Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, November 23, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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riches of this world acceptably at nature, belongs to the Lord, and
socials, as generally understood and
the same time. This same thought must be strictly, faithfully, lovingly
■ venducud, wh i^ipk;. have some evil
is presented, by the apostle John and unreservedly devoted to the ad-
tendencies connected with them,
cause. *----- —-
who says; “ Love not the^worHi "valT&jflfeJit
and some of them we believe to be and to rely on such a course of
neither the things that aro in the
positively sinful, and so we are de- conduct for salvation, We now
world. If any man loves the world,
• cidedly in favor of discarding them
no neutral
__ ' ’ the love of the Father is not in
We should never forget the fact,
in raising money for the Lords tures that there is i._
that great and useful lives are made
work. There is nothing like giving ground in religion, and hence such him.
such, by carefully attending to the
direct to the Lord, and doing it a course can not be acceptable with
many little duties that lay in our I
cheerfully.. We do not believe God.
When Moses came down from
pathways. A few kind words and
much in “ whipping th® devil
around the stump.” As to the use the mount into the camp of Israel minds to serve but one master; and spoken by a preacher of the gospel
^--baw>thfi_roh.l^n calf - he not he who chooses the Lord’s side will to a poor ragged boy, whom he ask
ot tne o
only ground iM^powdcr^mTmaS? ;1iave
free to confess that we can not con
scientiously advocate it. We have the .people drink it with the water, is to be done, not by refusing toac in after life made him a useful
seen too much of the bitter fruits but he stood in the gate of the cumulate wealth at all, but by de preacher of the gospel.
of its use including strife and camp and said : “ Who is on the voting what we have to the service
One of the most successful ways
— division in the churches to believe Lord’s side ? let him come unto’me, of the Lord. In other words, our
that any in ater ia 1 good n as" e vlT" ITid till 111U Ainu of Ijinri gathered., ■ ivpnlfh is 4,0 be in heaven, we must of convincing people of the sound­
been derived from it or that it is themselves unto him. And he said be rich toward God ; and this can ness of “ our plea,” is to lettnem
wise to introduce it into those unto them, thus saith the Lord best be accomplished by making a see by our lives that it makes sound
__ Ahnrrhfts where
re peace and harmony God of Israel, Put every man his proper use of what we possess in Christian men and women. The
prevail. We are not <3=tEaPcIas87 "sword ’WTffT*side,~"and go in
»XhiSiiiWnrld ... 1IJ.fillPfi.4tb.. n «peopleware., looking for JruitA and if
if there be such,' who believe that out from gate to gate throughout “ Lay not up for yourselves treas they do not find it they will be
all those are going to that unmen­ the camp, and slay every man his ures upon earth where moth and very apt to conclude that the tree
tionable place who give their con brother, and every man his com­ rust doth corrupt and where thieves is worthless. __ -
sent to worship with the organ, for panion, and every man his neigh­
If fathers and mothers wish to
_ _ while our decided preference is that bor. And the children of Levi did for yourselves treasures in heaven
ndther moth nor rust doth _ spoil their children and ruin their
it shall not be used, we Lave ‘according to the word of Moses;
preached for churches which did use and there fell of the people that corrupt and where thieves do not homes and their own happiness, just
it. But our experience has only day about three thousand men.’’ break through nor steal. For where let them keep up a spirit of fault­
w ‘‘sl^eTglLeh^d^dur“'| ^'his-taufflit the people a lesson on your treasures is, there will your finding with each other and the
our brethren have made a mistake their attempt to worship the God heart be also.” The apostle PauT work wTIKinosFceriarnly be accom­
in introducing it into the worship. of Israel through the golden idol. also^teaches the sanie lesson. He plished. Children are apt scholars,
We think furthermore, that there They could not be on the -Lords says to Timothy: “ Charge them and are almost sure to walk in the
is rnom for great improvements on side and a friend of the image at that are rich in tTFs worldTFiaTTEey^"
both sides of this question, and we the same time. Hence Moses de­ be not highminded, nor trust in un­ if they set them the wrong example |
hope that the brethren generally manded of those on the Lord’s side certain riches, but in the living God If husbands and wives are kind
will more fully learn to exercise to gather themselves unto him. who givetip us richly all things to and affectionate toward each other
good ;th at - thrirehiklren
that principle of brotherly love to- The incident ol Elljkll Uiid the ■
wards one another which the Scrip­ prophets of Baal is equally instruc-’ they be rich in good works, ready bibe the same spirit and act in the!
tures so clearly enjoin. We might tive. Elijah showed plainly that to distribute, willing to communi­ same manner.
offer several objections to its use on the people could not be halting be­ cate.” .That is the point. Rich men
Some church members attend the
the mere ground of expedience; but tween two opinions, that is, worship must do good, they must be rich in
as our opinion is all that is called God and Baal at the same time good works towards God and will­ Lord's day meetings with such ap-| .
for, we shall here let the matter Hence his demand that, if the Lord ing to distribute and communicate perent reluctance, that one would ■'K
he God, serve him, but if Baal be as the Lord has prospered them. In almost be led to think that they®
God, then serve him. There could this way they were to “ lay up in considered the time thus spent the■
Leno neutral ground. The Jewish store for themselves a good founda tame as wasted, or that they areHH
Scriptures are full of such lessons. tion against the time to come, that doing some one
re else
than themselves
Bro. Cheetham has been preach­
When we turn to the Christian they may lay hold on eternal life.” a great favor. Let all srch reinein ■ Go
ing some in Albany.
her that they themselves need the^fc
We must“ seek first the kingdom
Scriptures, they are no less plain
Bro. Morrison will attend the and forcible on the subject. The of God and his righteousness, and meetings of God’s house, and
Lane county meeting which con- Savior says, “ He that is not with all these things,”-says the Savior, they cannot get along without them.
that gath- “ shall be added unto us.” Too He who turns his back upon Godslj
venes at Eugene the last of this me is against me, and he
erth not witK me scattFreTTi aTiroad.*4’“many people are’wont to reverse the" - -house willdft -a- very short time 1 i
And again, in his sermon to his order of God, and seek first the himself back in the cold world. AndB..
GROUND IM-’ disciples on the mount he says, things of this world, expecting that
eVery child of God should
“No man can serve two masters; the kingdom of God will be added alarmed just as soon as he begins to I
In writing on covetousness in the for either lie will hate the one and unto them. But heaven’s order and feel the least desire to forsake the
churches as idolatry we have shown love the other, or else he will hold decrees can not be set aside nor re­ meetings of4God’s people.
thus far that such a form of nlola- | te il>a-Qiu> nnd despise t: other versed. We profoundly believe, that
It serms to us that their is ?!
try is not only very prevalent Ye can not serve God and mammon.” just here lies the great trouble with
among church members, but it is This settles the matter, for when our churches to-day. Professed timidity among our preachers anJB
equally heinous in the sight of God speaks, lq£ men be silent. The Christians need to realize that they elders in our churches about speak*!
God with the image worship 'of word mammon is a Syriac word are not their own, that they have ing on financial matters that is cte!
heathen lands. In the second place and means riches; and the idea of been bought with a price, and :that ing our brotherhood an injury. Nj
tendency I the Savior is that it is impossible
all they are and all they posses, church will ever accomplish mudl
we have shown that the tendency
either of a spiritual or a temporal for itself, or for the world at largfl
of the age is to make an < effort to I for any. man_to .serve Oo<l^jand
I .
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