Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, November 30, 1883, Page 12, Image 12

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    OHHtSTiAX ïïteilAtu.
/• While round his head there gleamed a I thought that we ought rather to
seer; that he wishes to aid them, constructive system, it was simply
rejoice that the pearl-gates had
His dying hour to cheer.
and not watch them as does the an appeal for the substitution of
once more on their hinges turned
—superintend e nt - o£-a- c ompany uf |
FIT tlib pl&BgTf' 'Iir'iii w'W jopR piiiAd ilio waifai'c closed, arid admitted CEe"~vWr“Lome?
But not ingloriously ;
“ There is a crown for the victor a
< •
Greek. Mr. Adams and Mr. Cur­ He fell beyond the outer wall.
crown of light to be worn with a
And shouted victory ;
The teacher who is able to bring tis are both men of practical expe- Beyond
the stormy battle-field
jobe whose spotless white makes
a little light and sunshine into the rienca, with a knowledge of the de­ He reigns in triumph-now,
darkness seem resting on alpine
a harp of wond’roug song
school room, by being pleasant and mands the world makes on cultiva­ Sweeping
With glory on his brow !”
free, yes intimate, not necessarily ted men, and naturally they are in­
Why should we weep and moHrn
He was born near Strawberry
when all the holy angels are wild
too familiar with them, has the clined to view as useless anything
Plains, Jefferson county, East Ten­ with joy because the daystar ofim-
power to lead those children to ac­ that does not enter into and aid
nessee, Aug. 6, 1823. Ho was the mortality has arisen in another life
complish good and lasting results. men in their daily intercourse and
eldest son of William and Isabella never to set or grow dim ? When
Older people would object to be- conflict with the world.
Carpenter, with whom he emigra- another harp of gold is strung and
iused six hours a dav, without
teato Iowa wnen out ten years
own consent; then why ex­ weeks ago pointed out in reply that
heavenly music. After the great
old. Here his father died, leaving concourse had gone, some in tears,
pect the younger ones to willingly wherever special courses in science
him at the youthful age of fifteen and all in sorrow, I returned alone
relinquish all their rights of free­ or in modern languages had been
the care of his mother, brothers and to his new-made grave. - Bouquets,
dom of employment. The grown tried as a substitute for the old-
sisters. Three years later he made wreathes of flowers, floral crosses
person dislikes his prison cell more time classical course, such trials
and sprigs of evergreen covered it
r e str aiut th a n f r o m ■ want« of ■ had been fuurid i if (l i fe HTEtll ff
“’ Witn euwT^MS" W'aneMWn anlTre-
comfort.' If he could occupy the isfactory to the students, to the by Bro. Ross, after whi^h he united gard. The cross ' the cross! was
same room, and go from and return standard of education, and even to with the Christian church meeting his theme on earth and redeeming
to it when he chooses, it is very such practical work as the men at Lost Creek, Lee county, Iowa. love his theme in heaven. Slowly
hup >
At. the .age o£ ¿0 lia- was mar.rifld to _ tu rni ng a way I
* themselves
farewell, “ Till spring shall visit the
inviting, but since there is no al­ decidedly a practical reply to Mr- Ellen Lucas, eldest daughter of inoldering urn, and day shall dawn
ternate, if he must remain, it be­ Adams, and the truth of it can be William and Hettie Lucas, who is on the night of the grave,” for “ an
left to mourn his departure from angel’s arm can’t snatch him from
comes severe labor.
verified. Now, Professor Porter,
Likewise if the teacher can work of Yale College, replies with an earth. In 1853 he came to Oregon the grave, legions of angels can’t
with the children by participating elaborate argument that does not in company with his wife and two confine him there.” One by one
sweet children. Soon after arri ving our loved ones are crossing the tide,-
meet thcrcaseas strongly as Profes­
One by one the mystic ties that
for improvement, and work with sor Seelye’s few lines of fact. The here he united with the church in bind us to earth and time are being
them in the school-room as a guide question has been discussed in the Chehalem, Yamhill county. When broken from their moorings and
the Farmington church was or-
he may make himself useful and .past, yand—willwA® «MM*-
he put in his membership and upward to that perfect home of
bis work a pleasant one.
one broad thing to be said about it
there and was” chosen one of its the soul.
— ------ * ♦ • •*--- «-
is this: that, as the Greek language
elders, which position he filled for . By request of his family.
The Study of Greek.
represents the highest mentaF and
J/A-C ampbell 1
It was natural enough that the literary culture the world has ever
address on a college fetich delivered knewn, and as it has survived these called him into the “ Rest that re-
by Charles Francis Adams, Jr., be­ last two thousand years of multi­ maineth to the people of God.” In
Harper's Weekly.
fore the Harvard Chapter of the plied iconoclasm, there are reasons his death Sister Carpenter sustains
-11» L» U' S T R AT-®’
"upon "’reasons"modern men,
Weekly stand» at the head of Ameri-
in June, should raise a hub-bub who want above all things to culti­ and faithful companion, his children can Harper'»
illuHtrated weekly journals. By its impar­
ti san ¡xMiition hi politics, its admirable illuotr»
among the collegiate educators of vate their own minds and literary a noble hearted father and coun­ tions,
its carefully.Chorau serials, short stories,
the country. Mr. Adams attacked methods, should make a careful selor, the community a faithful sketches, and poems, contributed by the fore­
most artists and author» of the day, it carries
Greek in particular as a dead ton­ study of the Greek language, which, friend, adviser and leader, the State instruction and entertainment to thousands of
gue, bearing no immediate relation­ in the truest sense, cannot be con­ one of her best and truest citizens, American
It will always be the aim of the publishers.!»
ship “ to any living speech or liter­ sidered dead to day, or be expected and the church one of hej pillars make Harper's Weekly the most popular ‘and-
family newspaper in the world, in the
Today, attractive
ature of any value.” and, therefore, soon to die.— Philadelphia Tinies. and lifelong workers.
pursuance of this design, to present a constant
Nov. 2nd, I attended his burial. A improvement in all those features which nave
as a study to which vastly to©
gained fjr it the confidence, sympathy, and »up-
l>ort of its large army of readers.
much attention was given in college ---- Another Vacant Chair.
inanimate seemed to put on her
education. And as a graduate of
Elder R. A. Carpenter, of Harris’ loveliest attire, rejoicing that one
Per Year i
Harvard, a member of one of the
HARPER’S WEEKLY........................................4 00
oldest New England families, and a Bridge, Washington county, Or., is
man of life-long studious habits, dead. He fell asleep amid the shadows, and entered the light HARPER’S MAGAZINE ............................ H 00
4 W
declaring that he had forgotten the warriors on life’s batde-field, at eternal; the land where no funeral HARPER’S BAZAR......................
Greek he learned, and had never home, Oct. 31,1883, surrounded bv draperies wave, no sable train slow HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE......................... 1 50
found it” of
to "
r. bhr family, many true friends, paced moves toward the tomb. No, HARPER’S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIB­
RARY, One Year (52 Number#).......... 10 °0
Adams appeared like a most unex­ neighbors and brethren. His illness tor that is the gate through which
Postage Free to all subscriber» in the United
pected iconoclast at an unlooked- was of short duration. His hour all its inhabitants have passed into
iiUiltt or Q'aaador-------—----------
had come. Neither the skill of his the “ Green pastures ” and beside
for moment.
The Volumes of the IIVeHy begin with ’he
Mr. George William Curtis has physician nor the prayers of loved the still waters.” The skies were first
number for January of each year. W
time is mentioned, it will be underitood
endeavored to soften Air. Adams’ ones could detain his flight. He flecked here and there above the no
that the subscriber wishes to commence with
attack on Greek and Latin by fell at his post yith the pressing J cemetery with jnowy banners of the number next after the receipt of order.__
Tlie last Four Annual Volume» of Harper»
treating it as a sort*of appeal for work of the Master’s cause—his cloud indicative of the life of purity Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will ,be sent by
mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex-
which he lived. The sun poured Sense
education in general, that is more life work—full upon him.
fprovuled the freight doos not eiceed on®
volnme), for $7 (X) per volume.
down upon us all a flood of gold, Cloth C hm
in accord with the popular demands 11 Fallen —on Zion’« battlefield,
- s for each volume, suitable *®r
be sont by mail, postpaid, on re­
of these days. But Mr. Adams’
ceipt of $1 00 each.
and light and joy most signally in J Remittances should be made by Post-Oilice
address was really an attack on the Armed in the panoply of God,
Order or Draft, to avoid chance ef loss-
In conflict cloven down !
contrast with the feelings of our Money
Newspapers are not to copy this advertise*
study of the Greek language, and His helmet oh, his armor bright
hearts as we wept around his grave. nient without the express order of H abpkr ®
_ .
as far a3 it had any semblance of a j His cheek unblanched by fear—
As 1 stood there, a silent looker on, B botuebs .
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