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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1883)
HL V ì I r . ». J‘ __ J LX • > j ; , . A O° A ■ s • t * f 7--*—rt—-T fh-l. ■ j'( f • “ • 4 * * v7 ‘ M ',ji 4 ' DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY » « - - - • • • * ■ - a 1 . > - V - • ... 1 ■ ' I ♦ » * . '■ ‘ ■ IFÏ ----------- T MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1883. VOL. XIII. ■ C hristian H erald . EDITORIAL NOTES. ‘ '' 1' T ~— 1 ■ “ *•" •- ;■*■■■— — ■ * NO. 46. ■ - .... ■, ....... - —... i. i. ■ —- . Kevorkian as its missionary io worthy, and deserves to be sus^ Takat, in Asia Minor. You have tained.” We are glad to know that We .r^,ret that_the> article of HuT waiiwng” ifirTTermans is Bro. G, O? Burnett printed in our to us very highly'recommended by Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. being so well sustained. Bro. Coop columns some weeks ago contained- H. T. MORRISON, Profs. Graham and McGarvey. In is a missionary who needs not to be several typographical errors. The* deed, all who know him speak ashamed. This is. one way to Eugene City, (hrgon, Associate Editor. proof was badly read. Such things favorably of him as a Christian preach the gospel that is overlooked Subscription Price i will occur sometimes in spite of all and a scholar. He will sail from by many Christians: yet such men---- Cne Copy, one year............................ $2 00 ii JJO tlw paina editors an<I New York in a few days. We ex as Timothy Coop are doing more may take. The greatest difficulty pect great good to come out of this real preaching with their money, ADVERTISEMENTS. we have to contend with is usually new mission.” We are personally than many who stand behind the ' Prices will be git en on application. i [Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as bad writing. This was not the case acquainted with this brother, Î E,..*. S nÎÎRiî * 1 A 1 ® J A^ however , with the article in ques Firr ' -- :--- ■.— ------------- • ——----- - — havirig met him in Lexington, Ky., people. Then as all Christians are I a - Please Notice. tion. Give us another one as good, and are glad to know that he has required - to preach the gospel of We are not reaponaible for the opinions and Bro. G. been appointed to this mission. We „Christ in some .way, we think those wntimenta expressed by our contributors, but 'orDOT^uwirwrtttng arone. •Hence ofii readers We are in receipt of a letter from think no better selection could have who .cannot do so to edification nust judge for themselves. We intend to .give ipace for the free expression of opinion, within Bro. W. Y. Taylor, of Weatherford, been made. It looks as though the with their mouths should make ;he limits ef sound discreuon, and the good.of be cause ; but not be held as indorsing what Texas, in which he says: “ Herein very field in which the apostles good use of their pocket-books. „ ___ )th4ra naav write. ----------- ------______ Tsenff^postal note for one dollar, themselves established churches is All matter intended for publication in this for which please send me the soon to hear the pure gospel of japer should be written : Dr. J. W. Cox retires from his P 1. On one sidexrt tlie sheet only. Christ again, and be made to re- C hristian H erald six months. 2. In a plairTTegiblo hand. * • . position as one. of the. editors of the -- 3. Let there be plenty of space between the If not -hindered -will visit OregOYT ■jofce: ~~— — lOH. Apostolic Times. In his retiring ; 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so and Washington Territory next card he says, “ The reason for this liât it may not be defaced in transit. 5. Write brief articles. spring, and may conclude to locate The great Convention at Cincin- act is, that in the judgment of the fl. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or neriea not accompanied your limner----- — permanently tliere.Texas—i*t(^ nnri.’-Ohin, coiiTposCTi"of*tliFTareigYl Proprietor and Managing Editor of hot for me. Would expect to teach Christian Missionary Society, the the Times my writings, as an editor,: THE DENIED REQUEST. and preach, or preach altogether.” General Christian Missionary Con have been damaging to the paper,’r mark 10 : 44. Here is a chance for some of our vention and the Christian Woman’s We presume that the most object- they asked for the place of honor, churches to secure preaching. We uJiaa. just. closed.. rònaì feature1 ofwrit [■'Porwateufr ttreir hand, are not acquainted with Bro. Tay its session and the various reports, ings are his views on the design of to be nearest, dearest, closest, lor, but feel safe in saying he is a as given in our. Eastern exchanges, baptism. It has been generally Of the chosen and loving band. worthy man. We will be glad to are before us. The delegation was known for some time that he differs ‘ But list to the Master’s answer, have him visit this coast. . good, but not so large as last year, from his brethren on one of the Sweet chiding they well deserve, there being only about 400 in at most important points of this ques F The gifts of the heavenly kingdom We have sent out a number of tendance. A lively interest was Are only for those who serve.” reminders to some of our subscrib maintained throughout. It is tion. He says i “ As to baptism beem we that the plea was selfish, ers who have allowed themselves thought that for all purposes some for the remission of sins, I do not And tainted with pride of earth ? believe it is the ordinance which 1 th ! dare we search in our own weak to run behind on the paper. Our thing near $30,000 was raised dur- is_forthe remission of sins, or that s' object is not hearts ’-mg-the convention:—0rfr~ttie“xv'hoTe, for which God grants pardon, but . For the wishes that there have birth ? but to simply remind them that we it is thought that these conventions for Christ’s death alone which is have hundreds of dollars now due are a decided success in the pro For what is our fond desiring, But to be of the chosen few, on subscriptions which we are act gress of the cause of Christ/ STnct represented in baptism, and which fo bear the most beautiful message, ually needing. Some of our best they propose to do more solid work is the sole object of faith.” We The loftiest work to do ! subscribers who get behind are in the future than during the past. think with this view of baptism |ut tender and touched with pity thankful for these reminders and . „Their reports, relating tQjLhgJ m L conscientiously held, as he states, Is it fell from the lips divine., alwaysremitpi omptly onTOCeiving" year’s work make a reasonably brother -Cox did-^xactly Tight" tfi les the truth that patient service them. We hope none will become good showing, and we wish them withdrawing from a paper set for lust lead to those«heights sublime. offended, but that all will pleasere all success within the proper limits the defense of a different view of the design of baptism. There is no member our printers must be paid, of Divine authority. one question among us, as a people, and this must be done by those who about which there is more perfect read the paper. Will our agents The A. C. Review says; “Bro. agreement that baptism along with please look after this matter at Timothy Cööp, öf England; ebn- faith ami repentance for the re once ? Let them also remit all tributed $1,000 toward the Ger mission of sins. We very much re money they may have on hand. man mission in Cincinnati. All gret that the Dr. does not see this Brethren, don’t forget this. hail to this missionary chief ‘ The question in its true light, and it is In a letter from Bro. A. McLean, Woman’s Board will take charge of to be hoped that he will yet be » service of ardent labor, f ministries small and slight, of Cincinnati, he says : “ The For this mission. This will make the enabled to do much good for the lands that are strung and able, eign Society has appointed Garabed heart of Bro. Mueller glad. He is cause of Christ. f hands that are weak and white ; ' r 7T'*r “ " . j » ’ i n----------- _i------------------- 74 * ■ V* 1 f ! *• f J » I i • • ? i•* i ’ • • . i * * ■ ♦ 1 11 J J J-‘ •’<*£* ûVÜ rj ■ 3Q • service of tears and sorrow, f suffering and beds of pain ; ’ often life’s truest service o our sight seems loss, not gain, ile ever beyond lifts the promise, heering hearts that grow weary and swerve, ‘|The gifts of the heavenly kingdom . i Are waiting for those who serve.”