California Department CONDUCTED BY PROF. J. DURHAM All nutter inteucted fur thin department should I m «ddrtMwwl to Prof. J. Durham» Col­ le«« City, California. friends while in the City. We They get what they come for, an- learned of then- coining through uui «¿l^r presentation of old familiar truth, and this feeds their souls. They are not astonished with elo- quence, originality or force, but they have what is far better, such of the Word as quickens their mem­ ories and warms their hearts.— Christian Intelligencer. . The New York Tribune had a curious and instructive article last wvrk' on ilmJij&Mi final.. Hnrpbh,” Preaching ILn-ports that the next Congress will have to face?~for The year 18S6-C7, a surplus in the Treasury of from $180,000,000 to $200,000,- 000. This is an embarrassment of