H c? A *» 1 DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY VOL. XIII. MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1883. C hristian H erald . J. F. FLOYD, Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. H. T. MORRISON, Monmouth, Oregon, Associate Editor. Subscription Pi ice : i.vrrjrtn One Copy, one year............... . . One Copy, six month«.............. ttw F- 1 00 AD VFRTISEMENTS. Prices will be given on application. al the l^wt-<)m(‘d"'wTKSSSSI^5 ** ... of the North injunction, to be perfectly joined together in the same mind and the sa We send out this week to our agents and some others our list of CLOSE OF VOLUME XIII. subscribers, and request them to The Christ lair Herald for 1884.' be prompt in looking after back With this issue the H erald closes ,suwals. Should any one find a mistake, instead ôf 'H® thirteci becoming offended, let him • write next issue will enter upon its work us, and we will promptly rectify for 1884. Our years work is now aH-aueh matters ——- — before the brethren, and of its January number second claas mail matter. | Flense Notice. Wa are not responsible for the opinions and sentiments expressed by our contributors, but for our own writing alone. Hence oui reader« 2iu«t judge for dieinselve«. We intend to give «pace for the fo&iexpreiwion of opinion, within the limit* of sound discrourm, and the good of the can«e ; but not bo held as indorsing whl t others may write. All matter intended for publication in this paper should be written : -.. ................................................................................ . 2. In a plain legiblo hand. 3. Let there be plenty of «paco between the lines. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it may not bo defaced in transit. 5. ’ Write brief article*. 6. Expect no attention to article«, notices, or queries not accompanied by your namo. EDITORIAL NOTES. ■ ATTENTION™ RBADERS4 All private letters and all other' matter demanding the special at- ■ tention of the editor should be ad­ dressed to J. F. Floyd, Albany, Oregon. All subscriptions for the H erald , all matter intended for publication and letters in reference to the business connected with the paper should be addressed to C hristian H erald , Monmouth, a Oregon. • Brethren, send in your renewals for 1884. ’ If an agent does not call -on y°u at once, send it direct to us. We are needing the money. We have a number of names on our books who have allowed their subscription to run so far behind that we will be comppelled to drop them from r— —.. —--- — our -- list unless they re- new promptly. This is a fair warning. But remember, we ex­ pect them to pay for the time they haviFfeak^-Hte-papor,——------------ T rial S ubscribers .—With the tiryt of January the time of a good list of our trial subscribers expires. Will all these let us know at once whether or «not they wish their papers continued ? Our rule is to send’atF papers it44-*-eFdered—discon­ tinued, but we do not wish to con tifiue any paper unless satisfactory to the subscriber. Then please let each one notify us that there may be no dissatisfaction. Just as we expected, some of the denominational papers are making good use of the opportunity afford­ ed them by the contentions in our own ranks to injure us as a people and thus retard our progress of restoration. It is not enough to remind these papers that they have sufficient trouble at home to em­ ploy their time and attention with­ out-borrowing from their neigh­ bors. This is gbod so far as it goes, but it does not remedy our trouble We are thankful that these ex­ treme and contentious elements do not give us much trouble on this coast, and we write on this subject by way of putting the brotherhood here on its gard. Whatever others may foolishly say or do, let us see to it, that we give to the world a practical example of Christian union for which we ‘ plead. A^u Let us -................................. ’o I As we will be removing to Al- I Tiany during the holidays, and oui I printers will need a vacation at I this time, in accordance with our «custom, we will issue no paper next I week. I ‘ President John Taylor, tbeofficiai A . head of the Mormon Church, is I preparing an elaborate statement political ana B of of the and social attitude the Latter-day Saints, for the I wore than over heed the judge. In our press of business and somewhat straitened circumstances we have not been able to bring the H erald up to that high stand­ ard of excellence we would like ; but with the aid of the brethren we hope to make such improvements from time to time as our circum- admit. With this additional feature the H erald will be largely in the future what it has been during the past year. The H erald is set for the advocacy and defense of Apos tolic Christianity in all its purity aiid simplicity. It has no com­ promise "to make with sin or sectar­ ianism in any form whether with­ out or within; but it shall be free and independent in fearlessly con­ tending for the whole truth and in firmly and kindly opposing what it conscientiously believes • to be in jurious to the cause of Christ. We feel certain that these principles will be readily accepted by our readers; and now in order to sue cessfully present them to the peo­ ple, we must have the continued moral and financial aid of the brethren. We expect the paper to be just what the brethren make it. Then let our friends at once set themselves to work for the H erald as they have never done heretofore We need several thousand more subscribers the coming year , but if our friends will only add one thous­ and new paying subscribers to our present list, they could set down the H erald as a permanent and financial success. Will you do this? One word more. It is now time for many of our subscribers to send in their renewals for ’84. We hope . NO. 51. generally will be prompt in this matter, for we have a number of must be settled up at the close of this year, and we are dependent on the promptness of the brethren in thus being able to meet all our en­ gagements^ Besides this, we have • 3Tconsiderable humb^’^’suh§^b^TO”'’ ers who are behind on this year, and this money we are now need- inq. .Let this class of our subscribe • .... ers, please, be prompt , in remitting all arrearge and in renewing for the coming year. We calf upon all our regular agents, and all others who can render us assistance, to immediately make an extra effort in our behalf. Let us have a grand • rally all along the line, and begin ’ * the new year with renewed energy SHALL WE DIVIDE ? In the Christian Standard of Nov. 24 th, we were pained to see an editorial under the heading, “Is there a Combination to Create Di­ vision Among us ?” In this article it is stated that the editor has re* ceived letters from “ prominent brethren inquiring whether he thinks the leading editorial ” in the A. C. Review of Nov. 1st, is a ' feeler towards the consummation of divis­ ion in our ranks;” and thewriter.goes on to say that there are “ rumors in the air to the following effect :’t~--------- That there is already a conjunc­ tion of men engaged in an organize d effort to capture as many of our- preachers and churches as possible, with a view to such a separation as is implied in the,foregoing extracts f that the movement—which has been carefully concealed from public no­ tice, except as it gleams forth in ob­ scure intimations in that paper, and is practically a secret combination —is under the leadership of John F. Rowe, assisted by such men as D. L. Kincaid, J. C. Holloway, and * ■ L '* ; EM 11 possible, and our paper will be greatly improved and the cause of our Savior will be blessed. With this brief statement we submit the case, wishing all our readers a M erry C hristmas and a H appy N ew Y ear ! . ------------ ------------------- Apostle s that our agents and the brethren A. Elmore j that those whom they ! ' Ù, Ai _ ____________ -X- m ’ *■