■ db. '■ • -I • ......—-W- 1 the same, though in .winter we have the largest attendance (even from 200 to 250 children); yet our Sun­ day-School compares well with the t n oat flou r ishi n g in Pari s /though our neighborhood is les» populous and naw under diiect priestly in­ fluence. We have to deplore with­ in a moth three deaths among these I I dur i God’s lambs. Some have ° been lulled to sleep in Jesus while hear- our beautiful songs, and all have hailed the Sunday-school hours as their mbst precious and sweetest of earth. O, how we need a school attached to our mission, and what a rich harvest would be had if we, like Mr. McAll and Co., had un­ limited means. The new songs of our new Hymnal have been kept aswagt.. until Madame ^dJUlaunayos. ^return, when they will be sung with ^exultation. Yet the other tunes in which our people have been so well by Madame D., are heartily ung, and as sweet echoes of her whom they learned to revere and to love. Candidates for baptism have never been so numerous, but all wish Madame D. present, and how tliey all long for her happy and speedy return. How great will be our people’s ovation, and how start- ing.l(LiLUr_out3ide_rs, the perform- | ance at once of so many Christian baptisms ! One of the secrets of our more prospering condition is that taking opportunity of the signs of the time around us we now more strenuously than ever preach the glorious gospel of the kingdom and return of our Lord -the first resurrection and the rapture of the then living saints, and the jaUq solemn answer to the great^gues- tion by him to whom was c copmit- ted the keys of the kingdom. So our God is remembering me, His old servant. He has answered my petition, that I be not left alone, and that in my weakness would show forth His strength, and would continue in my old age to grant me the freshness of youth, yea, to renew it like the eagle’s to His praise. But, oh I what a harvest shall be when our disciples in America, and yen from “New Zealand 'and Atrs- Itralia, shall stretch out a strong leart and hand to aid us. In view ^X>f what the demonstrations are do- ^ing from America, Great Britain Jknd Switzerland to aid Mr. McAli’s ovement in Paris and France, may­ Wur dear brethren and sisters, the Disciples of Christ, hear in their deeper hearts the Savior sweetly interrogating them, t7~Love8tUidu me &ore than these ?” I am waiting a plap for a church to be built at once, on the cheapest, plainest, and yet to be in harmony with the prevailing taste among us. It will be, I am ip sen t tp Uiis.hnard.tQ.d M n.suE mitted to our people at the General Convention, in Cincinnati. I may not live long enough to see it finish- ed, but I am in hope to help and see it begun, and that my two little missionary boys will yet be baptized and preach within its walls. Our prayer is that, although our hearts long after the speedy return of Madame D, yet may she be kept lorip^hW. your midst 'fill W voice has rung in the hearts of our people over the sea. Assure her that everybody is faithful at his or her post, and that all vie who shall ±Le.Jthe .mQ 8.tJaithikL..... _______ __ J ules D elaunay . Letter From “Acquilla.” Bro. Flmjd lion, it wouJd be very difficult in­ deed after a searching investigation to tell the difference between their preaching and practices and those af tbeir sectarian naighbora. Thia should not be so. Let us wake up - and put on the whole armor of God and “ contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.” Your Brother, “A cquilla .” California Department. CONDUCTED BT PROF. J. DURHAM. . All matter intended for this department should lie addrossed to Prof. J. Durham, Col­ lege City, California. preachers should never forget to give the world their portion of first principles; for that is the seed of California State Meeting. the kingdom ; and a neglect to sow the seed will result in a failure to There were sixty delegates £n- reap. And over and above all, a rolled, representing twenty-five failure to reap the light kind of different congregations, and twenty­ fruit will cause the old enemy to eight preachers present during the Jan SKí soon the tares will preponderate and time, but other engagements kept then an apostate church will be the some of us away part of the time. result. _ . _ . _ _ This was the largest attendance of If we sow organs, conventions, preachers we ever had in the State, and missionary societies, and out­ as far as I have been able to learn. side organisms and interminable The Macedonian cry of California Biblical criticisms instead of the had bounded over the Rockies, the kingdom we may expect as the in­ great Mississippi valley heard our evitable result, strife and division? wails and many noble workmen While it may Ee right to sow these have other seeds in proper proportion and gave us at our last State Meeting right spirit, yet to always sow these many new workers for our inviting seeds to the"neglect"ofTK^mbfS’i'm- portant seed of first principles is ces crown their efforts ; they will sure to land this reformation on the find it much harder work than in the older States. The push, bustle, rack of division. - and.rush for-gold and other trea*— — We ..afe—no» some of the fruits of our partial sures have so taken hold of the—- abandonment of our plea of first heart that people hardly stop long principles. No man need be de­ enough to hear the Word. On Monday morning, at 9 o’clock, ceived, for the elements of discord are at work in our midst; and what the real work of the convention we want as a people is to meet the began, church reports and plans for world, the flesh and the devil, as a a more thorough State work. The programme of each day’s unit and use the sword of the spirit with an earnest united will and work was about as follows : Prayer quit our wranglings about matters meeting at 7, breakfast at 8, con­ and things that would not save a vention at 9, preaching at 11, soul whether they be true or false. Women’s Home Missionary Society Our preachers and editors should at 1 P. M., dinner at -2|, preaching Christianity, and the sooner the seal of condemnation is placed on all always keep first principle or seed at 3J, and preaching at 7 in the such wolves in sheep’s clothing the of the kingdom before the people, evening. The State.Evangelist enteiedinto——- be t te r’ftru e (J h rixti anity. ■ " Your outspoken position oh many now articles on doctrinal points, should his work immediately on his ar­ quite popular innovations are com­ be kept before the people so that rival from Missouri in January, and mendable, 1thve the right ring and when a man talks to his friend or a has held meetings at Petaluma, in harmony with the whole tenor stranger sits in church and listens Santa Rosa, Healdsburg, Williams, to our teachings he can at once get Sycamore, Willows, Fulton, Red of Revelation. These innovations are but sido his bearings and know that he is in Bluff, and revisited some of these isssues that must be met and dis­ a? church óf C’hrist and TOt"1 a sec- ■pTOe^—He'èpèiit 22?Tdays in thè™ denomination. At the field, preached 298 sermons, had cussed in a proper spirit, in order tarian that truth may prevail and error be rate of progress some of our 195 accessions, organized 2 church­ rooted up and cut out; and while most fashionable and popular es, assisted in raising over five creed makers and innovationists churches are making in populariza • thousand dollars for building puis I have been watching with inter­ est your course and sentiments ad­ vanced in our primative plea since you took charge of the H erald ; and I am now fully satisfied you u nd er stand -ei r F- pl ea a nd have-the- backbone to teach, and stand by your convictions, which many of our professors and preachers have not. That there is strong and convinc­ ing evidence of unsoundness both in our pulpits and publications no man of thought and reading will deny, for our numerous controver­ sies in our public prints is but oc- cutsr ness some where; and while the contest is going on, it is important to have the right man at the helm. You have hit that quasi infidel, Beecher, some hard licks, and, yet none too many or too fast, for no friend of apostolic Christianity shoufd respect such renegades ; and I believe it to be a crime against Christianity and good morals for Christians to attend and give their "W7 I “ •J ♦ t hunger and thirst after these things, yet all who plead for primative Christianity must stand by the teachings of the pure word of God at.al I haziipls, e ven if . neaeaaary^-lq. the extremety of withdrawal. But whiladhese things are being discussed, ourjeditors and preachers should not forget that the “ word ” is the seed of the kingdom, and that Paul’instructed Timothy to rightly divide the word of truth, giving to each their portion in due season. While it is necessary to teach the church its duty by precept and