v '4T. ' <» ■ade the SAUL’S LAST BATTLE. I CHRISTIAN Selections and Comments. Again the Philistines assayed to ■conquer''' Israel}“ tnis time" their by Lathered forces made ready for the! [battle under the shadows of Gilboa, ;his on the borders of the plain of Es- draelon. Strong in chariots and ng horses and skilled in the use of lly ¡arrows, the Hebrews bqheld their it invasion with sinking hearts, know­ ed. ing the morrow’s battle forboded he defeat; Saul in his extremity, de- *--------------------------- Um..... ii ly............ w y gaii jfr n that the temples of the gods were deserted. And the temples of the .g£’ istence of every congregation or band of brethren throughout the State. Our church paper ought to go into every locality and be a me­ dium of intercommunication. With just a little interest upon the part — of all we may be able to know each other better, to be more helpful to I money for mission work. We can also have fuller statistics than we have ever had and a larger conven­ tion, and more churches represent­ ed nexkyxsM..JJm.^yer before. _ have sent out Reports of the Con­ vention to about fifty places and persons. If there are any that 1 I I •li like to see the Report drop me a ~ card. But here is the list as far as I am able to go: Salem, Portland, Monmouth, McMinnville, Carlton, Scio, Fair view. Lafayette, Trent, East Chehalem, Pleasant Hill, He­ bron, Amity, J unction, Clear Lake, „Brownsville, Eugene, Liberty, Al­ bany, Forest Grove, Aumsville, In­ dependence, Centerville, Be.thany, Damascus, St. Helens, Sheridan, Bethel, Hillsboro, Central, Oak Creek, Dixie, Halsey, Coast Fork, Crawfordsville. Harrisburg, Co- quille City, Gaston, Coos Bay, Cor- Wtis, “treingr Chester, Cottage- Grove, Drain, Stay ton—45. Now if the editor of the H erald or any of our preachers can increase this list I would be much obliged. Possibly the Rec. Sec. has the names of some that do not appear here. Another thing, only 19 of these have pledged any thing for mis- sionary work for 1884. Brethren, can we not increase these pledges ? Now certainly it is not asking to much to ask for a knowledge of your existence. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Does any church or churches to­ gether want a preacher ? There is a good preacher a man of experi­ ence right here in Salem who would take charge of the work somewhere. Do any of you need the Evange­ list ? J. W. S priggs , Cor. Sec. * I ■ •I i TT pj - ** wT- »? I I 1 f- A I Salem, Nor. 22,1883. —..... ■ ♦ a ♦ “ One should be careful,” says Goethe, “ not to carry any of the follies of youth into old age; for old age has follies enough of its own.” . I S' ■ - tr ♦ * I .. " •« *7= I 1 I