the bent, both new and old. Plants, Trees. - ■ - speaks eaks pieces, every, member of a I Every boy who e Vines, Seeds, fcc., by mail, a specialty. 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Your common sense should teach you _ that if any doctor or druggists knew of a better remedy for colds, coughs and lung complaints, than Ammon's Cough Syrup, he would either put it up for . ganaral sale or sail, the Mr. Ammen who offers to the world one & 4» thousand dollars for the prescription: r»r’ for a better remedy than Ammen’s Gough Syrup. All respectible druggists and dealers sell Ammen’s Cough Syrup. Ask for it, and take no other.- The only known specific for Epileptic Fits."®* Get but the truth once uttered, and ’tis like a stat new born, that drops into its place, and which, once circling iu its placid round, not all the tumult of the earth can shake.— James Rasselt Lowell. —ON THE “That poor invalid wife! “Mother! Or Daughter! , “ Can be made the picture of healtul a few bottles of Hop Bitten ’ NOTES OUR $15 SHOT-GUH liWP And return too% Il I wflir*FElfCraH W ■ —and you'll nmh. that vili brtag you In mora Ing ,1 m In America. Urawtwl^ jtv 5«W K«b