CHRISTIAN- HF.RALD 15 7 4 re m th » >i fi 11 If I have faith in Christ, I shall love him; if I love him, I shall •O- not keep his commandments, I do o not love him, I do not believe in him.— Thomas Adam. If you experience bad taste in mouth, gallowness or yellow color of skin, feel stupid and drowsy, appetì.é unsteady, frequent headache or dizziness, you are “billions,” and nothing will arouse your liver to action and strengthen up your system equal to Dr. Pierce’s druggists. d( Eli fa m r f( n Ji A boy in a history class in school was trying to recite about Na- poleon’s troops ascending thè hills in—nlatQoufi, and said, ____ ___ _______ .________ marched up the hill, pantaloon after pantaloon.” • Some folk’s tongues are like the clocks as run on strikin’ not to Udi you the time o’ the day, but be­ cause there’s summit wrong i’ their own inside.-—Creorflte Eliot I Wixsixiw’s 8< x ) thino S yrup should al- I wavs be used when children are cutting teeth, th relieves the little raffbrer at once : ~Tf-pro- [ daces natural, quiet sleep by relieving^ the child from pain, and die littlo cherub awakes M ** bright as a button. ’ It is very pleasant i to taste. It soothes the child, softens the Ems, allays pain, relieves wind, regulates the vels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from tee tiling or other cause«. Twanty-flvecta. a bottle. 13-20-l> pn tc b it à » j< »! 11 tf; fl er ol' il » I Ra^ s ■MBMHBHEa torpid bowels , disordered liver , r .and MALARIA. •From these sources ariso three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms Indicate thelrexistence: I.oss of Appetite, Dowels costive, Sick Head­ ache, fullness after eating, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, ILow spirit*, A. feeling of having neglected some duty, Dizziness,Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, highly col« ored Urine, CONSTIPATION, and de- manri t he n«o. of ft on tnemver. AsKxrvurmeaicincTtrrTrjj PILI.S have no equal. Their action on tho Kidneysand Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through, these three “ scav­ engers of tike system,” producing appe. tlte, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous bodv. TUTT’S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with dully work and arc a perfect MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. eOUAYSONW. i=e $854 Square Grand Piano for only $245. ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. fttttrr.-frt Marray te».-7»h¥-.---- ■Se He ver y TUTTS HAIR changed DYE G H ____ 77 W c___ Z ‘ ' iiv _____ DT A ATA X lAlNU Ol Magnificent rosewood case, elegantly finished, 3 strings, Mu 71-3 Octaves, full patent cantante agraffes, our new patent & overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding, full ifon frame, French Graud Action, Grahd Hammers, in fact, every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument, has , been added. nr7”Our price for this instrument, boxed, and delivered on board cars at New York, wi't line Piano Cover. Htool and Book,' only Just reduced from our late wholesale, factory price, $265, for 60 days only. This is now, by far, ttie greatest bargain ever offered the musical public. Unprecedented success ! Tremendous demand for this style ! Send in your order at ouce. Do not lose this rare opportunity. This Piano will be sent on 15 days test trial. Please send reference if you Europe Magnet c Lung Protector, affording cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no Drugging of the System, and with tho continuous stream of Magnathuu permeaung througlx the aillic teil.. E oFgSnF.'Tnmit Testore tht-tn 4e- a healthy action. We place the price for this Appliance at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedies upou which you take all tho chances, and we especially invite the natronage of the many persons who have tried drugging their sfoiuachs without effect. HOW TO OBTAIN Æ.ÆÏS: gist and ask for them. If they have not got diem, write to tho proprietors, enclosing the price, in letter at our risk, and they will be dent k Io you at ouce by mail, post paid. Seud Stamp for the '* New Departure in Medical Treatment without Medicine,” with > thousands of testimonials. »THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 218 Stale Street, Chicago, HL N ote .—Send one dollar in pistage stamps or currency (in a letter at our risk* with tize oi shoe usually worn, and try a |>air of our Mag­ netic Insoies, and be convinced of the power residing in our Magnetic Appliances. Positive­ ly no cold feet where they are worn, or money refunded. 13-46-1 y - FJ money right away than anything eho in the world. All, of either sex. succeed from Hist hour. The broad road to fortune opens betore the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, T muk & Co., Augusta, Maine. , '............. -......... , • t S . t ■ * . ................ — ti................................ IBOOK; and best by tills pofrniar alltBflF.1 Th5 Wa n BfC1 B li f isslr ami n e v r>... . p taA 13"43'6 t v -Z Î7 /iw// h H h f™ rute ON i Anil will completely ehau«» th» blood I iu thu eutirr syitóm iu(Er«e months. Any pirnon w?MJrUl"tKkvONEi EACH NIGHT FROM 0NET0TW ELVK WEEKS, may be restored to sound health, if such a thing 1» positele, For curing I- emaie Cotnpla’nts th. se se Pill h have no equal.' Physicians use them in their practice. Sold everywhere, or for pamphlet, t. 6> JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass.______ sent by mail for 25 cents in stamps. . Send - ■ Foo Choo’s Balsam of Shark’s Oil Would respectfully announce to the cinz'‘ns of Salem and vicinity, that — they are constantly receiving new goods consisting of Positively Restores the Hearing, and is tho _ Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. small White Bh&ik, caught lu^thefellow Sea" Drv o G-oods, V ; Æ ■ i fit Hear What the Deaf Say! £ A FULL LINE OF It has performed a miracle in my case. 1 have no unearthly noises in my head and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal—think an« other bottle will cure me. My hearing is much benefited. I nave received untold benefit. My hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. FURNISHING GOODS .AND STAPLE GROCERIES Which they are prepared to sell /!f ♦ * known as Carcharodon Rondoletii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so seemingly mir­ aculous, that the remedy was officially pro­ claimed over the entiro Empire. Its ttsg be­ came so universal that for over 800 years no {. Deafness has existed amor g the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at $1.00 per bottle. the Very Lowest Rates! W X -- ■ and just the thing for concerts. It contains graded song lessons in all the keys» which is sure to please teacheis and pupils. Price, 60 cts. per copy ; $6.00 per dozen by express ; $6.75 per dozen by mail. FILLMORE BROS., Publishers, 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. — :o All kinds of Farm Produce taken in ExoLange for Goods. — :o; — You are cordially invited to call and examine goods and prices. CLUB RATES. JOHNSON LUNN & CO. E WILL SEND THE - l’AITIJ- ful Witness, Topeka, Kas., an 8 G ot . Griswold’s Block, pa^e, 40 Col. paper, containing all the Commercial Street, Salem. Churoh News of the rapidly growing 13-41-ly West—ably edited and neatly printed— and tho only religious paper published by our brethren, between the Missouri River and the Pacific SI pe. A paper of five year’s standing. Price $1.00 per year, monthly—Clubbed with the C hristian H erald — both papers from Or EVERY KIND CHEAPER THAN EVER. now till close of ’84 at $2.o0. Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Address this oflice. nT)T7'V Send six cents foe postage, a LA/I and receive free, a costly A box Oi goods which .will help you to more -------- WIDS-AWAHLE GLEIH] ;>■ ‘jj Ry II, ROSECRAN». MAGKETIC LUNG PROTECTOR J —:--------- P R I CE -G-N-L- Y -^L._________ ■- --- « Naw Music for Conventions and Singing Schools. Inflamation, coughs, catarrhs and lonfeeraiting tn J .bls ^wwwr- ■ or SOhMig IlIjllitaHi oiijuxinvilì tL » Ï specimen pages. be cured by Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.- It •*JTT’S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREI allays the inflamation, removes the irri­ tation and soreness, soothes the organs, TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH and.restores the sufferer to health. ~ Use the Magneton Appliance Co.’s Advice To Mothers. ol ici 9 JFishing Tackle, Seines, Wets, Knives, Razors, Skates. Hammocks, etc. XLargc Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS. PITTSBURGH, PA. * Hi II Bl Morphine OPIUM Uu red fu IO i ¿X.-. • c -J 8 r\ “Its virtues are unquestionable and its curative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both from experience and observation. Write at once to Haylock hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent. You will never regret doing so.”—Editor of-Afcrcon- tile lieview. ffy*T<> avoid loss in the mails, plcaso send money by Registered letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, 1 H- 7 Dry St., N. Y. Sole Agents for America. 13-4-ly ¿Ì t li To any sulkring with Catarrh or Rron. chltis uno earnestly desire relief, l ean furnish a means of Permanent and Pos­ itive Cure. A Home Treatment. Nu charge for consultation by mail. Valua­ ble Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc. ¡tors. Lawyers, Ministers, Business-men. Address Rev. T. P CHILDS. Troy. Ohio. -jfrv BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY. I BeSs of Pure