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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1883)
OSRISTIAN H ERALD 7 plaiUeth—a vinoywd. » ”—And—we- - wo must live ■werthriy—hcre--niust • on-tho next inorntiig fit Pomeroy" "are present at each meeting. This, learn after this, that contrary to a live in loving kindness with all, on my journey home-; she had made I consider, an encouraging feature ~ popular fear, she did not neglect ■-> and in the spirit of that precept confession last winter, but had not —Last Lord’s day, both in the her home duties because she had tfhich bids us do unto others—unto been baptized. Many hearts were morning and evening many more done something else ; so far from it all Others, not a favored few—as made to rejoice, and I went on my were present than usual notwith that they receive her best and most we would have them do unto us. way rejoicing, that my visit and standing there were more than or continuous efforts. “ She pereeiv- In turning away from this swpet labor harl not been in vain. I was dinary inducements for the people eth that her merchantdise is good ; picture of a noble woman, we assisted in the meeting by Brethren to attend services elsewhere. In her candle goeth not out by night,” would have all men cultivate love Wright, Hastings and Bro. Cox the evening we took our regular She layeth her hands to the and beauty and elevate the soul who lives near Almota. These are quarterly collection for the State spindle, and her hands hold the and intellect, that they may point ; ajl good-sub^tantiaL spldiera. ,tha>L missionary.. .fund, ^„whic.h—..we, ¡staff,” “ She is not afraid of the to the model woman of the Bible have long been in the Lord’s ser- glad to state amounted to SI 2.60. .. ~ vice, lor whom i bright reward is The church is looking forward Iftw; for all her household are = as their exaihple. Very thankful am I, brethren in reserve in heaven. lothed in scarlet,” “ She looketh hopefully, to the time when they Reaching Ilia on Snake river, I shall be able to secure the. services rell to the ways of» her household, and friends, that 1 was deemed nd eateth not the bread of idle- worthy of a place among you. I called at the welcome home of Bro. of an able, devoted misister to take A modern idea it xl I sq ..-pray that my words may-bo-of -ford--who had made ar- charge- of the work here, until that bat a woman may absolutely hold good cheer. Though - not exempt Zapgements for meeting at the Ilia .time—comes,.. u'cwill -work-*and er own property, or keep her own from cares’ and trials, tny life has school house. In due time a goodly pray. jlrnings or wear her own laurels. many blessings, and 1 gladly share number assembled, whom I discours Your brother in Christ, Bit listen to this, “ Give her of the' it with other». Mine is a cheery ed for -three- quarters of an hour —-----—---- ---- —C. D:D avist “” [uit of hands, and let her own faith, which I fain would give to On the next morning we resumed C urious F acts .—Ninevah was forks praise her in the gates.” all. So with hope for the future our journey reaching the kind home [or does her independence lead and gratitude for the past, I give of Bro. Philips early in the after fourteen miles long, eight miles br away from her husband, or set you greeting and adieu, and may noon, where we concluded to rest wide, and forty-six miles round, _ er at variance with him. No, she love, joy and peace attend you all. till Wednesday when wq expected with a wall thick enough for three ------------ ♦ » ♦ ~------ — ch ar i o ts abreas t. Baby Ion was fif to reach “ home sweet home.” i an intelligent loving companion, Leaving Bro. Philips’, on .Wed ty miles within walls, which were pd the heart of her husband doth Our Trip in Columbia and Gar field Counties. nesday morning we had a pleasant seventy-five feet thick and one kfely trust in Ker.” We also find ¡»at “she will do him good, not Leaving the™.„of trip owing to the dust being settled hundred feet high, with one hun- ’ yil all the days of her liTe.” “ In Fair view on Monday morning I by the shower that had fallen the dred brazen gates. The temple of" er tongue is the law of kindness.” drove to Pomeroy and Spent a few day before. Resting an hour in the Diana, at Ephesus, was, four hun [er husband also, and he praiseth hours with our excellent Bro. J. busy town of Colfax, we were soon dred and twenty feet to the sup er. He has not the petty fear Hastings, after which I journeyed on the way again and reached home port of the roof, and it was oue bat her glory will overshadow him, on arriving at Bro. Ransom Long’s late in the afternoon and found the hundred years in building. The ut he feels that it will add to his commodious residence late in the loved ones all well for which I was largest of the pyramids was four hundred and eighty-one feet in jyn. In high places of honor,- the afternoon. Resting myself and truly thankful. T. M. M organ , “ height, and eight hundred and fif-~ iaise of both will attend him. team till Wednesdajr’mornmg, 1 ty-three feet on the sides. The — pin, “ Her husband is known in concluded to visit and preach a few Letter from Portland. base covers eleven acres. The 2 gates when he sitteth among discourses with the brethren at the stones are about sixty feet in length i elders of the land.” Peola school house and return to P ortland O regon , and the layers are two hundred and Briefly we trust, and truly, have the Central school house in time for Oct. 10, 1883., eight. It gave employment to 350,- enumerated the laudable acts the meeting, to commence there on To the Editor of the lieraid. I great opportunities of a true the following Friday at 4, p. m . D ear B ro .,—The delegates from 000 men while being built. The man in the glad new day. But Reaching the residence of Bro. this place to the Convention held Labyrinth, in Egypt, contains three lacever was good in the old will Johnson at noon, arrangements last.week at Salem, returned home hundred chambers and twelve halls. II flourish in immortal vigor, were made for meeting, and a feeling vqry much encouraged. The Thebes, in Egypt, presents ruins be stretcheth forth her hand to small congregation came out at earnest Christian spirit manifested twenty-seven miles in circumfer I poor and needy.” This has night, and on the next evening we by those who were present was ence, and contained 350,000 citizens n true of all virtuous women in could see a large increase in num enough to make the faintest heart and 400,000 slaves. The temple of Delphos was so rich in decorations [ages, and so it will be while bers. I discoursed with them on strong. o re are poor to be aided and “The jtate of the dead,” according The outlook for the church in that it was plundered of $50,000,- ped, and what a noble reward to request of some of the brethren. this City is flattering indeed—per 000, and the Emperor Nero carried B be tiers.—The hearts of her On the next morning I returned to haps no other place* in the United away from it two hundred statues. n loved ones are hers forever; Bro. Long’s and was pleased to find States presents so great a- field- -for- T.lie_.wallS™Q.f Rome were thirteen jugb worldly honors and riches old father Wright there waiting for for missionary work as does the miles in circumference.— Journal is away, she will still receive the meeting. We preached to the city of Portland, and we might add of Education. pan and divine enconium. “Her empty seats on Friday evening, the entire state of Oregon. People A Southern philosopher argues Idren will rise up and call her and nearly so on Saturday. On from all p^rts of the world are com thatall the self made men are frauds. ■sed, her husband will praise Lord’s day we had a fair audience ing to us daily. The vast majority The drunkaids and paupers are self- I; many daughters have done and discoursed to them on “ The of them we fear are not Christians. made men, who spurned the advice luously, but thou excellest them strait gate and narrow way to life,” ’Tis the work of the churches to of friends. “The men who are suc Favor is deceitful and beauty at the close of which a young lady bring them to' Christ. Let the cessful and honered are the ones Vain; but a woman that feareth and two gentlemen (heads of fami Christian Church be second to none who have cherished a mother’s love ■Lord shall be praised, So then, lies) made the confession and were in this grand work. Our congre and teachings, and they are the fers, let us be true to all that is baptized the same day. Also at gations are increasing rapidly, both making of good mothers.” I and noblest in our natures. night the same day another young in numbers and in interest. I no b world is but the portal of a lady came forward to obey the gospel lon^r have to speak to empty He that has no bridle on his ter world, To gain a home there making four in all. The latter was pews. Quite a number of strangers tongue, has no grace in his heart.