CîîftlsTiAK tî lift A ft 13 Chinese into Washington Territory days beforehand. Standing room » Caumanj’-C.Qmjng in, oloseB this at J. nine , and «ero cap T. IVhitman’s, who visited Oregon tw fared, have been found guilty and sen­ Advices from the British fleet A. W. L ucas . MONMOUTH AND VICINITI years ago. tenced to two months in jail and a fine west coast of Africa, state that recen MISS MILLIE DOUGHTY, EDITOR. 150 Bnglish sailors were sent up t of $100 and costs each. BUSINESS LOCALS Nearly a hundred loaded cars of wheat Niger to punish natives at differ* Weither good. The Fall trade has begun by the are in the yard at Walla Walla, the local points on that, river, for outragos u "Mrs. Dr. J. C. Byrd, from Salem is Farmers’ Mercantile Association, of trains bringing in faster than the trains explorers and traders. After shelli Monmonth opening ont a well selected xn t >wn; stock of Fall Goods, suited to the wants running to Portland can take away. the town of Abahla, at the Ahad Del Mr. J. Vance, of Portland, was in ; a full line of Buckingham The railroad men say that thoir work is they ascended to Egga, a large to fc Hecht boots and shoes. In fact, our beginning to tell and that the major 300 miles from the mouth of the Ni towa labt week. Stock is complete in every department Miss Emma Waller made Eola a short and at bedrock prices. Come and see ns. portion of the surplus wheat is out of Here they landed and were at once tacked by the natives. A fierce fight visit on Monday the country. ere ki t»n Monthly IttMv lUv. liuuv . m PÌUST sued in which three seme shot a deer on We east side oU Take and severar been spending the week in our town. Revival meetings at Eugene City Wheat 81 a bushel at Ashland, Ore- Washington which weighed, when dress- party of natives were driven to the Mrs. Eruce Wolverton, from Hillsbo- ed. over 200 pounds. This is said to and tho sailors returned to the fleet. ro, hrs been making Monmouth a visit gon. The hills are green in the vicinity of have been the largest deer killed in that this weok. vicinity for some time. Mrs. G. W. Baskett and her dangh- Sheridan. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Lewiston is growing, building is go- It is said that the wheat acreage of ter, Mi is Josie, Jvem DtX ie, atte nded- Walla Walla couhtyTor the cUTning sea­ church here Sunday. Tn " the mtte F ftf tti e -Bst n W o f € much better character than formerly, Chamberlin, deceased. son will be an increase of thirty per Mrs. L. A. Wheeler and little daugh­ and the general appearance of tne place otice is hereby given to ter, from Independence made Mon­ cent. it may concern that I have been appoi There is a great deniand for school is fast improving. by the County Court of Polk County, mouth a visit on last Saturday. . The cliildrQn living on the opposite enough to be had to fill all the schools? side oi the Yellowstone, neRr Ea deceaHcd. All persons holding claim« ' gresa with increasing interest. Fifteen Whatcom county, W, T., leads in the Butte, noticed that a large portion of «aid Estate aro requested to present them to confessions have been made anl twi re­ production of oats this season, the ag­ the cliff, which projected over the track duly verified within six months from date, all persons indebted thereto will please claim’d. ’ . - had fallen. They crossed the streim me immediate payment. . gregate yield being 40,000 bushels. Dated Nov. 5, 1883. I mportant N ews .—Youraocounts are About 500 tons of coal is now the and waited for the train, signaling with ENOCH CHAMBERLIN, now over due. Call and settle im­ daily output at the Wellington, B. C., lanterns, and so saved a collision and E xecute DALY A BUTLER, mediately. F armers M ercantile A s ­ mine. The places of the strikers are . terrible loss of life. Attorneys. ’ sociation . Within the past two weeks at least nearly all filled. The Evangelical ohuroh house, two The Boatman’s at Puyallup, W. T., five families who wished to spend the ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE miles south of this place, has been com- sold their hops on Wednesday at 20 cents winter in Ashland have been nnable to " yletedy-wnd wtH-be-dedieated^a>-aoxi- u pennd g°ne t° oth~ JUTO . J8. HEREBY GIVEN TO vrhom tt may etmeeve Sunday, Nov. 25th. _ Nearly all the hops have been sold and er places in the valley. Every lihuse pointed A