: — -— —:— -t—...——■* 1 .. ■——*-—, i-*- ?—- . 4 DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY. MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1883. VOL. XIII. NO. 47. ■1 Come the sfrange rays; the forest depths under date of Nov. 10, as follows: are bright; J. F. FLOYD, ° Please send my mail (paper) to Their sunny-colored folliage, in the Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or.' Seattle, Box 388. I had to make breeze, H. T. MORRISON, my home there on account of w'ork Twinkles, like beams of light. Eugene City, Oregon,* Associate Editor. there and to be at home ipore. The rivulet, late unseen, shrubsitsbee n athleff M hto Wlieie biuk e iiiig tirrrnTg-tW I waters run, tember 1st, and more are coming. One Copy, one year.......................... $2 00 One Copy, six month«................ 1 00 Shines with the image of its golden Audiences fair, interest increasing. screen, ADVERTISEMENTS. Sunday-school looking up. In New And glimmering of the sun. But ’neath yon crimson tree, [ Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as Have found about 20 member« and second class mail matter. ] Lover to listening maid might breathe they are generally willing to work, his dame, Please Notice. but they need financial aid.” TT(jFmark",nwithih its roseate canopy, We are not responsible for the opinions and Htr blush of maiden shame. sentiments expressed by our contributors, blit —-—1111111 —“ J ty Judge. Come to the Lord and he will guide you on to victory. There has been laid on our table a very valuable and practical book, ........................ ■■ for our own writing alone. Hence oui readers Oh, autumn ! why so soon must judge for themselves. We intend.to give space for the free expression of opinion, within Depart the hues that make the forests the limits of sound discretion, and the good of glad, the cause ; but not be held as indorsing what others may write. Thy gentle wind and thy fair sunny noon All matter intended for publication in this fihvuld be,.written : ----------- - - - ------ ATnHeavertro&wira ahd sad ? “ 1. On one side of the sheet only. » 2. In a plain legible hand. Ah ! ’ (were a lot too blest 3. Lot there be plenty of space between the lines. Forever in thy colored shades to*stray: 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so Amid the kieses ef the soft south-west that it may not be defaeed in transît. —- 5. Write brief articles. To roam and dream for aye; 6. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or queries not accompanied by your name. A new weekly paper has been started in Seattle, W._ T., called The Mirrat'. Its motto reads: “ Equal political rights to all Ameri­ can citizens of ordinary intelli- gence, and the absolute prohibition of the liquor traffic.” What is to. be done with that class who do not possess ordinary intelligence and who is to be the judge of that mat- .ter, we are not told ! We welcome the publication of any and all papers set for the advocacy and de­ fense of truth on Christian princi­ ples. Price, $2 00 per year. iiii’lT Tij*'. ’ ' ’ ~ ----- Ifrrt:-tnr1- i iMT IT Oirr t------- —-j- T222-11" ' '-'*■■■- The mountains that enfold, In their wide sweep, the colored land­ scape round, Seem groups of giant kings, in purple and gold, That guard the enchanted ground. I roam the woods that crown The uplands, where the mingled splen- j < dors glow, {"Where the gay company of trees look down I A- C|n the green fields belotr. - - - If those of our subscribers who have received reminders find any mistakes, let them notify us and they will be promptly corrected. Our meeting in Monmouth, con­ ducted by Bro. Morrison, still con­ tinues with an increasing interest. Up to this writing (Tuesday) 17 have taken their stand with the Lord, all by confession except two. My steps are not alone The prospects are fine for many n these bright walks; the sweet south­ more. west, at play, ^lies, rustling, where the painted leaves We have received the first num­ are strewn, ber of the new paper called the Along the winding way. And far in heaven, the while, 'he sun, that sends the gale to wander here, ‘ours out on the fair earth his quiet smile— The sweetest of the year. Where nvwQlie solemn shade, erdure and gloom where many branch­ es meet; r o grateful when the summer noon made ■The valleys sick with heat ? Christian Home Journal, published in Kingston, Jamaica, and edited by Bro. W. K. Azbill. It is neatly gotten up, and is well filled with sound teaching. Bro. Azbill is a strong man, is doing a good work as missionary’in Jamaica, and we wish him all success in his new en­ terprise. The Journal is published monthly at Is. Od. per year. eluding many valuable vocabularies* and carefully compiled tables.” The book contains G72 pages printed on good paper, substantially bound in library style and is handsomely il­ lustrated with original drawings. Edited by Albert Ellery, assisted by an able corps of specialists. . And leave the vain low strife That makes men mad, the tug for wealth . AUTUMN WOODS. and power, BBYANT. The passions and the cares that wither life, ♦ Ere, in the northern gale, And waste its little hour. The summer tresses of the trees are gone, The woods of autumn, all around our Are you on the Lord’s side or are vale, EDITORIAL NOTES. you not ? You cannot be drafted Have put their glory on. ■----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- we wish to call special attention. The title page reads as follows; The Universal Self—Instructor and in this book we find such as the English language, grammar, elocu­ tion, oratory, banking, book keep- ing, schools of medicine, art of music, social etiquette, phrenology, language of flowers, letter writing, biography of distinguished persons, etc., etc. In short it is intended to supply the place of a Cyclopedia for those who are unable to pur­ chase the expensive works, and it is admirably adapted to this end. It should be in the library of every young man and young woman in the country, and we recommend it to all those wishing baoks of its kind. Thomas Kelly, publisher, 17 Barclay St., New York. into the gospel ranks, for each must go a willing soldier beneath the banner of the cross. Don’t vou want to be with the victorious ar­ my ? the battle is the Lord’s; he never fails to conquer ; his loving followers when the weary march is A good sister in California wishes over, shout exultingly “ 1 hayevfin- to know if it is right to have ished my work, I have fought the Church socials to raise money for good fight,” while the vanquished the benefit of the church ? - Also if hosts are crying lost, lost, as the it is right to have organ music in boatman carries them out into the the congregation ? It is not our unknown. To the victor every-’ present purpose to enter into a dis­ thing is given, glory and honor and cussion of these questions, but immortality; a house not made when a number of sisters and with hands, eternal in the heavens; brethren desire to know our opinion beauty and youth and love; home on these matters, we feel dree to and heaven; Christ to meet htm- give Hr We have nothing to keep" with the title deeds of a free salva­ in the dark pertaining to the in­ tion. The resisting host send some terests of the churches of God; and great leader to oppose the Lord, although we may differ with our who flourishes a space, but the brethren on some matters, we have . chariot wheels of the Son of God learned to respect the opinions of crush him till his bones mingle all good people, and hence can only with the dust of earth, and his spir­ ask that they in turn exercise due it shrieks for mercy as it goes nak- deference toward us. • Church > •