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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1884)
öttki 9TI- a . n 14 A FEW PLAIN FACTS T’ir is published on the theory that hymn-books are made for the ehnrehes, not the churches for hyniwb e u k ^and'^toni 'tw w pu s hed wifely on -tta- merits. The best of facilities will be given to etery church to examine it before they purchase if application is made to the , STANDARD PUBLISHING CO.. •/ISO Elm street, Cincinnati, O. . herald JOHNSON, LUNN & CO; -av‘ d Had affliction ir< - - The toHowin;; ' w i« .1J b l|iB lits ‘ Ru *T" * C hristian BEjiAEiffi e authorized to re Would respectfully announce to the ceive and receipt,' tor subscriptions. If no citizens of ^plem and vioinity, that agent is convenient, remit the amount direct to the office by registered letter or postal order on they are- constantly receiving Monmouth:— FOR THE CONSIDERATION-OF ALL . WHO ARE INTERESTED IN CON GREGATIONAL SINGING. there are four questions of preeminent im new goods consisting of — •- — OREGON. portance in the selection of a hymn-book for ......Henry C. Porter Aumsville ........ . the nse of a congregation : % lUrW r_ < 1. I ts E xcellence .—Thta is first jn impor THE COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE, Albany. . • •.,..• ... • •. tance, and can-only be properly determined t>y ( Elizabeth J. Barker thpse who are not only skilled in music, but LEXINGTON,KENTUCKY Ami ty tA* ••••••••••• .. .E. C. Williams who make it their business to drill congrega .. .D<> H. Putman Brownsville....? tions in music. We have two brethren who .Miss E. Davis :o: — Bellevue.......... have been conspicuous in this work for years. ...J. T. Gilfry ••••••••• Cress well.... . Bro. J. P. P owell , the musical editor of the ,.. E. P. Large his college is devoted exolu - Crawfordsville old Christian Hymnal, -and the author of a —:o:— ..N. P. Briggs sively to ilie preparation of young man for Corvallis........- superior book of anthems, has devoted himself ... 8. B. Knox usefulness -in the Church. It is not necessary It'. Grove. to congregational music for the last ten years. » Cottage . .Jas. Caldwell A FULL DINE OF Carlton........... Bro. J. II. R o 8E crans , author of many musical that those who would attaint it become preach 8.1. Gerking works i#groat pomilarity, has made congrega- ers, though moet of its students do enter the Centex ville.... 4L -—nuii»ifi Uta "^iVts^quired of those w ho would enter that FUfFitrsMtwG arouse gfeafenUitislasm in its perfection wTiere r • ^Dallas............... G. W. Crystal ever be teaches. Both of these gontlemen pro they be sixteen years of ago. professors of re STAPLE GROCERIES . H. Deardcrff Damascus..... nounce the “New Christian Hymn and Tune ligion, and have at least a fair English educa ...................... Jas. Harlan Drain’s Station Book” the best book for congregational use thdy tion. The College is conducted in close con ....... P. P. Underwood Which they aro prepared to sell Lavo ever seen. This unequivocal endorsement nection with Kentucky University, and to all Dufur... .A... ............. ......... A. L. Todd is confirmed by many other eminent teachers, tlip classes of the latter our students have Elk Head......... ... ...R. G. Callison but to add to such authority would boueseless. access freo of charge. In the College of the Eugene............. ••••«-è** ........... Charles Smith This book is declared the most perfectly adapted Bible tuition is free, there are no fees, excopt 4t the l/ertr Lowest Rates! . - JEDiton;.. o n e of S5~fci the jauiirn, c oal ,-etc:— -— Mrs. Beltep. TTBftl*- - “ Forest Grove.. Good board anti lodging can be had in pri ee- L • M. y anywhere. — :o: — Helix............. i vate families at from $3 to f5 per week. Thoee ^vUal bs y. „uk ,,,..'-. AH ìi'inds^oF Farini TFàlÏÏco ÄeuHm Hillsboro ..... .....J. L. Wigle often,overlooked, will be seen on a moment’s year for their room and from $1 .JO to SI.75 per Harrisburg.... Exchange for Goods. . .W. L. Hodgfen reflection. If the publishers are musicians, who week for board. They must furnish their own Independence.. ....... V. 8. Bond are alive to all improvements in the publication rooms and provide their own lights, washing, Irving... t.... —:o:— Martin Peterson a » . of music ; who are in closecommunication with fuel, etc. To these the whole expense need not Jacksonville.. ..J. A. Bushnell the teachers and writers of music ; and whose exceed’5125 per annum. You are cordially invited to call and Junction....... A li osti seeking <1 LUU CVBV, . • , . • Those a 5UUII good UHUVutlUD education ali at U little cost, .. W. D. Fenton success de solely on the name they make Lafayette. ... and specially those proparii g for the ministry,„ examine goods and price» 4wwwviUe..« ttiM. wofiRHr^ ’cTT’io ÄF Ca^ùgtTe an<T 3 |¿ c GÌMLUÌ ..... J. M. CritOn ir l i bo JOHNSON LUNN& CO. Kings Valley. ... J. H. Hawley more fully met than where the publishers Nave further information to McCoy ..... • . . "F. Mk Gabbert hut a sido ixterest in music, and have no such R. GRAHAM, Prqsîr*ent. Cor. Griswold’s Block, Mvrtle Creek ....... J. W. Cowls •'S ir’ to perfect their work, especially w here McMinnville. Commercial Street, Salem. .Mrs. J. F. Berry they do not own the plates and copyrights. The Milton......... E- Ground 13-4Lly . ..JihilLBryDf sLtiu- in. ihe aptendid Mt Pleasant .. . .- .Joseph Robinett senes i f platos which have been rmdeto adapt the New Pine Creek... C. V. Kuykendall ‘‘Now Chris:ian llymn and Tqne-Book” tocuery North Yamhill . .J. P.’Frizzell want of the congregations. Before the book was Perrydale. a month old, there was a demand for an edition F. Hannah, Jr Pendleton. . Gerking for choirs and singing-schools. The publishers- installtly appreciateel ite importance and have. rury Lta.via. Philomath ~issued a magnificent edition, with rudiments Wm. Rust Pilot Bock EDITED BÏ E. W. HERNDON, A. M., M. D. tenderpool and antliefns, to meet this want. Aii urgent— Prineville. . Campbell x* ■ 1 but very limited—demand arose for a large Roseburg. print edition, for those of infirm sight. The D. Houck W/ 1883. Tangent.. demand wa« promptly met, and now, although T. B. Davidson Shedd----- rptlE CHRISTIAN QUAH3 ERLY REVIEW St. Helens tlieyjuave the- seriee-ever-effereffYo- Hrs. 8, Giltner , Uu/cniW'. ptirui., tl.ew.h^ 1 RM1 uumplfted1 its fiiwli w ultimu, wnwl w t h e ------------ „-- hi --------------- --- - a . etbl adhiona.w. , . « JL» ,v • A'***’ VJ view, to meet special demands. Thia aeries of first day of January, 1883, the fifrst No. of Vol. Bcio....... .. «John Shore books is their pride, and a sonre^of honorable, Il will be issued? It w the purpose of its Salem... H. À. Johnson lifelong ambition. Row different-w1'«re there Editor to keq> it up to thé highest standard of Sheridan T. N Fauleoner is only a temporary and mercenary interest-in excellence. It will be issued in January, April, Wheatland ....... Wm. Scott the publication t July and October ; will be printed on fine book" West Chehalem........... Ch W. Hardwick R emedy syc!1Ae D iseases (»per, and-each No_ will ..contain lüü pagca üf _ 3- T he G eneral U se of the B ook —Tf is a Tfrreit nw. seres.pivnrs. very important matter wheihor the book to be original matter from our best writers, amt Ue- WASHINGTON TERRITORY. ERYSIPELAS .RINGWORM. chosen is in general use or not. We are happy views. I would be glad to receive the names of LOTCUES Aiderton ................................... .Mrs. D. V. Alvey siibacribers as soon as possible, so as_to determ to be able to say that the side of the “ Nev. Alpha .......................................... ». H. Wimply • • • • Christian Hymn andTune Book,” since its in-*- ine theaize^of the edition. troduction last August, has been—in the teeth Price $2.00 per year, in ad vanes, Fifty cents Brush Prairie..................................... 8. C. Harris of an opposition acknowledged by its most " foi a single number, Address TrtS^pmmnnica- Cedar Creek......................................E. A. LaDow Castle Rock................................Win. Huntingion frantic enemies to have been almost^unanimons tions to the Editor. , Ciin .................................................... J- M. Baker ou the part of the press—fifty per cent, greater D k . E. W. H erndon , * 4 . — vrnTTTrnnn, -wwnw XFT111 *’--xx-TV11 *1* than tWi nf tlm Imnli¿Uuu' ... ,. W. T. Barnes vocated. This fact, in favor of a book poshed T he C hristian Q uarterly R eview will be Dixie. ■•••••••.... . .11? L. Dashiel solely on its merits, tells the whole story. A famished witJr tke C hristian H erald for $3.60 Dayton. Elina........-.................................. .Mrs. E. Himes book that outsells another of acknowledged per year for both papers. 12 4&--Gm. THE GREA UREEOR Farmington............................... .. . .F. M. Davis merit by fifty per cent, when almost the entire H. W. Murphy Golden dale.. Eress is coipbinwl in strenuous support of the ... .1'. E- Fisher ook outsold, is a book that it will do to adopt. Lone Pine... W. H. McClure -------- Lincoln........ Within six months, fiom Cincinnati alone re . J. H. McClure New Tacoma >••••••«» supplied more than 350 ehnrehes, not to men F rank G. A llen , 1 vriitav« Symptoms arc moisture, btinging, itching, worse at .. .James Butler G. W orth Y ancey , { L tllter H< • •••••««• tion the large number supplied from St. Loni« Pine City... night; seems as if pin-worms were crawling about L.Be'1 and other cities. It is In use in mere than 100 Paloii8o. .... a»••••••« the rectum; the private partsarc often affected. Asa E ditorial edito I a . Dr. Chas. Spinning congrégations in Ohio;; in more than 75 in In- Puyallup. ... pleasant, economical and positive cure, S watns ' s .., Itanson Long Pomeroy.... : in Illinois more than 40 congregation* • ••••••• 1 CM ntmkn r is superior to any article in the market C. L"Loos, ' ‘ R obt . G raham . . James Butler Rave been supplied Cincinnati, and irianv Sold by druggists, or send 50 3-ct. Stamps. 3 Pine City. .. J. W. M c G arvey , - I. B. G rvbbs . . W. A. Sanders boxes, 81.25. Address, Da. S watnk & S on , Phila., Pa. more from 8t. Louis, white numerous orders Spangle....... ........... 8. Bonney I ' ' ——" have been -hipped to even’ State. 30,000copies ........ rnins is a largee I ght - page weekly Snmner .. ..J. W. Osborn are in use, in more than 500 churches. So far Beattie ......... I devoted tn the advocacy and defence of .......................... 8 d. Harris as rapid and general adoption is concerned, no Vancouver. . Apostolic teaching and practice. “Ask for the book can equal it_____________ _____________ ........... ........ ^.W.F.Bruce _ Waitebnrg... Old-Paths, and walk therein ’ * is ita motto, its .............. Mrs.. A. H. Reynolds UiipÀpffi s^. Tbcre u no book, nTaTmlKr" GLOVE practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure, Walla Walla. excellence of make, that presumes to compote CALIFORNIA. safe, frash and sparkling. Its make up is order with the prices of the “ New Christfan Hymn Instantly laowl t>y puringati.i cor-i lavteneC' witll ly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper. .A Washington Corners..... ..Prof. J. Durham and Tune-Book.” Not to mention the fact that Xo.juttona cr hooka n'■ it«-<1. over specimen copy will satisfy ail of the above, and Elmira. ........... J. M. Oiler .. .......... dozen Fold in ixindon in one m<> :h ,W ere not for the low prico- at-which other books can no v I e 500 will cost you bnt the time amk postal card on i alt'by lo' al dealer . b Lirmlp | ail n sent by ma ........ J. L. Bmittle Monticello ....... »•••••• had is due solely to the low price of this, it is a Fize or color, on n pt of this pr cv. <> 1 aec Si.50 which the request is made. Address the Pub Napa City......... Mrs. 8. E. Inman -••••è« fact that the only books that make the slighte>t ‘Jfi75, E ou 9 ihj ctaire 82.00. Sup nor quailtv 50 e s extra lishers. Sea "Our Principles,” and “Onr Saratoga........ .. . ..William Pollard approach to these prices, while they have on'y A. C. MATHER & CO. Chicano, III. Rules. ” Mrs. E. E. Hembree Sacramento. .. '. 5jw, cent. m»rc hymns, are sold at prices from '' OCR TERMS. ** Santa Rosa....... ........................... G. O. Burnett 25 to SOper cent, higher. This book is, then, Anni/AC C Five t fci ■ a/U 14 Essex bt /AnaKG^iS rtllxf. an<l is Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00 ; ' Six San Francisco., Mrs. n. H. . I use. HEasex from 20 to 25 per cent. cHw.per than any other an inWible 'lire for I’i!«-«. Minnie J. Borden 3 n San Lnis Bey. . • .»1 Months, Jl 00 ; Three Months, 50 ots. book in tho rnatkot. And this foci alone, when Price MI, at drug ... W. W. Smith Vacaville........... wo consider that some 5.IKK) or 6,00 ) churches seat* prepuzi CLUB rates . Lew is Van Tassel Vi^U-li;l. frtc, A'. “ rn i-t b-supplied v.iHi .books, is an immenaaiu-. Tirany ora wn ding & ernh of Flw and $io no Watsonville.. . SKejsjTTj .11. D. Connell gamont in its favor. -If no more than two dozen cash, an oxtra copv. books are sold to each church, it makes a differ MISCELLANEOUS. T he O ld P ath G uide ($2 00) and Employment for Ladies. ence of $12,003 ! Tho demand for choap hooka ........E. A. Chase Grangeville, I. T... T he W ord and T he W ork (50 cts) $2 25. The Queen City Sus[>en<lcr Çotnpanyaf Cin is no trifling matter. This book has been pre ... Q. W. Patta/ Moscow, I. T............. •••••• cinnati are now ìrianuiacturin^ anu intvoGucing P acific C hurch N« ws ($1 00) $2 50. pared on the motto; "Good enough for any; their new Htof'klug Supporter« for Ladiw and Four Mile, I. T. ... • • • • < . ,T. L- Childers T he C hbistkn H erald ($2 00) $3 00. < hiklreit,anil their iineip.aie-I Hklrt Su»prn<kr« cheap enough for all.” , ....... j; ff Holler Sumac, Tenn........;. Address for specimens, for i.A'114*«, and want reliable lady alenatoseli V ■ h .ve thus shown that four of the most im them in every household. Our agents every Dea venport Caul Wicklow P.O., Orit 9 Can C. C. C line A Co., where meet with ready success and make hand portant conr¡derations point to tbe’“New Chris- . .8. li. Hedrix General Publishers of Church and Sunday Fairfield, Iowa........ some, salaries. Write at once for terms ami se- ti.m Hymn and I une-Book” as t/w book fobgoa- ....... F. M. Bains c ure exclusive territory. Address Leavenworth, Kansas.. * School Supplies, 310 West Main St., er d adoption.' A book that is pronounced the Queen Sit/ StKpender (’<>.♦ <, Ohio. ,.C. J. McKinney Parsons/ Kansas............ Louisville, Ky. Leading Physicians Tecommend these Supporters, /«-.-■{by tho most competent Judges ; that has the .Eld. J. B. Royal Vermont, Illinois......... 1 3 3 tf __ ■ _ _ _______________ pront i c of every possiblo improvement in flic future; that lias had tho widest and most wim- I Dry Groods, Clothing, flats, Caps, Boots Shoes T THE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. ¡WC PILES press; and that, finally, is from 20 to 25 per éc-nt. cfnm|)er than a»v other îioofc whatever, is book that oan be adopted with all safety. It V/EST TROY, N. Y., BELLS rA, »'avoraljy known to the pnbii« rincc < Imre li Chifpel, Scliooi, I ire Alarm '■'<3 and other bells. ul<o, Chiracs awl l'cala. THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. BU6KEYF BELL FOWNIY, Bk-O* <g Pure < <i' |.er and Tin foi Chur< Res, Hcboeli), Fu1- A turni-,Karnvi, etc. FULL: WARRANTED. Catalogue at-nt Fret. VAN DUZEN A TIFT, Cincinnati, O ■ ..« tez J JO« I, Wit, Sto«* si. ite-»WN» 11® 1 rtr«. Pk-»t-pail.-* *■’— - .'T Ttw 1 a li Co. lu. Gkannln «wi «♦ * S ¡ kqt .M »TiWfaH«nnMTntiii/i'> I