Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, November 30, 1883, Page 13, Image 13

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    Good Sermon.
A good sermon is too often like
fodge’s horaa. „.It is overdone with
rasses and bells, narness anti har-
lony, but no real strength in it—
life and vigor. It is fine but
o fife
lot forcible. Now it strikes every-
ody that the tripping of a poor
d half-starved horse look like
ockery. You cannot plough fields
ith ribbons' arid bells; you want
ascle and sinew. And so there is
moving men’s hearts with pret-
phrawes and musical nothings,
hat is needed is thought, truth,
od. Young men are apt to think
as of what to say than how to say
; but our advice is, think of both
due proportion. See the matter
fore the manner. Get the horse
and old gospel, and plenty of it
d they will not much mind the
ay you bring it forth. A good
d Divine truth should be fitly
oken. The mischief is that some
pear to think that the harness
akes the horse, and that a fine
yle is the main thing in a sermon,
hurches and chapels would not so
ten be empty if ministers would
ke heed what they preach as well
how they preach.— Spurgeon.
Belew We give a partial list of the books we
are prepared to furnish most ahvthiDg in the
book line, and will be pleased to receive orders
for same. We will add to this list as our time
and space will allow.
, .
1. Family Bibles, different styles-, sizes, etc.,
with prices from $2.25 to $18.
2. Pqlpit Bibles from $5 to $10.
D. T. STANLEY, A. M., P resident ,
3. Oxford Sunday School Teachers’ Bibles
Professor Menial and Moral Sciences, English and Biblical Literature.
from $1.50 to $19.
4. Revised New Testament, Compared Edi­
tion, $1.22 to $7.50.
W. E. YATES, A. M.,
5. Revised New Tostament alone $1.80 and
Professor Greek, Latin and German Languages.
15 cents.
Lesson Commentary, by J. H. Vineent, D.D.,
J. M. POWELL, A. M.,
tW Acts nf W ssskshbh
Apostles, $1.50.
Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by J. W.
M rs . M B. STANLEY, -
McGarvey, $2.
Principal Primary Department.
Commentary on Luke, by J. S. Lamar, $2.
Commentary on Hebrews, by R. Milligan, $2.
Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Ro­
mans, by M. E. Lard, $3.
Etcher of Instrumental Music.
Analysis of tho Four Gospels and Acts ; with
Leading Queries and Illustrations, for the use
, -b y- ■JLN-LL-
gan, $2.
Teacher of Painting and Drawing.
Reason and Revelation, by R..Milligan, $2.
The Scheme of Redemption, by R. Milligan,
W. E. YATES, A. M.,
Secretary of the Faculty.
Conybearo and Howson’s Life and Epistles of
th-’Ap^t--eS^A’21 -A0;---- will
astlie session advances
teer, $1.25.
Lands of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, $3.
Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities. $1.50.
Nieholl’s Introduction to the Study of the
Scriptures, $1.25. ■ „_____ . .
He naff’s Bible Dictionary, $2.50."
Freeman’s Hand Book of Bible Manners and
Customs, $2.25.
Whitney’s Hand Book of Bible Geography,
Barrow’s Companion to tha-Bible, $LfiQ-... —
Rawlinson's Historical Illustrations of the
Old Testament, $1.
Walks about Jerusalem, by Isaac Errett, $1.
Talks to Bereans, by Isaac Errett, $1.
Letters to a Young Christian, by Isaac Er-
Monmouth, the scat of Christian Collage, is a village of about 400 inhabitants, noted for
their morality and devotion to the cause of education. The Oregonian Railway passes through
thtJuriddle rTf the ttywtr; erring daily connection with Portland, and affording the means lor easy
travel and rapid freights. In addition to a passenger depot in the middle of town, the O. & C.
It. R. passes through Independence, two miles away, and the steamers plying the Willamette
land there also ; making Monmouth one of the most easy towns of access in the State. Parents
who desire to place their children under good educational advantages, where they shall be free
from the intemperance and immorality prevalent in the larger towns, will find in Monmouth
just what they Gesire in these respects. It isa school town, built up for this purpose, and all
other interests center in this one. Hence its superiority for educational purposes.
The Faculty is tho most important element to the successful working of> any institution of
____ |o put
jut in
in the
the various
various chairs
chairs of
of Christian
Christian College
1 nap»in</. The
.'4 Trustees have sought
Tho Heavenward Way, by J. H. Garrison,
in the maturity of life. At the hands of these men they expect to see Christian College ^among
35 cents.
Genuineness and Authenticity of the Gospels, the most honored institutions of the land.
B uilding .—Only one wing of the new brick College building has been completed, and this
by B. A. Hinsdale, $1.25;
Smith’s Unabridged Bible Dictionary. Ameri­ is being remodeled and greatly improved this year. It contains three working siories of large,
used tor study aiMl-iecitation. The old College building adjoining
can Edition. Revised and e d i ted ■ b y H-. - Hr
2 -airy
and converted into a pleasant and commodious chapel.
Hackett, D. I)., assisted by Ezra AbbofT^E.L.D."
Apparatus sufficient for ordinary purposes of illustration, is now provided, and additions will
In fo-ir volumes. Price in Cloth, per set, $20.
be made from time to time. The Library contains a few volumes ot interest, and new volumes
Price in Sheep, the set, $25.
of value will be added as fast as tho means at our command will allow.
Smith’s Bible Dictionary, $1 50.
Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament. $1.50
per volume. The volumes sold separately.
On the Four Gospels, 2 vols. On the Acts of ---- Thfl
of Christian College wfrjfih ya e^iallyjnyiiejitt^tion,a6distinctiveof oar
eu 'WwBplmHB t o th e Itemu B r
: ~
' ... ...... ..... .
On the First Epistle to the Corinthians. On
hkistian M obality .—The Bible is read every day and lectures calculated to impress its
the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the
are given, and with the Bible as a basis, the effort to impress the highest Christian
Epistle to the Galatians. On the Epistle to the morality
the guiding principle in the lives of our students. Dogmatism and Sectarianism are
Ephesians, the Colossus, and the Pliilippians. carefully avoided.
ignore all religious or political divisions, and encourage great freedom of
On the Epistle to the Thessalonians, Timothy, thought, and aim io We
that high plane where Protestant or Catholic, Democrat or Re­
Titns and Philemon. On the Epistle to the publican, can meet on one on
. .
Hebrews. On the General Epistle of James,
ractical E ducation .—The great demand of the times is for men of action. An institution
Peter, John and Jude. On the Revelation.
learning to meet the needs of the people, should not only imparl instruction, but along with
Barnes’ Notes on the Psalms. In Three of
the knowledge gained, give students the power to use it to advantage for themselves and others.
volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50.
The idea of Christian College is, that the finest mental culture and the greatest benefit may
Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Daniel, $1.50.
by the study of those things that will fit young men and women to at once enter
Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. some pursuit
or business, and carry it forward successfully. Instead of those branches that are
2 vol*. Cloth, per vol., $1.50.
prefer those that are useful, and we invite comparison and criticism on
Baines’Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols. our work. Our aim we
is to graduate young men and women so that they may at once enter upon
Cloth, per vol., $1.50.
Outlines pf Church History, by Rev. John F. the pursuits of life.
, ■________________________ DE PARTMENTS.
Hurst, D. D.; 50 cents.
. „
A Short'History of the English Bible, by
M athematics .—The Course of Study in this department is very full. The various branches
Rev. James M. Freeman, D. D., 50 cents.
Chronology of Bible History, and How to are taught from a practical standpoint, with a view to the application of each principal to such
affairs as people meet with in life and desire to understand.
Remember It, by Rev. C. Munger, 50 cents.
E nglish L anguage and L iterature .—A ready command of our own tongue, with an ac­
Cniden’s Complete Concordance to the Holy
curate knowledge of its history and authors, is one of the most important acquisitions. No other
Scriptures, $1.50.
accomplishment can supply the want of this. It can only be acquired by a thorough study of
Cruden’8 Concordance Abridged, 75 cents.
English. In Christian College the coarse of English extends through four years and we consider
Brown'8 Pocket Concordance, 50 cents.
The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning­ this one of our most valuable features.
S ciences .—The rapid advance made in the various departments of Science and the rapid,
ham Geikie, D. D., $1.50.
The I.ife of our Lord upon the Earth, by succession of discoveries of new principles and applications, constitute one of the wonders of the
»g»- Nn man nan cUjin t<> be educated who is not conversant with the present advanced stage
Samuel J. Andrews, $2 50. •—......
The Sunday School Helper, by <J. H. Hardin, ofScience. Very thorough work is made of all these,' assisted by the use of the apparatus at out*
command. Sufficient time is allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the great principles
of each science.
Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler, $1.50.
A ncient L anguages .—By pursuing the best methods, the progress in acquiring a knowledge
The Standard Manual, for Sunday-school
of the Geeek and Latin languages, is rapid. We have dropped several authors that are frequent­
workers, by F- M. Green, 75 cents.
Heroes and Holidays, edited by Lev. W. F. ly read in Colleges, with a view to doing bettor work in those that are read, and tor give more
time for the pursuit of the course in English and the Sciences. Experience has demonstrated
Crafts, $1.25.
v « Hi­
story of an Earnest Life, by Mrs. Eliza that both better linguists and scientists result from this course.
B iblical L itebatube and E xegesis .—This department was organized in Christian Collego
Davies. $2.
first time with tho opening of the present session. The object is to study the Sacred
On the Rock, by J). R. Dungan $1.50.
A Trip Around the'World, by Timothy Coop Scriptures analytically and critically, with contemporaneous profane history, and evidences of .
, Christianity. Methods of sermonizing, pulpit oratory, methods in revival meetings and the care
and Henry E*leyr-SAJML- -
Around the World, Tour of Christian Mis­ of churches, are all carefully investigated. It is this department that W5 Chnsrian trrntherhood,- -
as a body, are particularly interested in. The interest of the Church is carefully considered in
sions, by W. F. Bainbridge, $2.
The Christian Manual, for the use of Church this, while all other departments are wholly free from any religious discussions, except the uni­
Officers, in the various relations of Evangelists, formly recognized principles of Christian morality.
Pastors, Bishops and DoacunB, by F. M. Green,
----------- ----------------------------------
Address all orders to C hbistian H ebald ,
Every facility is here afforded for fitting young persons to successfully carry on any kind of
Monmouth, Oregon.
business. The best authors are studied on the various subjeots, and such practioal tests ar©
made as will insure thoroughness on the part of the student.
[EZ’For Course ol Study and other information send for Catalogue. Address
a week In your own town. Terms and 15 outfit
D. T. STANLEY, A. M., P resident ,
wOfL, Address H.H awit 4 Co-. Portland. M®.
»«wu I.-
“ I or 35 year», ” says our correspon*
nt Henry Clark, of Fairfield. Lena-
eCo.. Mich., * * my wife had fits.
ey would last about an hour, and
metimes longer. Samaritan Nervine
permanently cured her.”
To the attentive eye each mo-
d in the same field, it beholds
ery hour, a picture which was
ver seen before, and which shall
ver be seen again.
No medicine is half so good for a
eat variety of family complaints, as
yer’s Pills. They are easy to take,
ective to cure, and are cheap and
Yes it is little by little that we
ress onward, either towards salva-
n, or eternal ruin; and when at
t we reach the gate of glory, or
at of perdition, the cry escapes
r lips « “ Already!’’ The first
ckward step is almost inpercep-
ble; it was those tiny flakes of
ow, seeming to melt as they touch
e earth, but falling one upon an-
her, that have formed that int­
ense mass, which seem3 ready to
11 and crush us.
Advlce To Mothers.
hs W inslow ’ s S oothing S ybup should al-
ys be used when children are cutting teeth,
relieves the little Bufferer at once: it pro*
natural, quiet sleep by relieving the
Id from pain, and the little cherub awakes
“ bright as a button.•’ It is very pleasant
taste. It Boothes the child, softens the
», allays pain,.relieves wind, regulates the
el«, and is the best known remedy for
rhcea, whether arising from teethiu