X grant road and went by the way of I Salt Lake City. Most of the way I from Ogden to Salt Lake is densely I pop ul a ted,-and the wonder is how I so many can make a living’ On sol small a territory. We passed I through the city on the fourth of I July. The streets were lined with I people, and frdm appearances they I were as patriotic as the people of I any other city. The streets were Well Known Editors. the cleanest of any city of its size I “ The editorial rooms,” says the ever saw. Another pleasant fea- San Francisco Chronicle, ‘’hold some .ture Qf..tb<? <;itv 13 that e»cb_dg£iL_| iryir vnrd thrtt n 1 tury, since Dr. Holland’s death, is ornamented with trees and edited by Mr. Gilder, one of a dis shrubbery. Each has his garden, tinguished family. He is of slight which makes the city spread over figure and has a spirituelle look, but more ground than most other cities h-ia mind is acliva.and incjsiYe» M l ■«kin or th e figure* ----- :----- — Alden, the editor nf Harper’« ■of t i n? sam e numbe r o f'i n habiton ty— The Impossible. Now, no receipe will change the Monthly, is of more phlegmatic tem It is six miles in length. We shape of a nose, or the color of an perament, has an easy manner and passed on out by the Penitentiary, Man cannot draw water from an empty eye. But any girl, by daily baths, A bright eve that spaxkles with six miles from the city. Here we - lu’‘uona e qu e rror“ •an d wh oleso me f oo d; and by br e ath - humor. Allen Thorndyke Rice, of swer&'d fora of Mrs. Haugh being unable to Or gather the sound* of a pealing bell. ing pure air, can render her com the North American Review, is that travel. This was the first sickness plexion clear and soft. Her hair, anomaly, a rich editor. When he Man never can atop the billow’s roar, of consequence, but not the last. Nor chain the wind a till they blow no nails and teeth cañ be daintily kept. took the Review it was on its last more, Her clothes, however cheap, can be legs. Under his new policy of get From there we took a N. E. course, Nor drive true love from a maiden’s in order to get back to the old fresh and becoming in color. She door. ~ ~—--- r~~ — ting the best known specialists to road, After we came to Weber river can train her mind, even if of or Man cannot o'ertake a fleeting lie, T write on live subjects he hasbrought we followed it to Coalville, where dinary capacity, to be alert and Change his wheat to a field of rye, the circulation up to more than 30,- we turned, on what is known as the . Or call back years that have long gone earnest; and if she adds to these a 000. George William Curtis lives Chalk creek trail, which -crosses-a __ . by. . ' ~~ spur of the mountains, and was Man cannot a cruel word recall, will win friends and love as surely New York for all practical purposes. very rough. It was on the old Fetter a thought, be it great or small, as if all the fairies had brought her He is not the editor of Harper ’ s Or honey extract from a drop of gall, * Mormon trail that had been aban gifts at her birth. Monthly, as tbe popular impression Man never can bribe old Father Time, doned for almost twenty years But it is of no use for a woman to be in spite of frequent cor seems Gain the height of a peak that he can with the exception of an occasional whose person is soiled and untidy; not climb, rections, but he contributes the passer through ; we thought we had Or, trust the hand that hath done a and whose temper is selfish and ir ‘Easy Chair’ to that magazine, and seen rough roads, but this out- ritable at’ home, to hope to cheat crime.—"—— ' 1,1 ...... . also exercises editorial supervision roughed any place we had seen. ■ Man never can backward tarn the tide, anybody by putting on fine clothes over the political matter in Harper’s Ye were thankful when we got Or coant the stars that are scattered and a smile for company. The Weekly.” through to the main road, which wide', thick, muddy skin and soured ex Or find in a fool a trusty guide. we struck at Peidmont, a railroad pression will betray her. From Idaho to Texas. station of U. P. R. R. Here pa Man cannot reap fruit from worthless “ John,” said an artist the other NUMBER II. seed (that is, John Russel,) was taken day, to a Chinamen who was un Rely for strength on a broken reed, We closed our first letter at Cor- down with the mountain fever, and willingly acting as model, “smile. Or gain a heart he has caused to bleed. If you don’t look pleasant, I’ll not rinne; seven miles from there we we remained fcom Friday until Man never can hope true peace to win,. pay you.” came to Brigham City, named, I Tuesday. Tuesday we traveled Pleasure without and joy within, “No use,” grumbled the washer suppose, in honor of Brigham about fourteen miles, and had to Living a thoughtless life of sin. man. “ If Chinaman feelee ugly all Young. From there to Ogden it stop again for a week before he —Sei. the time, he lookee ugly,” which is was almost like passing through a was able to go further. From there Charmin&Girls. true of every other man and woman town so thick were the houses. to Green River City the country The most charming woman in in the Wbrld as- well as of John Well may it be said “ they have was a poor one, being rocky and Queen Victoria’s court, a few years Chinaman. made the desert blossom like a not having much vegetation. Here . ago, was one whose features were - Hawthorne’s weird fancy that our rose.” They have large stone and we met a great many emigrants homely, and whose eyes were cross secret weakness or sin should hang brick houses well finished. The bound for Oregon and Washington ed. The secret of her attraction lay like a black veil over our faces be road runs next the bluff in order to Territory ; and in fact we were in a certain perpetual bright fresh tween us and other men, is true in save the good soil of the bottom for meeting thetn almost every day ness, in her dress, the turn of her fact. farming purposes. It is a rare during the summer. I think we mind and her temper. Every hidden propensity of vice, thing to see cross fences, their land met in all six hundred wagons. Jane Wel«h Carlyle, when an old, every noble trait or feeling, leaves being divided by in »gating At this place we started into the sickly, ugly woman, could so charm its mark on the features, the ex ditches. They raise mostly vege Bitter creek country^.noted for its men, that a stranger meeting her pression, the eyes. Day by day tables which they ship to other poor water. We had very bad accidentally in a stage coach follow and hour by hour, line after line, markets. Ogden being a railroad water all the way to the summit of ed her for miles, post-haste, to re here a little and there a little, it is center is a place of considerable im the Rocky Mountains; and we turn a parasol which she had drop recorded on the face, as on a tablet, portance, and had a population of were surprised to find so much level ped. The charm lay in her bright and when we reach middle age, eight thousand when we were country so near the summit. We Tivacity of manner, and the keen there is the story of our lives plain there. At Ogden we left the emi- camped on the summit and hunted Wstcm to-day is simplification. We sympathy which shone through her have made many improvements, or features. Margaret Fuller also possessed at least additions, but have wi th^ dim nothing to mak e r oom foe ♦hi s m a gn e l ie s ymp^thy; in «p i t a <Jf them. We have added drawing and her enormous egotism. Men and music, and we have done well; but women, the poor and the rich, felt where have we made room for them , themselves drawn to open their in the course already full ? We are hearts and pour out their troubles now teaching too much and too to her. Yet Margaret was an excep poorly. The main thing the young tionally homely woman. child needs is to learn to read, to The popular belief among young write, and to count; and by teach girls who read the Companion, is ing these slowly and surely we best that it is only a pretty face which ____________ ---------------------- -- ---- give children so much to do that I and love which they naturally crave. • -they cannot either read or write I No books, it is said, have a larger well after two years at school, which sale than those written that give is quite time enough if properly rules for beauty, receipts to destroy taught.—Aim. fat or freckles, and to improve the ly written, so that he who runs may read. It is not cosmetics, nor rouge, nor depillatories, girls, that w. illunak i; ,te.? as. jou grow, older; but the thoughts and words and deeds that have given you the ugliness of Hecate, or “the linea ments of gospel books. — Souths Companion. awwww T v (jQ\>n - i _—_ _____ : -------------- f 1 , oiaicii T 1_ V isianuj .* 1 wniun • is