Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, December 07, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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good time generally. It was the stead of advocating “ political ser­ milk and then kicked it all over
old Roman dum vivimus vivamus. mons ” as the Democrat would have | There are other things in the issue
its rtad»ir> believe.,. w.e., .taugh t . „mat | of the HKBALfthftfflrftli a that reqy i
It is stated by the publishers the opposite, and expressly stated a greater strain upon our charity
that they sell 25,000 copies every that there should be a letting up in than to report the success of our
week of Mr. Spurgeon’s sermon, this respect all along the line. brethren in Oregon, for whom we
which has been preached generally Hence, instead of using the terms entertain only feelings of love and
the Sunday before; whereupon the “pulpit” and “pew” in their nar­ affection. Possibly we may refer
Christian at Work properly re­ rowest and literal sense, we used to some of these things in*a future
marks : “ What a revelation is here them simply to denote the sphere issue, possibly not ; we haven’t
of the inherent attractiveness of a and work of all Christians alike time nor the disposition, to$ quarrel
pure unconpromising, faithful and whether preacher or otherwise. with the editor of the H erald .” If'
earnest presentation of the Glad Does the Democrat believe, as his after all that' has been written in
msssssks S.
ifHde iff^^es^^^=Tffeap^®c^eF
We are in receipt of a communi­ generally speaking, are a drug in has the right to shout himself in Oregon our brether is not suffi­
cation from Bro. J. P. Eastpr, of the market—about the ‘most un­ hoarse in making political and par­ ciently enterprising to learn that
Norway, Oregon, stating that a salable, the deadest of literature; tisan stump and street-corner our State meeting was a “ glorious
“ slander ” has been sent to that nevertheless there are, reckoning speeches six days in the week just success,” and does not feel enough
country to the effect that he is a five readers to a copy, no less than
Jw-3ays nothing^out pyltoa
bSil fnSnran(fT'should' be WafcIiedT
on the Lord’s day while he literally facts to his readers, we shall by no
We think best not to publish the ering and thirsting souls to these stands in the pulpit ? Or that the means disturb his mental equilib­
communication in full. It is only sermons to learn the way of eternal (Christian of the pew can consist­ rium. As to the milk, it willdoubt-
necessary to say that while Bro. 1 iïe< What fact could conveÿ a fifeh^I- lH^ -p^e
sv ltMig
occur tv most of
EOwF is ¿stranger to us, hecame higher or more uk/fuTTeSson to the he is actually seated in the church that the kicking is principally on
to Oregon from Kansas well recom­ thousands of theological students of house and then “ wallow in the mod-
the other side, with this difference
mended. The recommendation is this lan<Lthan j>his2 It tells them em^lough-of^elitieftl-fitth ” the rest
however, that the milk our brother
from the Editor of the Faithful with loudest emphasis, that mortals of the week ? We are decidedly of
loses in the performence will cause
Witness, Topeka, Kan , and is in marching toward eternity look to the opinion that that religion which
the death of but few babies. If he
our possession. It is a serious thing the sermon for instruction in Divine - puts -on a k+ng sanetimoftttms fare
“ to impeach the character of a min­ truth and for nothing else. I f these while either in the pulpit or the
dencies ” to which we referred and
ister, and we hope none will be sermons of Spurgeon’s were mere pew and during the remainder of
which he is unconsciously and
guilty of such an offense w ithout moral essays, or lofty discussions in
i< <lnfo.nzl iiizy mnl.wKizJi —
. do the.
par(Isan political haranguing
of the
only known, would lie unequivocally
© ■
properly demands that the man who or accounts of the most recent <lay, is considerably below
par in condemned by every right-thinking
started the report make his charges scientific discoveries, or delicious in­
the light of the New Testament inan in the brotherhood,, he would
specific and place them in the hands tellectual compounds made up of a
Scriptures. It is the straight for­ put his hand over his mouth and
of the officers of the Farmington bit of imagination and snatch of
ward consistent and godly conduct cry for very shame. It was not the
church where he (Bro. E.) holds his poetry and a number of historical
of a man whether in the pulpit and convention or its work we criticised.
membership and he will meet him quotations,—if, indeed, they were pew or out of them that makes him
We advise our brother to exercise
..on ten.days notice and abisk tlAe da-„ anjdhjngxlgJg-ilm
the a^ptfth^nfmfr^ GdTTTahd not diiTcautlonlh iêTendîhg■ »oixiethihg’
cision of the church. If necessary, of God’s Word to the heart and
his being a “ Sunday Christian and of which he knows nothing, and in
we will take pleasure in publishing conscience, it is safe to say their an every day devil.” Will our con
setting himself up to defend every
125,000 readers would grow in­
the result.
temporary do us the justice to let thing under the name of “ progres­
stantly cold and indifferent to their
The Christian at Work adminis­ other merits, and cease to care for its readers see this paragraph ?
sion ” without inquiring *nto its
ters the following deserved rebuke them at all.”
Our good brother of the Pacific merits. If it would not be asking
to those who engage in scrapping
Churchy ews copiesaparagraph from too much, we might suggest that
We had hoped that our friend of the H erald in which it vt'as stated when he gets through with the solu­
the Scriptures for proof texts :
“ Professor Swing, of Chicago, the the Albany Democrat in common that we were glad to know that tion of the California problems it
other Sunday, wanted to tell his with the rest of our intelligent tho C alifornia State Meeting prov­ will lie time enongh to look after
young people to be happy, rejoice readers would be able to appreciate ed a glorious success and that they the interests of tho Oregon enter­
and get as much efflorescence from our remarks the other week in re­ had not said that much of the Ore- prises. We are not at all uneasy
the wine of life as possible, so he ference to “ preachers and politics
gen meeting, and among other about the “other things” with which
took his text from Ecclesiastes xi. but it will occur to most thought­ things about the H erald says: we are threatened ; and judging
9, ‘ Rejoice, O young man, in thy_ ful readers that he is wide of the “ We would have gladly copied the from several “ other things ” we
youth, and let thy heart cheer thee mark. It would seem that in his statement that the State Meeting have noticed in our esteemed con-
in the days of thy youth/” And complete misapprehension of our of Oregon proved a glorious suc­ temporary of late, we shaircharita-
the Professor carefully left off/but position, he comes forward with a cess, if , we had ever seen that bly consider it as a harmless thing.
know thou, that for all these things lengthy editorial in reply to some­ statement in the columns of the
God will bring thee into judgment/ i thing that needed no reply ’ and H erald , but we l&ve thus far seen
This using texts by way of accom­ thus allows himself to indulge in no such statement, and in the item
modation, j ust as you would put a considerable talk to no purpose above the editor does not so affirm.
Bro. Cheetham gives us a report
pretty motto on a vase, is becoming Our object was not to reply to what
e saw an article in the H erald of his work in this issue.
monotonous. A good many ser our brother editor had written, but in which he gave the Convention a
Bro. L. J. Todd is on a visit to
mons would be the better for being to indorse and impress the lesson he. rap over the knuckles for its sup­
relieved from the burden of carry­ had taught by making it more posed ‘ progressiva ’ tendencies. (’alifornia, and will stop a few
ing texts displayed out of all fitness general, so as to be applicable alike I he H eralds notices of our edu­ weeks in Modesto.
and relevancy. In this instance bdth to the pulpit and the pew. His cational and missionary enterprises
• Bro. Henry Sbadlo has located
Mr. Swing turned a bitter sarcasm lesson was all right so far as it went; in Oregon reminds one very much *n Modesto, California, and preaches
into a pretty permission to have a I but it did not go far enough. In- o
e cow that gave the big pail of regularly for that church.
for the country is gently rolling
with none of the characteristics of
a mountainous district
Berry, of Springfield, with whom I
make my home, preaches for this
congregation once a month ; he is
now making a protracted effort in
which I am assisting during the
evenings of the week. My health
is excellent and my work in Spring­
field enjoyable. It delights -me to
hear of the fine progress and pros­
perity of the school at Monmouth.”