Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, December 07, 1883, Page 10, Image 10

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    CHRlSTlAK ttfittAEt).
.............................. „..»rtrnS s
m.k.i. manas.—
Little Heads Together.
Troublesome Weeds.
Ä Tirnrv rTTAnACTtR.
Here is a bit of advice from 11W
Stay that wine-glass e'er it flndeth
Scholar’s Companion about a kind
The red portala of thy lipa ;
of garden in which each person is
With a serpent chain it bindeth
Him who weakly bows and sips .
constantly sowing seeds
.One should pause on brink of peril,
| " Every one has a garden called
E'er from off the edge he slips.
< Conversation. If the unpleasant
a ' '
Kuby glowing, diamond created,
words whioh blossom into thoughts
\ Sparkling ’gainst thy strong, white are kept out, the gaiden bocomes
beautiful and interesting. There
If thou drink thy strength is wrested ;
are a few kinds of weeds which uff-
Half the work the tempter planned,
There was a certain k ing of Judah
who lived in the tenth century be­
fore Christ. He began his reign by
forbidding the worship of heathen
gpds, and he removed bis grand­
mother from being queen because
she had made an idol in a grove.
With an army of 580,000 he de
feated Zerah, the Ethiopian, who
aud all scrofulous dixeaae«, Sort s, Eryaiy».
lux. Ecierna, Blotches, Ilin«worm, Tn-
mora, Carbuncle«, Boil«, and Eruption«
of the Skin, are the direct rwult of an
impure state of the blood.
To cure these diseases the Klood must be
purified, and restored to a healthy and na-
turalcondition. A ye R’ h 8 araaparilla L m ’
for over forty years l«een recognised by emi.
limit medical authorities as the most pow­
erful blood purifier in existence. It frees
the system from all foul humors, enriches
and strengthens the blood, removes all traces
of mercurial treatment, and proves itself *
complete master of all scrofulous diseases. _
Not thy manhood may command.
Manhood's pure, unsullied charter,
Oa its basis firm and free,
If ignobly thoa wouldst barter,
What of heaven is given to thee,
__ AlLhumanitv^at birthright,
FrimestTsurest Hberty«
List. Fit make thee to discover,---------
At the fountain of the wine.
Where warped genius ben’deth over,
And in streams, like sanguine life-tide,
Flows the vintage of the vine,
—d?ow sbove tt aH with malice,
Broods the Spirit of the still;
- IS caving charms for every chalice,
With demoniacal will ;
C han» to warn the germ cf poison,
Sure to rankle, swift to kill.
And each froth-globe shall engender,
_13 *veW19-hope and truth,
UHBmfoeaSTTeniers ™
In the hearts of age and youth :
Giving for the crowu of manhood, —
Mind of beast with form uncouth. *
By this sparkling effervescence.
Doth he draw his victims down ;
Ari with its unhallowed presence,
Faith and purity unthrone,
Until man. akin to angeis.
Human charity disown.
xrwv-'wum lumx miuu is W1S OUIV,
Ail the tempters stem control ?
Wuen in anble«t grave kid lonely.
Hist thoa paid his greedy toll ?
N*y, ti* but thy sins forernun^,
He requires and takes thy soul.
Cursed on earth, shut out from heaven,
See thyself within this wine ;
Can au added lustre given.
Make it to thy soul’s eye shine?
Can us brilliance cast a glamour
O'er the tempeets foul deeign?
I*./: e gray hairs of a father.
B?ut o er staff towari the tomb.
By the deep prayer» of a mother,.
I hat dear guardian of home.
By each higher, better impulse.
By the nouer thought*
By the clinging arms that love thee,
By the
thou mighiest do.
By the birring bent above thee.
In the «Ay a deep tender blue. .
Be a man, to manhood true.
Deen that wineglass, let“it shiver;
bcamp its fag meats in the dost ;
So^ha'1 rises thy soai deliver ;
To thyw.f and God be just.
So in tens iu Li not prove recreant
To 5_y higa rnuumortai
and unless they are put down or invaded the land. Alter this he
“Some months ago I was troubled with
scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. Tho
better, pulled out, they injure or was met by a prophet, who said to limbs were ba<lly swollen and inflamed, and '
the sores discharged large quantities of
• spoil the good flow ers.
matter. Every remedy 1 tried
him : “The Lord is with you while offensive
1 used A ter ’ s S arsaparilla
I “1. Untruth— Thisisdark-leaved,
which 1 have noy taken three bottles*
ye be with Him, but if ye forsake of
with the result that the sores are healed*
ami my general health greatly improved
and so small at first that it is Him, He will forsake you,”
1 feci very grateful tor tlxe good your
w rw um ' o bib —. .. 1
i suaire iv limiml: In Tf^TXT
lie held a great festival, m which _ — niwH
-Yours respectfully, M rs . A nn O'B rian ."
Us Sullivan St., New York, June 24,18^2.
it is called exaggeration. You are he and his people entered into a
All person«- interested are invited
not sure whether you saw three or covenant to serve the Lord. After- to tJT-
call on Mrs. O'Brian; also upon the
Bev. Z. P. W iids of 78 East 54th Street,
four things and you say four. The ...waj.JA.lm,., was J..uatly ip.prnvcd by
."T t nAiTOteF^^
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, not only in the cure
llanani, the seer, for having in a of
this lady, but in hi» own case aud
larger, an 1 so the weed grows until time of danger trusted in the King many
others within his knowledge.
The well-known writer on the Botton Herold,
it is strong and hardy. Be sure of Syria rather than in God. - He
•, A'.//., writ es , Jinx—3
and pull it up:
4 became angry with the seer and put 7, B, W«2:
“ Having suffered severely for some years
This spoils many a him in prison.
with Eczema, and haring failed to find relief
from other remedies, 1 have made use, during
garden of choice flowers. It is
past three mouth«, of A yer ’ s S aks a pa - J
-After having reigned forty-one the
mi. la , which has effected a cpmphte cure.
sometimes overlooked among bovs,
I consider it a magnificent remeuy for all
years he died of a disease in his blood
but is not considered to have any
feet. His people laid him in a bed
filled with sweet odors and differ-
stimulates and regulate« the action of the
I common weed, found in the gardens 1 ent kinds of spices, and made a digestive and assimilative organs, renews
great burning for him.
and strengthens th« vital forces, and speedily
of uneducated and careless persons.
cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ltlieuma-
Do you know Lis name ?— Sei.
tie Gout, Catarrh, G eneral DeMUty, and
1I growsslowly, .bat steadily, and
finds a place among the nicest-look-
corrupted conditiou of th« blood, and a weak­
At The l*oint of Death.
ing flowers There are a number
incomparably the cheapest blood medi­
A clergyman in South Haven, Mich.,
of varieties, and among them, 1
cine, on account of it* concentrated strength,
seen, chokes up ‘I saw. or*I have wLo has been greatly benefited by aud great power over disease.
: Crap3und”tJlxygen;-wnd uixu lua used
seen ^‘it YUern. wuTcH crowds out his iufiuenoe as follows : “ An elderly
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
‘it is hers/ and'‘it is me/ which lady here, who is now able to see to her Sold bv all Drnggi«ta: price fl, six bottles
household affairs, was loDg at the point
grows close to the little ‘it is I.’
“ 4. Gossip.— Every one knows of death from Consumption. A day or
this ugly weed which works mis­ two since she walked 'out a distance of
four blocks. All are expressing sur­
chief where ever it appears. It is prise concerning her recovory. The In the Matter of the Estate of CatheriM
Chaniberhi., deceased.
one of the worst varieties, and has Oxygeu is doing more for these cases
been known to completely overrun than all the physicians.” Our Treatise \ it may concern that I have been appointed
by the County Court of Polk County, Oregon,
and spoil the garden in which it was on Compound Oxygen, containing large i Executor
of* the last will and testament of
reports of eases and full information i Catherine Chamberlin, late of Polk County,
allowed vy grow.
deceased. AU'persons holding claims against
Ayers Sarsaparilla
«. Tk - -*
j sent free.
lhrse are the principal weeds n
Addre** D ks . S tarkey A 1 said Estate are requested to present them to m«
. ,,,,
duly verified within six months from date, and
all persons indebted thereto will please m*k«
I me immediate payment.
All order» for tlie Compound Orjgen
Dated Nov. 5. 1*883.
wh:ch nnd their w.y >nto the gar- Philadelphi», P».
■ien of conversation. Examine the
•■■ne ItlongiDg
CT g to you
, and see what Home Treatment directed to H. E.
weeds are making headway.”— Ex. Mathews, 606 Montgomery Street, San DALY
* Attorney*. *
Francisco, will be filled on the same
Be Gentiemen at-fiome.
F terms as if sent directly to us in Phila­ ADMINISTRATOR'S
It is cruel and cowardly in auv
For a tea- oriel days the orchard«
tnan to speak to the woman under
his own roof in a manner that ire white with blossoms. They
w 'tfid forever di* ¿race him if heard *v U turn to troiu. t+r float away,
under anv
any oi
other. And yet how j :sJes-anj waskd, upon the idle
do _ i.,
it. «**.?
ahi? and
«j even gj tneir
their aretze.
.< „ . So Tl will it be . with
, present
1---- -
£hy.. hsad with vasee atpKidedL... ;: UMunr
gi. — a ELey iuu-sl be deepened
'poisoned J:iuk ;
-Lie vorbtx. thus defended.
tears and the bitterness they have •
i cisión,
*v or be entirely disai-
8uck no lietuns from m brink ;
caused, and seLosaiy expecting, if ■
. * . —he T. C Cuyltr.
I., at no hungry heart forsake^,
they remember Jt M
tha£_na____' •lEiycy Your I. if a”— ___ _
—Last iwari-j»-tnmtkFjcr-smk.
their return the domestic sky wili » k good pl hiiasophy. but to do so you
S - shut Uou. toy soul prssessieg,
be withoot a cloud. More the pitv I must Lave goxl health. If billious and
t ...i?
oaiiy by his rod.
i when it is * Then, indeed, is there I c».’n?:ipated, or blood is out of order,
Fmd nt last mid every bkunuqg.
¿anger in the air; for then too often I fise
_ Dr. Pierces '• Pieasant’ Purgative
Perfect re*t beneath lhe sod.
W „
? :,*.i rise thy beet inscription.
. . edme deceiL al ! hvpocri»v. and in-1 Pe dlw w hieh are mild, yet certain in
“ i.o^t work of God. ” i difference.—
* their c^taUQU, Qi all druggists.
E xicitv *-
whom it may concern that I have l*«n •£*
pointed Administrator of U
m Estate of G. '*•
deceased. A
banion, late
of Polk Couuty,
agaiiMl Mid Efltaw
per*onaii«vingclaim* a|
¡lie SAine
preaeut the
saiue to me
ms daiy verified within *4
months f from date; and ail persons indebted
make XDc immediate pv*
therein will pl<
.'»0 EHi In
Hoars !__
“ I employed some of the best ph?8*'
cians here,’ wrote Wm. E, Tanner, oi
Dayton, "Ohio. ’,*TLey all said
child could not live for 3 weeks. «
had 50 fits in 24 hoars. We gar«»
Struarstan Herrin« and the medicine er
fficted a perartfotni core."