'L T hi f DO Kite er on ort» [If you want knowledge, you ust toil for it ; if food, you must ES 11 i t ;-T iT i d if " pfea snre, “you hst toil for it. Toil is the law. pasure comes through toil, and TORPID BOWELS, it by self-indulgence and indo- DISORDERED LIVER. bce. XV hen one gets to love work w and MALARIA. b life is a happy one.— Ruskin. From these sources arise three-fourths of TUTT'S PILLS — •u—-------------- 4- -—— “ Now Well and Strong.” . the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate then* existence: Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick Head­ ache, fullness after catinc*, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, A feeling of having neglected mme duty, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Ile&rt, Dots before r * S hipman , I llinois . pr. R. V. P ierce , Buffalo, N. Y.: h H k ?' Sir— I wish to state that my daugh- MEaged 18, was pronounced incurable sasggMSS . "was fast failing a? the doctors on the Liver. AsaLivermedicineTUTT’ PILLS have no cqurj. Their aotion on the ■thought, with consumption. I obtain­ Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing impurities through these fhreo“ scav­ ed a half dozen bottles of your “ Gol, all engers of the system/* producing appe- iPlIlpfedical Discovery ” for her and tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous bod v. TUTT’S FILLS she commenced improving at once, and cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect is now well and strong. Xerj tlLl.'.'; J.UUU KuV. X. ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Augustin........ ............ ....... . .... ........... “Discovery ” sold by druggists. TUTT ’S W HAIR changed DYE. ire G . H p ay hnell nefee inton .ewii .wley abed ’owli Sbrty ound inett rìditi] ’haM uiket zzeU Hutt ¿bell >ud ilnoo me arty hon 180D oner Icoti wick «iff Ivey uply irrt Do» it« iker rtei nie» hiet IBM avii I tier »her lure lure Bell ling ong tier ieri net ort rrii n« )ld» IMS I*/ PTf 1er ml rix ina HERAL1T. CHRISTIAN- air ob hiskers star.tly to a G lossy B lack by a single ap­ God can make the grief a grace, plication of this D ye . Sold by Druggists the burden a blessing, and light ----- O ffi ce, 4*’M h tvwv w wi TOrNewYPiT.1------- -- (T dtSfippointment so that it — •UTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREI ies the torch of hope. The feelf shall bud and blossom, TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH king forth almonds, so that Use the Magneton Applianco Co.’s pry thing that chastens us >resent beauty and fruit. MAGI ETIC LUNG PROTECTOR J 15 - MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO —— CRAND OFFER FOR THE NEXT 60 DAVaeNtTi------- --- $854 Square Graud Piano for only $245. DTA1XTA QTVT T? QI rosiwood case, elegantly finished, 3 strings, Oo 7 1-3 Octaves, full patent cantaute agraffe^ our new patent & overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding, full iron frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact, every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument, has ■ been added. ’ s 1 . IXz’Our price for this instrument, lioxed and delivered on board cars at New AW. Kt. ... .. ....v < ’ York wi’h fiiie Piano Coyer. Stool ail* and I XTOVA,, Book, VMIJ only ’ Just reduced from our late wholesale, . factory ‘ r price, , . $295, ~ -, for fv.» 60 GG days G-jo. only, This is now, by far, the greatest bargain .ever ever ’offered the musical public. Unprecedented success success! I Tremendous demand ’ for ! Send in your order ‘ this ’ style ............... ’ at once. Do not lose this ‘ ‘ rare - opportunit - ly. This Piano l’iano will Ixj be sent on 15 days test trial. Pleaso send reference if you Cash send with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not just as lepresented. Several other special Bargains : . i,;. ...... «¿»cn .— Pianos, $160 .... up. « '«Ver 15,(M)p_iii use, and not one dissatisfied purchaser. . Don’t fail to write us before buying.' buying. Hand-' I 1 A, |N U 01 XJjLl "Harm1 OR piano manufacturer. Every Pinno fully warranted for 5 years. SHEET MUSIC at one-third price. Catalogue of 3,000 choice pieces of popular Music sent for 3c Btari’p. 13-40-ly ‘ J1ESDEL8SOHX PIANO CO., P. O. Box 4038, New York City. New Music for Conventions and Singing Schools. " 1 j" ■.« ' I . rm r> OLEH BOOK; ' s ir S.. nniw>f!W| w.. ------------------ - ------------------ —......... ------ —-—----- The latest and best by this popular author. The music all fresh and new» and just the thing for concerts. It contains graded song-lessons in all the keys, which is sure to please teacheis and pupils. Price, 60 cts. per copy ; $6.00 per dozen by express ; $6 75 per dozen by mail. _____________ FILLMORE BROS., Publishers, 185 Race St». Cincinnati, O. Tihhdi' w n'B* elBMHw iiiq bubc ott ; Soud fur specimen pages. ’ - 13 43 6t PHI C E ONLY $5 . ■ kiTE R iver , W. T., Oct. 21,1881. And will complcte’y change the hlhod in the entire »yatem : n throo months. Any person who will take ONE PILL Thov are priceless to Lsdies, Gentlemen and Nioirr FROM ONETO TWELVE WEEKS. iaay be restored to sound health, if such a thing is possible. p. C. Ayer & Co-Gentlemen : Children with weak Lungs ; no case of Pneu­ EACH For curing I cmale Complaints these Pills hare no equal. Physician* u»e them in their practice. Sold everywhere, or fe suffered for over twenty years monia or Croup is ever knowu where these sent by mail for ?5 cents in stamps. Send for pamphlet. |. g. JOHNSON A CO., BOStOn.ffffa««. garments are worn. They also prevent and beumatiBm in her hips and legs, cure Heart Difficultiesw Colds, hheumatism? tlingyonr almanac she pos tivoty - Notmtlgia, Tblbat Tj®Toii71^fffieria7 (!at-‘ arrh, and all Kindred Diseases. Will wear any d that your Sarsaparilla would service for three years. Are worn over the er. She has taken four bottles under-clothing. Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark’s Oil * , - w P IT A D D II I* noedless to describe Would respectfully announce to the now as well as ever she was iu Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the * /xltllll. the symptoms of thiynanse- Only Absolute Gere for Deafness Know»./'- citizens of Salem and vicinity, that >. I feel it my duty to send you ouedisease that-ijr«appin J the life and strength of only too many of the faireFt and best of both ‘ This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species o they are constantly receiving cere thanks. sexes. Labor, study and research in America, small White Shark, caught m the Yellow Sea, Europe and Eastern lauds, have resulted in the new goods consisting of C. E ngclorn , known as Carcharodon Rondeletii. Every JOHNSON, LUNN & CO. dispute with an infidel the „fl£„_lhe_ Bible-., la- iTng argument. ”The Sermon e Mount, if all the circum s be considered, will be re- d by any profound thinker as ater miracle than the raising zarus.— Fuller. Advice To Mothers. W inslow ’ s B oothing S yrup should al- le used when children are cutting teeth, eves the little Bufferer at once: it pro- ^natural, quiet sleep by relieving the from pain, and the little cherub awakes (right as a button: ’ It Is very pleasant ki. It soothes the child, softens the allays pain, relieves wind regulates the I, and is the host known remedy for oea, whether arising from teething or muses. Twenty-five cfs. a bottle. 13-20-1 y man must stand erect, not be erect by others. Hi eotigtrar cold there is no reme !nal to Amiuen’sCougli Syrup, ny druggists recommend, and try (what pays them the largest pro- Do not be deceived. Ask for Am- 1 Cough Syrup. Take no other., temedy stands on its own merits can buy a sample bottle for 15 | and teat ft yourself. Larger bot• a 50 cents and $1 Ask to Bee the r size and read tlie wrapper. wnieville , Cal., July 18th, 1882 m selling Ammon's Cough Syrup, the sales are gradually increasing res good satisfaction. V. P. Smith, diner’s Drug Store,” Downiaville, Magnet c Lung l*ruteclor, affording cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no Drugging of the System, and with the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating through the MtfüjOklXdiXlâÀaO HMMHMWMK«» orgftHe. must reetewtliem te a -h e althy a ettUTTr* We place the pt ice for tliisAppliance at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and we especially invite the patronage of the many persons who have tried drugging their stomachs without effect. Dry Groods, ■■were ii oiwi i my MHid-i»»»? 'aculeus, that tTie remedy" was officiaTTy “pro­ claimed over the entire Empire. Its use be­ came so universal that for over 800 years no Deafuess has existed i.moi g the Chinese people. Sant, charges prepaid, to any address at $1.00 per bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say IJ HOW TO OBTAIN gist and ask for them. If they have not got (hem, write to tho proprietors, enclosing the price, in letter at our risk, and they will be sent to you at once by mail, post paid. Bend Stamp for the “ New Departure in Medical Treatirout witbeut Medicine,” with thousands of testimonials. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., J118 State Street, Chicago, Ill. N ote .—8end one dollar in postage stamps or currency tin a letter at our risk with tize of shoe usually worn, and trv a pair of our Mag­ netic Insoies, and be conviuced of the power residing in our Magnetic Appliances. Positive­ ly no cold feet where they are worn, or money refuuded. 13-46-ly CLUB RATES. nr-E WILL -SEND THE "FAITH* ful Witness, Topeka, Kas., un 8 page, 40 Col. paper, containing all the Church News of the rapidly growing West—ably edited and neatly printed— and the only religious paper published by our brethren, between the Missouri River and the Pacifio SI pe. A paper of five year’s standing. Price $1.00 per year, monthly—Clubbed with the C hristian H erald —botli papers Trvm now till close of *84 at $2.50. Address this office. M jHXi'WQ wanted TOT Tho History of ¿XUTJuiXv A m Christianity, by Abbott. A grand chance. A $4 book at tho popular price of $1.75. Libeial terms. The rohgious papers mention it as one of the few great religious works of the world. Greater sue-ess never known by agents. Tern s free. NT inhon A Co., Publishers, Portland,.Maine. Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures A FULL LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS AND STAPLE GROCERIES Wbieli they are prepared to sell At the Very Lowest ’ Rates ! — :o:— All kinds of Farm Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. — :o; — You are cordially invited to call and examine goods and price». JOHNSON LUNN & CO Cor. Griswold’s Block, Commerciul Street, Salem. 13-41-ly It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head and hear much better* I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal—think an« other bottle will cure me. C My hearing is much benefited. 1 have received untold benefit. My hearing is improving. It ia-giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. “Its virtues are unquestionable and its curative character absolute, as the writer can .personally testify, both from experience and observation. Write at once to Haylock A Jen- ney, 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing Si .00, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent. Yon will never regret doing so.”—ixlitor of Afercan- tile Review. fET'Vo avoid loss in the mails, pleaso send mone7 by Registered letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, 1 Dey-Nt., N. Y. Solo Agents for America. OP EVERY KIND CHEAPER THAN EVER. Rifles, Shct Gunn, Revolvers, Ammunition, -dsliing Tackle, Seines, Nets, Knives, — Razors, Skate*. Hammock*, etc.-- YLarge Illustrated Catalogue FREE. 13-4-ly To any suffering with Catarrh or Bron­ chitis who earnestly desire relief, I can furnish a means o' Permanent and Pos­ itive Cure. A Home Treatment. No charge for consultation by mail. Valua­ ble Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc-’ tors. Lawyers, Minlslert. Business-men Address Rev. T. P CHILDS, Troy. Ohio. A«l., Lebanon, Ohio. BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY. Bt !*!* of Pure Copper and Tin for Church«'*, Schools, Fire Alarm^Fartns, etc. FCLLY WARRANTED. Catalogue «ent Fret. VANDUZEN &TIFT, Cincinnati, O. — <>