MMB■i CHRISTIAN i , - f e s a a e a is L j- ?e of r. n- lst n- ljt n_ n his driving bargains. It often appens that among our leading enerals, among our greatest states- Bii, Buiviig 'th* theologians of minence, are men of cultured and uling intellects, who have not had ery excellent advantages, yeAave aster minds. It often happens hat the boy 'of the neighborhood hat fails to pass his examinations, ets a poor standing in his recita- ions, is called the block-head, in ater years turns out to be more _—u*a.n, ihns»» ti ha kagflmajk. rpass him in Iris school oays. why are we surprised ? For Wwo reasons, first his ability lay in a different channel, it manifested «self in a different way than that ly it was isinterpreced, it was misunder- ood. It may be the criteria of judgment were facts quoted from highest power of mini. Now memory is very useful, it is indis­ pensable, but should hold a second nk as compared to the reasoning culty. We, by observation, Wather facts, by using the judgment, |we note their similarity or dissimi- arity, with the memory we are hold the- or data of reason, and if we fail to reason, all this work is nearly in vain. Then to educate one is to ¡perfect his being as nearly as possible. It is to develop his apabilities for power. In order to uccessfully and intelligently do this we must study the mind, learn Jthe laws of its growth, and the order in which the various faculties develop themselves into prominence, rof. Wickersham says: “It is known that the use oF one part of the body develops that portion while it has little effect upon the remainder. Similarly we may cul­ tivate the intellect without speci- lly encouraging the growth of the hysical organism, and we may cultivate separately and in a ditter- nt manner the different faculties f the intellect. It requires one Jrnode of culture to . educate the _ ’"Msenses and-the perceptive faculties, ^another to strengthen the memory fmd still others to develop the powers of imagination, comparison and reason. Each intellectual -power differs from the others in its jKiature, in its mode of operation, Knd modes of culture must adapt Iphemselves to these differences. In order then not to work blindly we ould inform ourselves as to which articular faculty of the mind we ■ wm | HERALD. -J ignorant of the great law of special ture as will be hurtful to the mind. to judge from their countenances, training for special faculties.” The Then in view of this argument since are,“ We will conclude by singing a hymn.” Their hearts are not perceptive powers should be largely we desire power, mental, physical, there, and what good will they re­ ^y ijuih.liiHd jnor alo M i wer, and since the ob- vive ? As well might they keep In the first place the knowledge ject of education is to train and in­ their eyesT'on their watched,their gained through the senses is of struct the pupil that he may grow private devotions, to see when to great utility and very important as to manhood and approximate as stop, and call it a prayer, and ex­ to receive a blessing. constituting the basis of all the nearly as may be to that full, com­ pect I have seen all kinds of methods sciences. Our greatest scientists plete and perfect human being that adopted to prevent meetings from began their researches into the was intended by his Creator he running in a rut ; quartette sing­ hidden laws of nature when child­ should be, and since his perceptive ing, solo singing, repetition of ver­ ren by examining through one or powers are more susceptible of ses, and extracts from other books all the five senses properties of the cultivation in childhood than when than the Bible ; but those who go from principle, and to be profited, pbjeqtsj>bout them. The physical he is older, and also the knowledge derive little real benefit from novel­ philosopher is onTj7 ascertain the laws through which since the matured mind more easily soon tire of any devices or machin-- nature’s forces act, and to apply understands abstract thought than ery invented to interest them. It . them to his use by making them the immatured mind, it seems to is a great point to have a subject which is understood beforehand, as work for him. lie is trying togain follow that we may very naturally the one to which attention will be nower He is Miuulv- rrv na to JLrain the child to perceive, to com- directed. Then proper preparation find out what is and how it is. Who pare, to discriminate, to hold the can TRy-muile, aild continuity or .. has not watched the eagerness with facts in the memory, to reflect upon thought secured. When there is a which the younger scientist grasps them, to reason upon them in his scattering fire along the whole line of faith and works and hope and joy w he, own wav by bringing before him 4ind love and zeal, and every other may be enabled to better under­ as much as possible (lie objects ~cir Christian gracK stand the peculiar properties of it the representatives of objects of na­ exclaiming, “ To what purpose is through the sense of touch and ture. Object teaching may be this waste ?” How much better to gratify his feeling of wonder. It is made a hobby, and be subversive make a united attack upon one point! wonder that causes the aged scien­ to its intended use, yet certainly There is a certain class of breth­ tist to labor so hard to unravel the the. . . . art of teaching by the use of ren., it must be owned, who are a occult powers of the universe, and object lessons can bo fruitful in drag upon prayer-meetings. TKey~ it is wonder that impels the child promoting the development of the “ feel to speak a few words,” and, in to_tj^tex smell, human economy in attaining.-power. lo I they are many. They have no gift to. edify, ap^seem never to sus­ hear, see, and touch or handle as pect it. Oh, what "sufferings liave- A Woman’s Thought of It. many different things and in as been endured by sensitive saints many different ways as possible. I am a woman. I neither speak when certain persons, known and It is easy for one to remember that nor pray in public, but I am deep­ dreaded, have risen to express them­ in which he is interested. The ly interested in the prayer-meeting selves ! But the Lord is very patient mind will natura’ly reflect upon question discussed in some of your with bad grammar and stammering and why should his people that which it loves. It is easy to recent issues. There are multitud­ tongues, be over fastidious ? If a man’s spirit teachr it and train it by using illus­ es who feel that they_need this is right, if he -has the root of the trations it is able to understand. means of grace, amid varied cares matter in him, and does not talk The child may not be able to grasp and trials, to help lift them to a against time, or to show himself oft’, the thought contained in an ab- higher life, They go hand in-hand- it ought not to spoil a meeting—• though he asks the Lord, as a stract solution of a problem in hand with the services of God’s even certain very good illiterate man al­ mental arithmetic, yet be very house’ and when ^tliese are done ways did, “ to convey us safely, bright to acquire knowledge adapt­ away; and no sooner, do I believe when we part, to our respectable, ed to its advancement in reasoning they will die out in the churches. abodes.” Our Savior when on earth closely associated with humble Studies that lequire much abstract, Now, how to make them inter­ was reasoning are very likely to weary esting, as that word is generally de­ men of no education, but their hearts burned with the fire which love ar*l blight the young mind by fined, does not seem to me a ques­ had kindled. If we had more of using modes of thought and ex­ tion which should greatly agitate this spirit we should not complain pressions he (p.ils to comprehend, devout Christians, or even those of unintersting services ony more and thus render him inattentive who are inclining to ward a religi­ than did these early disciples, though and listless. It is easier to theorize ous life. When the heart is in a it is to be feared if they were to ap­ pear and speak in one of our meet­ on these things than to tell exactly, waiting attitude to receive a bless- ings, they would be voted hardly ing; when there is individual con­ when we come to the practical edu-_ secration and -personal piety, or a intelligentenough toedify the Chris­ cation of the young mind, just what longing for these, the spirit will tians of 1883. he should, and what he should not carry home simple singing and Finally, with all the modesty in­ study. Though it does seem that praying, and will comfort and build herent to the sex, I must say, the we may teach the child to dis- up the devout worshiper as noth­ best meetings 1 have ever attended have been those conducted by wo­ else will do. ciminate without overtaxing his ing However a prayer-meeting may men. Their exercises are generally mental faculties, we may introduce be conducted, there are some peo­ fervid and short, and, owing to their to him objects to be compared ple who always whichthe clock, timidity, and want of. self-reliance, which .will involve in discrimina­ even craning their necks to accom­ perhaps, they make thorough pre­ tion of them the process of reason­ plish this object. If a brother, out paration. This last hint I would commend to all who man­ ing equal in .mint'd drill to that of a full heart, overruns the sixty especially minutes allotted to this service, age prayer-meetings and to yiven in arithmetical solutions, but they exhibit real impatience. The make them interesting.—J. L. P. in will not be of such an abstract na- most soul-satisfying words spoken, Christian Union. -----..........................................................................................................................................£