HL V ì I r . ». J‘ __ J LX • > j ; , . A O° A ■ s • t * f 7--*—rt—-T fh-l. ■ j'( f • “ • 4 * * v7 ‘ M ',ji 4 ' DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY » « - - - • • • * ■ - a 1 . > - V - • ... 1 ■ ' I ♦ » * . '■ ‘ ■ IFÏ ----------- T MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1883. VOL. XIII. ■ C hristian H erald . EDITORIAL NOTES. ‘ '' 1' T ~— 1 ■ “ *•" •- ;■*■■■— — ■ * NO. 46. ■ - .... ■, ....... - —... i. i. ■ —- . Kevorkian as its missionary io worthy, and deserves to be sus^ Takat, in Asia Minor. You have tained.” We are glad to know that We .r^,ret that_the> article of HuT waiiwng” ifirTTermans is Bro. G, O? Burnett printed in our to us very highly'recommended by Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. being so well sustained. Bro. Coop columns some weeks ago contained- H. T. MORRISON, Profs. Graham and McGarvey. In­ is a missionary who needs not to be several typographical errors. The* deed, all who know him speak ashamed. This is. one way to Eugene City, (hrgon, Associate Editor. proof was badly read. Such things favorably of him as a Christian preach the gospel that is overlooked Subscription Price i will occur sometimes in spite of all and a scholar. He will sail from by many Christians: yet such men---- Cne Copy, one year............................ $2 00 ii JJO tlw paina editors an