Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, November 30, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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    >4#.'! -
fully study the New Testament. Christ and his twelve embassadors he learned this he did not tell us. fresh cheek to haggard sallowness,
Much of the modern preaching is eighteen hundred years ago. What If he argued from the silence of the and drinks my spirit up!” The
so dark and misterious, that it has" is now needed, in order to SftfiVSft’ Sn^ptTTrev’tnrTTright also conclndr ynnng warrTUT^ wav brrmghta4bo - -
confused thousands of good and the world, is a complete restoration on the same principle that singing more into notice through Saul’s at­
honest people and helped to drive of the ancient church in its faith is sinful, for we are not told that tempts to remove him from the
them into infidelity.
and in its practice. ~
our Savior ever engaged in song. conspicuous place he attained in
3. When a man came into the
If the absence of laughter is to be the court. They only served to
church in that day, he came in for
accepted as conclusive evidence of turn all hearts to David and to
life, and expected to make Chris­
Longfacedness, while not ex­ piety, then some one might argue bring into more prominence for our
tianity the chief business of his life. pressly, mentioned in the Bible by with a good degree of seriousness meditation the covenant of friend­
He laid upon the altar of God as it name, is most certainly set forth in that the cats and the dogs are on a ship between David and the king’s
were his all. His time, his talents principle, and is an important factor par in this respect with some long son. Jonathan never wavered in
his allegiance to the king, nor in
faced people,
- .
hwirfw*,'fron* khat
-on w aid *
We would not have any one his duty to his father, but his life
were to be devoted to God. There not be overlooked. Neither is the
was no holding back of anything or principle revealed in the Scriptures think we here advocate frivolity or was bound up in the life of David
turning back when trials came.’ in order ta encourage the custom of irreverence in religious matters, for who returned his love,and had Jona­
They took joyfully the spoiling of some Christians, and other people such a thing can not be tolerated than lived, would have, no doubt,
their goods and counted not their too, in always wearing long faces ; for a moment. We are only con- kept him next himself upon the
throne of Iwaek Where upon the
own lives dear unto them. So corh- but 'that just thè ôppOSÎtfe, "‘WIT
pletely were many of the first large extent, may be true. Hence, that cheerfulness of disposition and same page can be found such an­
Christians possessed with the spirit while the Bible requires that the that joy of the soul which the Bible other contrast of love and hate !
of their divine master, that they women “ adorn themselves in everywhere makes so prominent on We are shocked to see Saul’s ad­
miration of David one day, ohaaged -
gave ail of their means ToTns cause? mod^rap^r^wtlT^alfWe^^
I All of the apostles and thousands of ness and sobriety,” neither the given to man the happy faculty of to the intensest hatred on the next,
others willingly suffered martyer- women nor the men are once told laughter; and as this is not de­ and shudder when Saul turns an
dom for the blessed cause they had to adorn themselves with long-' stroyed in his conversion, we na evil eye upon the youth, saying,
espoused. What a contrast between facedness. Some people mistake turally conclude that it may be ex­ “ What can he have more but the
Woven close to the
many church members now and the longfacedness for piety. This ercised on . proper occasions and kingdom
early Christians ! How bard it is might Be a "^Fer l^e if TTdid ITOT within-the 4itn-its of -sound-4iscre- green thread of Saul’s jealousy-----
very often to keep them in the happen that a great many people tion. Those wdio were converted to comes the scarlet thread of love
church, and when it comes to work- wear the long faces without the Christ in primitive times, went oh which made Jonathan brave his
__ ChnsUaiM^
and^risk jns own jife_ ___ _
f their means to support the gospel, ~ pietyr'" We snrety-tatak-tauk piety-. -
is a necessary element of Christi­ should be the most happy people for the friend he loved.
The beauty of such a love makes
I how reluctantly they do it I Some anity, but we do not believe that on earth. They have greater reason
^"oFThlHirtMnk^t ahtrost tao-mueh--longfacedness as manifested on the. for being joyful than any one else the conduct of Saul the more
L of a sacrifice to attend meeting part of some good people is any Cheerfulness is a twin sister of a hideous from contrast. And yet a
twice on Lord’s day, and will often more essential to a godly life than sound body and a peaceful mind, great pity comes into our hearts for
take offence at the smallest provo the long face of a Kentucky mule while it is thought every sigh is Saul though he had tried to deceive
Loatinn and talk about leaving the On the contrary, we believe that it only another link dropped from the the Lord, and had been cast off, for ,
ein pnrat existerire” we- rem em ber hcrw grand he looked
is a positive hindrance to spirTEuaTfy”
The Then we say, as much as lieth in when first chosen and how well he
4. Christianity was an every-day and Christian growth.
ruled. When envy entered his
matter with ancient Christians. “sobriety” of the New Testament you, rejoice evermore.
soul, beauty and truth fled, while
They were “ living epistles ” every and the longfacedness of which we
every evil thing followed in its
day, “ known and read of all men.” speak are not synonymous terms
* * *
The death of “Goliath ended the train.
« They continued steadfastly in the by any means. Sobriety means
apostles’ doctrine and in fellow­ rather the steady and earnest course life of David as a shepherd; honors
ship and in breaking of bread of Christian conduct accompanied crowded thick upon him; Saul
We have received from the pub­
and in prayer.” When the Jerusa- with and animated by that degree kept him in his court, set him over
lem church was scattered abroad on of joy and cheerfulness incident to his men of war and the narrative lishers two books, to which we wish
account of the persecution, they did every child of God who fully un­ adds, Dtfvid acted wusely and went to call the special attention of the
not become discouraged as many derstands himself. The opposite of whithersoever Saul sent him. The brotherhood; hence we transfer our
now do, and say there is no use of this, or melancholy with all its refrain of the women as the army brief notice of them to our editorial
making any more effort; but “they fearful and depressing consequences returned from the conflict in the pages. The first, from John Burns,
• went everywhere preaching the is jvhat we here denominate long valley of Elah aroused the slumber­ St. Louis, Mo., is entitled “ The
word,”. It'is not to be supposed facedness. We have known some ing jealousy of Saul, for he recog Missoury Christian Lectures,” de­
that they all became public pro­ parents to object to their children riized the possibility ’that" this livered at Independence, Mo., July,
claimed of the gospel. Such was uniting with the church because youth, so quickly made popular, 1883. The book contains 204 pages
not intended. But they went as they were too “ funny,” by which might be the coming king who bound in cloth; and the following
“ living epistles,” telling the story they meant simply cheerfulness of should take away the succession is the contents: Introduction, by
' of the cross to all who would listen. disposition. The perverted idea from his own son Jonathan. From Isaac Errett; Address of welcome,
And better than all they let Christ that Christianity is to make walk­ the time that suspicion and envy by Prof. E. A. Higgason; The two
ing mummies out of men and entered his heart, till his death, revelations, by A. B. Jones; The
shine out In their lives.
there was confusion and every evil origin and growth of free thought,
In conclusion then, what is now women, especially the young, has
work in the- policy of king Saul, by J. W. Monser; Value of meta­
needed on the part of the church is had its influence in keeping people
tie might well have apostrophized, physical study and its relation to
a going back, not to Campbell or from accepting Christ. We heard
as did one concerning him, “O religious thought, by A. C. Hill;
Wesley or Luther, (grand men as a minister insist once in a sermon
jealousy, thou ugliest fiend of hell ! Preachers’ methods, by Prof. J. W.
they were) but back beyond them that Christ never laughed, and
Thy healthful venom preys on my McGarvey; Inspiration by Isaac
and beyond the dark ages to the therefore young people should ab­
vitals, turns the deadly hue of my Errett. Here is much solid. food
order of things established by stain from the sinful habit! How
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