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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1884)
CHRISTIAN HERALD - ------------------------ .------------------ 1 BOOK TABLE. [Under thia head we will be pleased to give editorial reviews of all books ana tracts of inter est that may 1» sent to this office.] The March nuiabsr of the Portland (Ore gon) JFesf Shore is of more general interest than any of its predecessors. Th& scientific articles on “ The Great Northwest are continued ; also the paper on “ Our Industries and Resour ces.” Two interesting historical arti «Jes, entitled “ Fremont and the Mo docs ” and “ Origin of ‘ California ’ and ‘ Oregon,’” throw light upon the early and Kentucky; and The Central Bap tist, of St. Louis, Mo., please copy. OBITUARY. “Bied? of scarlet fever*' on WW inst., Pearl, son of Mr. N. and* Mrs. C- Garwood, living near Dallas. The de ceased was aged 14 years, 3 months and 21 days. Pearl was a bright, promising boy, whose youth was gentle and good ; he has been* callefiToj him his little sis ter who went only a few days before him. The Garwoods have the profound condolence of all, in this affliction, 15ut no sympathy can rostoro the dear ones whom God has chosen to sing the angel chords of love and happiness above. "JD1TT15. ReriTOTnrr- TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. POBTLAND, On., - FROM THE SON: March 13, 1884. “ (ientlemen: My father resides at Gkrver, Editor Christian. Herald : Vt. lie has been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what It is with deepest sorrow that I write : a marvelous effect __ of the death oT Gebrgfe, son of Bro. and Sister Houghton of this place, who passed peacefully to the other shore has had in his case. I think his blood must last evening, at the age of 12 yeard. have contained the liumor for at least ten For about five weeks he lay upon a years; buUt did not show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about bod of sickness, at times suffering the five years ago. From a few spots which ap most intense pain, but bearing it all peared^ at that time, it gradually spread so as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla - Mis. •’Hannah Linville, beloved wife one of maturer years. ■ The disease of W. S. Linville, dib&llarch 13, 1884, which caused his death was spinal in Independence, Oregon, aged 32 meningitis, superinduced, it is sup years, 1 mouth and 11 days. She was posed, by a fall which be received last born in Putnam county, Mo., Jan. 28, winter. The 'Very best medical skill 1852. Tn JB64 "Tier'^Y^tff~'ili,CFv6d lb, was invoked ; anti all that mTuislering Oregon, Since that time she had been a^resident oFthis“Tun. T," iNTIi his suffering and save him from death. she was married to her no,w mourning May God give the dear sorrowing ones Whether the United States are to re hueband. There were five child ren born whose hearts are torn and bleeding with gain thci.r farmer pre eminent rank as a to thorn, two of whom have gone home commercial and naval power on the before her. As a wife she was a true this new affliction, consolation and com Hnmmi -that no Amerft-an «re = atfeclionate EeTpmutffr "A StrtW ^- fort in this their time of need. contemplate with indifference. The port to her husband. A kind and subject is discussed wjth marked ability affectionate mother, firm in her dealing YouIhin I Indulgence re th? N.orlh Ameriaui Review for April, with her cnildien,_ commanding their iaParxxkiuiia_Pxdctices.j)ur.;Ued. lu $ol- J‘y (Tie ilJii. Nelson Dingley. M. 'C.~ deepest affection. As a good ueigTiTTor -who opposes the project of admitting and friend sho was not surpassed by itude, is a most startling cause of Ner foreign built, ships to American register, any. Always kind and attentive to the vous and General debiiity. Lack of nnd by C.tpt. John Codman, who is well wants of the sick wherever and w’uen- Soli-confidenee an.d Will Power Im- "known as a zealous "advocate of HfaT over opportunity offered. A sincere paircAJHaiunry. »j><SUQ.QdiU£jl,<__ ami measure. Judge J. A. Jameson, in the Christian and firm believer iu tho other attendants of wrecked manhood? Sufferers should address, with three name number of the Review, discusses Scriptures of Divine truth, which alone letter postage stamp.», for large illustra Aha, . . . tel is wffflmes for her that needTnbt be ted treatise, pointing out nnfniting 'pT wotiug uat ih er m ea u s Wtten". AJI ' W llUil 1116. P1MBU1 8 Uf that are at baud for withstanding the her acquaintance esteen|vd her for the means of perfect cure, W orld ’ s D ispen saby M edical A s 30CI.\ tun , Buffalo, N. various agencies, physical, moral and many good qualities she possessed. . iuteiiuciual, which threaten to overturn With aching hearts we give her up, but Y. « vnT^-rrrmrr-r-fi^rri-nnd s ocial inetit ti iienfl "““TfiTTrenrj^irl^ Tn.. 1! Dr. Pl.t?ip SchulT gives • ^lorno shoulJ’flius be turned to a house presence of another, the more free .(•ketch of the “ Development of Relig of mourning and heart aches. Yet He * ious Freedom.” Dr. Felix L. Oswald that doeth all things well is able to is he. -■writes of “Changes in the Climate of sustain the bereaved ones in this afflic • Thirteen Yems’ Dyspepsia. North America,” with special reference tion. The words of the text “ Blessed tolu) iucreajing frequency of aTsas- are the dead which die in tl hoLord,” YfT suffered whii dyspepsia for 13 troas fl >o D. Prof. C. A Eggert offers 4c., from which ReV. Me Wai 1er years,” writes John Albright Esq , of ‘‘A Plaa for Modern Languages ” in preached an ablo discourse on the Columbu3, Ohio. “ Samaritan Nervine the higher edueaTioh ; and Julian Haw funeral occasion, gave great consola- cured me.’’ As it always cures such thorae discourses of “ Literature for tion to weeping friends. disorders. At druggists. Cbildrou.” Finally, there is a discus- n. sioa of “lGpant Criticisms of the Bi To Adam’ Paradise was home. Died, March 16, 1884, nt the resi To the good among his descendants ble,” by the Rev. Dr. R. Heber Newton dence of her son in law, W. E. Ayres’, u-id the Roy A. G. Mortimer. home is Paradiso.— Ilarc. iu Columbia county-, W. T., Mrs. Y'.’.ru?.'! fdl Improvement.' Nancy Redford, aged seventy five years Extcnt of the Corset Industry. and fwo months. * I have been sick with a cold and The annual fwle of Corsets in the Nancy Davis, the subject of tbi3 briei the worst cog. h I ever had in my life, sketch, was born near Harrodsburg, United States is about $10,000,000, ol f..r about five weeks. Expectorated Ky., Jan. 16, 1809. She was married which two million are imported and every morning a lough, yellow matter, to Ezekiel Williams in 1836 ; he died in eight millions aro manufactured in this ftre.iked with blood. In about three 1844, leaving no children. She was country. The largest manufacturers of d tvs after I commenced inhaling Com married again in 1815 to XV... P. Red the world are W arner B totheks , whose pound Orygen, the cough, raising of ford, who died in November, 1861. The factory is located at Bridgeport, Corn., bloody nutter, and that awfully dis family emigrated to Oregon in 1861 ; with salesrooms at New York and Chica tressed feeling, as if a cord was drawn •‘Grandma” Redford aud her three go. The business of this firm has been TcrcsT"iiTy~ehefit- and-a weight put on, children tTThis“ vlfftnity; in 1872. built up «triirely...within the-ftasF ten were all gone. The rapidity with which “Grandma” Redford, as she was years, and is due largely to the discov I hive improvedin breathing is wonder- f i’.” If vou wish to know all about familiarly called, was a good kind ery by them of a stiffener for corsets, tiiis curative agent of which our corres- mother and neighbor, aud was a Chris called Coraline, which they use in place p? > lent writes, scud for our Treatise on tian in its beat accepted sense ; bad of the rigid and brittle whalebone here C mpound Oiygeu. Ic will be mailed been a member of the ohuroh about tofore employed. Th) cloth which this free/ D r *. S tabkey & P alen , 1169 fifty years. This old mother iu Israel firm cut into corsets in u single year, if Girard St'., Philadelphia, Pa. ■ Aiixmlers for the Compound Oxygen leaves three childr. n, several step- drawn out in a continuous line, would than reach from Boston to Chica Huxe Treatment directed to H. E. childiQU, andLa. great IxQAt o.f friends to more _ M . hews, 6Ü(î Montgomery Street, Sun mourn her loss. Peace to her sacred go while theCoraline which tliey use in Francisco, will be filled on the same stiffening these corsets would extond terms as if sent directly to us in Phila dust. Papers of the brotherhood iu Missouri over half way aiound the earth. delphia. < - ' - i :... 1.^.1., 1 ~ —1 —- B®ntews««e h- terjribly afflicted, and An objqpt of pity, when be began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of hi3 age v.-ho enjoy 0a good health as he has. 1 could easily uame fifty persons who would testify to the^-uits in his caso. Yours truly, W. M. P hillips .” descriptions of various localities, scen ery and curious objects in the Great -West, notes of genoral interest regard ing that region, a story and a large amount of choice miscellany. The CTTy^o F'TScom Tf To ‘ w'iielx TKe "illiisf ra'-" tions of the number arie devoted, is des* cribed length. -11 •TWffiEflffliHh iS™» a dutv for me to state to you the benefit I Ayer’s Six months ago 1 was completel y covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho - 7h-an^L an duWlerabhj - itching, aud-tno sain cracked so as to causa the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My suffering. ’ ro great, and my life a burden. I conunenc.' be use of tha S arsaparilla in April last, a: d have used - it’regnlarly -wnee that time. My -eondrtmn began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in »very respect — being nowTXblo to do a good day’s work, although 73 yearn of age. Mai^y inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and T telj thoni, ns I haro hero trîed triTelîyriiT, A yer ' s S arsaparilla . Glover, Vt., Oct. 21, 1832. Yours gratefully, H iram P hillips .” ,, - — A- vm V«“ ftARRAPARi lla cares Scrofula clas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of ^Xhfc.„bo,xTOls, „and.. t,l,i,ua, restarea. viUlily aud strengthens the whole system. ----------- ittepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co'?, LoweJI, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; W, six bottles for $5. ' ■ ■v • I Warner Bros. Celebrated Coraline Corsets, Are the acknowledged standard of Europe and America. The Coraline with which they ar« boned is superior to Whalebone both in durability and comfort. The Health and Nursing Corsets shown above, have b*en before the public for ten years, —— with constantly increasing sales. The Health Corset, gives a lady the best form of any Corset ever made, and at the same time it is easy, flexible and very durable. The Coraline, Flexible Hip, Abdominal and ..lliafiea’.jCoraeLik.a! calt .verj^papiilar style*, either.. of which 13 sure to give satisfaction. Price from $1 up. F or S alk by L eading M erchants E verywhere Avoid all imitation». Be aura our name is on the box. WARHER BROS., 353 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. WANTED A ... WOMAN < f -1. -anl Merry fur., our bit. iness in her locality, middle-"gel prcfcnoil. Salary SS5 to Sob. ltefaiwtcs txc hanged. G ay . JUnos. dt Co.,~ 10-5t .