4 it except the Çhristian church, which appears to be quite strong. The College has. been^xlianged. somewhat into the y form of a normal < • i I Hili 13 II LJ I IV» lit t .'FJii school, and it is in a very prosper­ ous condition. If we mistake not there are in attendance at the pre­ sent time over two hundred pupils. During the few days we have been here we have had the pleasure of attending some of the exercises in the “ chapel,” and also in the class­ rooms, and are much pleased with ÜELRISTIAJST HERALD. • • had accomplished less good than was needed for their salvation. The- Pope claimad. that Jiv-hai 1 .received. authority from God to draw from this reservoir of merit, and to apply it to those who-had shown them­ selves worthy by their sorrow and repentance. But soon sorrow and repentance were dispensed- with, and matters were satisfactorily ar­ ranged by the use of money. Thus arose the so-called traffic in indul • gences, which has proved to be a alism in all their forms and take our stand along with Christ* the apostles and the primitive cburchos and accept their faith in all its purity and their approved practices without charge. Here is opened to our view the grandest field of Chris­ tian work; here, we hold, is the only true basis of Christian union. Let us then like Paul of old, forgetting those things which are behind, press toward better things in the future, remembering that our work of res- t » A D ifficult T ask —Bro. Errett, ( of the Christian Standard, is hav­ n ing a hard time of it on account P h ll . T the Island Park ordination, _ a ' thing t which to our mind was altogether s unnecessary to say the least of it. il To make out his case he denies that u Barnabas was a member of the s b church at Antioch when he was or- a dained, and thinks his membership \ was still at Jerusalem. In answer e to this point, Bro. F. G. Allen, of the c Old Path Guide, makes the follow- TTTg porn"ru "pry. be excellent. The order is so com­ plete that every thing works like clock work ; and yet there is in the school none of the stiffness we popes.” This was too much for Luther, and hence, on the 31st of October, 1517 he nailed to the door of the Castle Church, Wittenberg, Selections and Comments. æaa £ We know that Barnabas had been laboring with and for the church in Antioch considerably over a year at the time of the ordination. See Acts 11: 19 30. 12:25. 13:1-3. The accepted chronology makes-it three years. The presumption is that Barnabas would not have la­ bored with this church that length of time without becoming indentifi- ed with it- Tty reasonthat his metn- bership was still at Jerusalem, be­ cause there is no account of his re­ moving it, is no reason from the. silence of Scripture. If Barnabas was a member of the church in Jerusalem at the time of the ordin- • • 7 . • it A J_ to 1 tie-a’ 1*1 awon-,-na one t&Mrtve iact, and no one can prove it. Hence, Bro. Errett’s position here is simply an assumption not susceptible of - B aptist L ogic (?)—A Baptist brother in the Christian Index caps schools. The students all march to ten in Latin and which read as fol­ the climax of his argument against baptism for thé remission of sins and from their recitatians to the lows : beat of the drum and seem to enjoy w A Disputation to set forth the with the following : Now, if “ baptism is essential ... ithugGy- M, to salvation, then -— saves ------- ; ; by love and by a desire to bring the Monmouth, Nov. 9, 1883. >fT ! "X H Hi ' j truth to light, a disputation will be but if water saves, where is held at Wittenberg, concerning the the glory of Christ’s death THE REFORMATION. —’ ' fton** •—*T ', T t ' 'THT T~ ■ I <1 (* ■; ■- following theses, under the direction and resurrection ? Nay, where is On the tenth day of this month of the Reverend Father Martin the necessity of the atonement ?— was the four hundreth anniversary Luther Master of the Liberal Arts where is the glory of the Holy Spirit of Martin Liit.h,er,.one oOhg. £re&t-, and of Sacred Theology, and au­ who regenerates the soul ? If wa- tëFsave5;”oür faithis'ffOt essential, est reformers the world has ever thorized I’eac^ier of ttye same. There- anybody and everybody can be fore it is requested, that all who known this side of Christ and the cannot be present in person to dis­ saved by being simply baptized ! apostles. As the eyes of the Pro­ cuss theses may do so in writing. Why, let us baptize everybody, that testant world are just now being In the name oF~our Lord Jesus all may*Le savedT But wTe are not left simply to in­ turned towards this great man and Christ. Amen.” This is a r fair sample of ference in this matter. The text Here was really the beginning of the logic (?) employed by those says, “ Now there were in the his work, it is fitting that we also should give an expression of dur the Reforination "ofthe' Sixteenth "write" agaTnst The Scripture cha^TKaf'wSkakÄnfööoh~ certain appreciation of what he has done Century. Here stood the man who teaching of baptism. “ If baptism prophets and teachers; as Barna­ for us; and we only have time and dared to rebuke the Pope of Rome. is essential to salvation, then water I bas,” etc., Acts 13 : 1. Here it is as­ serted that Barnabas was in the space for one lesson. • It is not sim­ War was not only declared, but was .saves !” The" writer could just as church at Antioch. His relation to ply Luther as a man, but Luther.as actualiycarriud on untiI the voice - have- Ä»i4y* 4f- -faith- hr 4he church, irs rfreru -expresisert;"^1 a reformer, we wish to notice. In of liberty was heard throughout the essential to salvation, then faith precisely that of the other prophets doing this we are not set for the civilized nations of the earth, and saves; or if repentance, prayer or and teacher, and Saul. They were defense of Protestanism as such, the whole Protestant world could confession is essential to salvation, all in that ehurch. If in the church dosen’t mean in its membership, we but only so far as it is found to be inscribe “ victory ” on their banner. then repentance, prayer and con­ are curious to know what it does in perfect accord with the teaching While then Protestants should fession save us ! Does this writer mean. If Saul and the rest were in of the New Testament. J^rotestan- praise God and thank Luther for believe that these essentials actually the church at Antioch, so was Barn­ ism is the state of being protestant the great and noble work that has save any one ? If so, then accord­ abas. The best authorities make against the Church of Rome; and been done, they should not lose ing to his own logic, “ where is the them the officiary of the church, as the term protestant was originally sight of the important fact that glory of Christ’s death and resur- we shall hereafter see. In this ca- pacity. they could-. noU-act wi “appIied to Tuther andTus followers’" “the work “of““the STxteentTr~Cen- reciion’anT^ where Ts the necessi­ membership. Hence, Barnabas was because they solemnly and earnestly tury has not yet been completed. ty of the atonement.” If it be said a member of that church protested against some of the doc­ This is the lesson we wish that the Scriptures attribute salva­ The text of the revised version is even stronger : “ Now there were at trines, practices and decrees of the to impress on our readers. tion to faith, we answer that the Pope and the Roman Catholic Luthers x work was emphatically a .same can be said of baptism, for the Antioch, m the church that was there, prophets and teachers, Bar­ Church. Although Luther was a reformation. His great object was apostle Peter sajft," The like figure nabas, * * and Saul. ......monk and. in ..sympathy with.the. .tQ.re£Qrm..the Church .of Bxmie, and- -wheruuuto. ewa baptism - doth-'alire When Bro. Errett performs t Church, yet his righteous indigna­ doubtless never once thought of now save us.” These essentials are oft attempted task, of proving that tion was aroused at the wicked and going back of her and restoring all placed on the same spiritual “ in ” doesn’t mean in, but round blasphemous traffic in indulgences. Primitive Christianity in all its plane, and they all save in the same about somewhere in the neighbor­ The following circumstances, says purity. Just at this point is where sense. We do not understand that hood, he may get Barnabas out of the church at Antioch; but then he his biographer, led to the traffic. above all else, we as a religious bo­ there is any virtue in any of them would have to out Herod Herod « The Roman Catholic Church dy of people should take up the to save the soul, for that is in the himself, to get him as far away as’ maintained that the saints, during line of march and proceed towards their life on earth, had accumulated Jerusalem. While our work is from all sin ; but these are all sim­ T he M oralist .—In an able ar­ a treasury of merit because of their largely a reformation, it is more ply condition,on which God,through good works; that they had done properly a work of restoration. Christ; proposes tomeet and save” ticle..on “ The Great.. Evil,?.-the more good than they were obligated We PL°£0Re t€> ,£° hack of all th? sinner. This Baptist brother is Christian Intelligencer thus speaks to da This surplus might be used popes, creeds, confessions of faith, evidently a quarter of a century be­ o| the moralist : Men living where the light of for the benefit of sinful men who and sectarianism and denomination- hind his own brethren. brightly, wherq *-',J1TT.f'ii r ili1Wlrt"'-',"***‘—*****-"T— 'Wti r ti i t n-m iit nr uth i - i i nmn i r m < ■ wniiijMi»Biwnii~irriiipjmu i iW i iin i n - - - i < ri n ri Oi a w h ft n o • i; a d