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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1883)
5 CHRISTIAN HERALD. sential part of a rain. The noise and fiery manifestations merely accompaniments, for effect, without -W ing any pnrf, present at the household of Cor nelius. How do I know ? The re cord tells not of their presence. Besides if present, they would have been looked upon by Peter and ..his Jewish brethren as proof of the gift of or baptism in the Holy Spirit; whereas they were depen dent upon their speaking with ton- gues, for this knowledge, as is shown by the “olio the circumcision were astonished, as many as came with Peter,because that on the Gentiles also was pour- ® ed out the gift of the Holy Spirit.” jLrHniir did they know this ? “For ing fact, and cried out, “ What shall we do.” Peter replied, “ Repent and be baptised every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you sitali ré- ceive the*gift of theHolySpirit,” ad ding as a reason for this offering the Spirit, that the promise of the Father, to pour out of his Spirit upon all flesh, includes you and your children, and all that are afar off; embracing the Gentiles—even as many as thè Lord our God shall call, by the gospel of his Son into Selections and Comments. C ometo C hrist —Spurgeongives food far the soul in the following: ’ 1 have I when the caravans are in want of water, they are accustomed to send on a camel with its rider some dis tance in advance, then after a little ¿pace follows another; and then at short intervals, other?. As soon as the first man finds water, almost be fore he stoops down to drink, he shouts aloud,,r Come !’’ the next one hearing the voice, repeats the word, “ Come f* white the nearest again 4.a,Luw .... H.,. .-ry “CqjpB "LuntiQ whole wilderness echoes with the word “ Come.” So in that verse the Spirit and bride say the first of all, “ Come I” then let him that heareth say, “ Come !” and “ whosoever is athirst let him come, and take of I 1 ___ 1 £• I • 0 £• 1 > > apostles have just received it, and now offer it to you. About three thousand complied with the terms, and were made happy recipients of the same gift, the same that was af they heard them speak with tongues, terwards poured ou t upon ThTttcruse5' | and magnify God.” This settles it. hold of Cornelius, upon the Samari P eter ’ s B lunder .—The Ameri I It also settles another important tans, the Ephesians and all converts. The pouring “ God has exalted his Son on his can Baptists Flag says : out of the Spirit, and the falling on right hand to be a PrinceKffiT If ’ The t ^irn»tiamr-Sbtndurd of the Spirit to the extent called Savior, to give repentance to Israel, labored article trying to prove that the evidence of pardon depends on baptism of the Spirit, is simply the and remission of sins. We are wit baptism, in which (Acts 2 : 36) is Gift of the Holy Spirit, promised nesses of these things, and so is the falsely quoted, making the Pente- Holy Spirit whom God hath given costians cry out “ What must I do by. the Father, through Joel. It pleased the Fatherin the coun- to them that obey him.” No obed- to be sav&l ?” It is not safe to add - - .. time ..... sels of his own mind, to use the ex ient one failed to receivethis" gift | b> the-word God....It is ... high that the Campbellites had abandon pression, pour out, in the act of (Acts 5 : 31, also 13 : 52.) The“ dis ed the popish dogma of baptismal starting the Spirit he was to bestow ciples were filled with joy and with salvation. Such a man as Isaac upon all who accepted his Son; The HolySpirit. Bcing-fiHetl with- Errett-f possibly pecause it was to be so the Spirit, was a common result of And so we think such a man as 1 . generously bestowed,a mere sprinkle having received it. It is thus seen D. B. Ray ought to know better could not represent TtT^We^Will ttnrt thc promise eff-the Ixther^ .‘‘.I. -thanxharge_those whom he denomi hear Paul upon the extent and full- will pour out of my Spirit upon all nates Campbellites with teaching ness of this gracious gift, which he flesh,” sons and daughters, bond-men the popish dogma of baptismal sal makes as extensive as the subjects and bond-maidens, was literally vation. The doctrine of baptism W of - the -rcign along with faith and repentance I 3:4 Rev. ver.) “ But when the ed out, fell, came upon, was receiv for the remission of sins is quite a kindness of God our Savior, and ed by, and filled, causing to proph different doctrine. If the question his love toward man appeared, not esy, Jew and Gentile, bond and of the Pentecostians did not have by marks done in righteousness, free, male and female. The Spirit, reference to their salvation, then which wre did ourselves, but accord like his Giver, is shown to be no Peter must have been very stupid ing to his mercy he saved us,through respecter of persons, nations, rank, in telling them in answer to it, to the washing, or laver, of regenera nor sex. These distinctions were repent and be baptized for the re tion and renewing of the Holy all ignored, and were all obliterated mission of sins. Is not repentance Spirit, which he poured out upon in Christ. The same towns for ad necessary to salvation ? If so then us richly, through Jesus Christ our mission into one body were sub baptism is necessary to salvation, Savior; that, being justified by his mitted to them all, and complied for the two are inseparably con grace, we might be made heirs ac with by all, and the same relation- nected by the conjunction. It is cording to the hope of eternal life.” shipentered by all, and the same neither safe to add to the word of The pouring out of the Holy Spirit blessings and enjoyments conferred God, nor to take from it. is here represented as coextensive on each and all. Then all were R eligous H omœpathy .—Rev. with justification and heirshipr and . . jtuJlL.logether for a habitation of indispensable to them, or to a con- God through the Spirit, each in G. W. Horn, our Missouri cor tinuance in them, “ Because ye are possession of some gift of the Spirit, respondent, prescribes as follows in the Weald pan Advocate : “ I heard sons God hath sent forth the Spirit :or the benefit of all. ------------------ ♦ »-------------- -- of a case of religous homoeopathy of his Son into your hearts.” There is nothing worthy of the Let us return to Pentecost. After name of education which is wholly the other day that acted quite suc the gift of the Holy Spirit had been apart from religion. Every chiid cessfully. Like things are cured poured out upon the apostles, a ias a soul, which makes him con bylike sometimes in moral as- well J multitude had assembled, eager to sciously akin to the unseen and the material matters. A good Metho see and hear. To these Peter preach- eternal; and his soul, fall in Adam dist mother let her daughter go to | ed their Messiah, in""the person jut redeemed in Christ, must be visit a Romish relative, who un of the risen and glorified Jesus. educated in the truth as it is in scrupulously injected the virus of her - doctrine into the heart of the J Thous?nds accepting the humiliat- Jesus.-- Gospel Advocate. girl. She came home sadly disor dered and in fact half crazed on the subject. After a time of pa tient and gentle home treatment film determined to takè her daughter down into New Mexico, where Catholicism might be seen in its nakedness. They looked up on the stupid fanaticism and de grading influence of unmodified Romanism among the Mexicans. The girl was told, that is Roman Catholicism at home. Romanism, in a Protestant country is a very different article to that unleavened TKy^aj^tWFWRB®1"' M any a Protest- ant girl, enamored with the para phernalia put on in American in stitutions, and snared with the spe cious logic of convent sisters, would have their eyes opened by a visit to an unmitigated Cath^Tïë^rhrüiS^ nity.—Pacific Methodist. T hanksgiving D ay in O ctober , —That the last Thursday in Wov- ..... ember is inappropriately-late in the « season for our National Thanksgiv ing, is evident for many reasons, and is generally admitted. In at least three-fourths of our country the harvests and fruits of the earth have ripened by September and the latest are ready to be gathered in ^io^r7^n"Oet0ber; the most appropriate time to offer - thanks to God for the blessings of the year. By that time all crops and fruits have been matured; nearly all have been harvested ; the evidences of God’s goodness and bounty are seen on every side and are fresh in the minds of the peo ple. That, therefore, is the proper time for offering thanks to the Father of all our mercies for the fruits of the earth in their season, and for all the benefactions of the year. The objections to the last Thursday of November are mani fold? It is two months and more after nearly all the harvest and crops have matured, and is there fore, inappropriately late. The time belongs to winter Tather than au------ tumn, and is thus out of season for thanksgiving. It brings the, fes tival of thanksgiving within a month of Christmas, and the ob servance of both so near together is attended with more or less incon venience. The appointment of Thanksgiving Day in October would tend to bring its observance within its appropriate design. It is prop—---- erly a festival of gratitude to God, but it is chiefly observed as a fes tival of family reunion, for which Gbristmas is more appropriate, • • r • I