Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, October 19, 1883, Page 10, Image 10

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‘ "i
We are now about through with
A serious, earnest con-
arded us several publications, of
Wuicu 1 m s —tWu.—Tulpit and the Organ, Hymn Book and Union
! „„«MM,,,,, „,„ insuffici encies have often Meetings. But there is no lack for
ti me~ ITelovT^ w e ’ ’gTVe 11 i 11 e teen-
driven them to their closets, and a Iw ne 'oF cdhUtfl tfl n. T he dldma-
facts by the Dean, which sufficient­
now also to the C. S. T. For this tion at Island Park is now in order.
All matter intended for thia department ly explain the purpose, scope, &c,
should be sent to J. W. Caldwell, West Union,
school they thank God, while they The Jlevunu, of course, led off, and,
Owen Co., Kentucky.
of the school:
for a wonder, the Old Path Guide
Wo wish to correspond with every preacher
1. It is not a new departure, take courage.
in Kentucky in reference io the circulation of
1G. Mr. Adams, in his highly un­ follows. Of course there will be
the H erald , and contributions to its columns. now theology organ, not a super­
Send for terms.
some spleen manifested, as well as
fluity, not an experiment, not a satisfactory Harvard oration, says denunciation. If the aggregation
The Chautauqua Sohool of supplanter, not a mill, and not a concerning his fellow students of
1856 : " We of the average majority of disciples, at Island Park, were
Theology. „
■did_ not understand ourselves, or not a church, then what were they.
As many oT~our readers j wìir Bo
know .what we wanted ¡""the aver-
interested m ^This^Thstitutidii, Wtì
| age marT^bf the mJJl'ff 1 ty l LH ely t1 * 3 4 5 6 8—If »Loy iwmM «aripin»-
will give rather e.n extended notice
ally worship by singing, praying,
the most thorough and practical in­ does. The C. S. T. does not attract
of it.
the ‘ average man of the majority.’ ” reading, exhorting and eating the
structions at their own homes.
17. Its students are students. supper, why not ordain ? We
3. It is two years old, and has
G S. T, bo- ..would be., glad to see an attempt
— President, Jr H. Vin ce nt, S.-¥ rD ; aTreadyKvër 2u0 different students:' -Thfty hrmn jrrlnml
made to prove that that assembly
TDeaii, Alfred A. • Wright, A. M. ;
11 gttrgetR"~CT r i tvi r cd minuter» -cause they felt their need of its
General Secretary, Alfred A. to its special studies, largely sup­ help. Necessarily, therefore, the ' was not a “ cohgregatioh df Chria-
Wright, A. M. ; Counsellors, W. M. plements their acquirements, and atmosphere of the school work is tians—-a chuich of God.”
We have received the Western
~~Tayfor,~ D u D., Bish o p It. 8 . Fost er, invariably increases their useful- toni c and helpful.--------------------------
. iluly growing in fav^ Wave, a four page weekly, at $1.50
a year' Tts” raotlo is, TF 11 Prove all
LL. D., J. T. Duryea, D. D, J. M.
5. Its standards of required
Buckley, D. D., H. M. Sanders, scholarship for all students are in where recognition has eminent in­ things, hold fast that which is
good/’ The Wave is a sound, ear­
D. D., A. G. Haygood, D. D., J. E. no one particular lower than those fluence.
Kittredge, D. D., Secretary of the of any Seminary in the land.
19. The curriculum of the school nest and efficient prohibition paper.
Archaeological Department.
G. It is the very best, as well as (44 pp) containing a full deeciip- We speak for it a large share of
only —sch n iil for unhrn i ned | t i nn of e nch de partment, text books publiejpatronage. It will do valient
1. Hebrew ; Dean, W. R. Har­ ministers who were early crowded &c., will be mailed to any address service for temperance wherever it
per, Ph. D., Chicago.
past the doors of college and on the receipt of one stamp by the goes. Address Yannell, Haines &
flru^freek-j—Deanr— Alfred —A_, seminary- Uhi into the.pulp.iUwhere Dean, Rev. Alfred A. Wright, Bos- Co., Editors, No. 17 North Main
-------- ---- —
• ton, Mass.
Wright, A. M., Bòston.
they must now remain.
These facts explain all that our
3. Doctrinal Theology ; Deans,
7. It is incorporated uuder New
The stars that are visible to the
-The President,. Dean and General
empowered to readers wish to know, we presume,
aFpresent” We urge especially the naked-eye ntf mb ero d b ut G,0 00 and.
confer the degrees in course.
there are but about 1,000 others
4. Practical Theology ; Dean,
8. Its scheme of conducting reci­ study of the courses in Greek and
Luther T. ToWDsend, D. D, Boston. tations by letter is not only feasible, Hebrew. We have examined, with 1 visible in the Southern hemisphere
come within the range
5. Christian Science and Philoso­ but is unserpassed for wise adapted­ some care, Dr. Wright’s pamphlets
vission of people in this State.
phy ; Dean, Luther T. Townsend, ness to its various grades of [ for the study of Greek and find
By the use of an opera glass, the
them all that could be desired.
D. D., Boston.
number of stars visible is increased
6. Historical Theology ; Dean,
9. Its expence Jor tuition is
to about 300,000, and the most
Notes and Comments.
Philip Schaff, D. D., New York.
small, and its unsurpassed text
powerful telescope brings to view
7.. Human Nature; Dean, Lyman books are indispensable tools in the
There is much in a name. Call
50,000,000 or 60,000,000, a number
Abbot, D. D., New York.
busy pastor’s study.
it an annual meeting and it is all
8. Literature and Art; Dean,
10. Students pay for tuition in right, or cooperation meeting is which, compared with the immen­
W. Cleaver Wilkinson, D. D., Tar­ each department as they join it, well enough ; but for once call it a sity of space, is not so very won­
derful. Of these stars about 600,-
rytown, N. Y.
and may enter at any time.
convention or missionary meeting,
11. Its examinations are rigid and it is unsound from centre to 000 are mapped and located, and
their number is being added to con­
1. The Relations Between Body and are fair and accurate tests of circumferance.
tinually. The measurement of the
and Soul; Dean. Prof. James S. the student’s knowledge.
The Journal and Messenger, i distances of stars from the earth is
12. It has eight -departments and
Jewell, M. D., Chicago.
2. Elocution; Prof. J. W. Chur­ four special courses, through all of (Baptist) is new in its 52nd volumn. I an art as yet in its infancy, and
chill, A. M., Andover.
________ which candidates for Degrees must j We regard Dr. Lasher as the ablest though parallaxes of several stars
and most consistent Baptist editor have been obtained, they are by no
3. Industrial Economy and Trade ; satisfactorily pass.
T3. Ministers may take the in the West. He is square against means accurate. At all events,
Deans, The President, Dean and
special training in any department the succession theory, and Dr. their distances are so great as to be
General Secretary.
— 4. Jurisprudence; Dean,. J udge or course and secure its dioloma Grapes’ hide bound communion beyond the comprehension of man
Edmund H. Bennett, LL. D., Bos­ without pursuing the entire cur­ theory. In this the good doctor when expressed in miles, and are
shows his learning and discrimina­ therefore represented by the years
.14. Its deans are specialists, and tion. We know of no better Bap­ of time it would take for light to
These names are sufficiently well
known, to need no commendation are amongst the most prominent tist paper than the Journal and reach from them to the earth. The
from us. For broad scholarship, educators in the country. Di. S. Messenger. And if any of our spectrum has shown the stars to be
deep research and clear insight, Vincent, Townsend, Schall, Abbott, readers wishes to become better ac­ suns, emitting their own light and
they have no superiors. Many of Harper and Wilkinson, Profs. quainted with Baptist principles not reflecting that of any other
• au is preachers will be especially in­ Churchill and Jewelt,’with Judge and movements, they can do no body. It has also shown conclu­
terested in Hebrew and Greek, Bennett, have no superiors in their better than send for the Journal ' sively, that the nebulrn are masses
and Messenger, 178 Elm St., Gin- I of gaseous matter, undoubtedly
which is taught by correspondence. respective departments.
15. Its students are men and cinnati, Ohio. Price $2.50 per year. 1 matter in process of construction
Professor Wright has kindlyJfer-
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