Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, October 05, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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Christ’s commands. The latter con­ sin, the Spirit will convince him
tending that we" could not~~libey"~(“ because they believe not-on mo.*)
"Christ's coiiimgnds without thv-fttd- Bttt-how-will it convince him ? Doos
of the Holy Spirit. After listening it come directly from heaven as
K^ nsas C ity , M o .,
a while to the discussion it became some religionists would have it, and
Sept. 13, 1883.
wery evident to my mind that take men in their blindness and ig­ Dear Bro :
neither party understood the true norance, without any previous
So much time has passed since I
mission of the Holy Spirit as taught knowledge of the Scriptures, and wrote you, I can not “ couple on ” *•
in the divine oracles ; and that both transform them immediately into to the last link of our former cor-
parties were in a measure right and the followers of Christ and into His respondence. I have been con­
church ? It is the hight of absurd­ stantly on the move, lecturing
both wrong.
From fl. rnrpfnl nerusal of the ity to_ believe such a proposition.
w.fir .k.. an d H E eac h inff—
Holy Scriptures it is very evident Let .the Apostle Paul answer the _ 4wica. nyery-Sunday. Wyandotte
to my mind that’ the Holy Spirit question, “For I am not ashamed and Olathe in Kansas, and Kearney
of the gospel of Christ; for it is the and Springfield in Mo., are the
has three distinct agencies—viz :
1. To show the divine origin power of God for salvation to every points visited. Flourishing ehurches
and authenticity of. the Sacred one that believeth ; to the Jew first, are located at each of these points,
-mtrLaL^’t^t^fe-'^Tceckr » ’^’ Then the - presiueu over, d.u vv yaxiuouvc, uy
"Writings. —
—-------- —
4^war-4iee4a-Urn-gospel of -Jessie- Bro. Kersey, a graduate Of theKen ­
aent them away. » ” Can you m ake
anything bud ordination out of
3. To comfort and build up the Christ, which is the Spirit speaking, tucky University, of 1883, and a
to us through this medium; which youth of much promise ; at Olathe,
this ? 1 think not. Brethren, also saints in Christ.
read Acts 14 : 21-23.
1. To show the divine origin and in every true conversion accompa- by Bro. Burr, from Butler Univer­
------- ---------- We—wi ll now - g o--t o - wh e re the authenticity, ef-the Se*4ptures; - Pau-l- nioM the word-of—truth- - sending sity, a man of more age and exper­
seven deacons were ordained. Acts says to the Corinthian brethren, conviction to the heart. Then if ience. This latter is working into
<5:3,“ Wherefore, brethren, look ye “ What man knoweth the things of the Spirit accompanies the word it the legal profession. It is his pur­
out among you seven men of honest man save the spirit of man which would logically follow that when pose to continue in the ministry;
report, full of the Holy Ghost (holy is in him ? Even so the things (or the word is received the Spirit also yet if he succeed as a lawyer, it is
spirit or love of God) and wisdom, intentions) of God knoweth no man is received; not as a comforter but hardly possible that he will find
--------------- whom we (the -apostles) mayap- J^t^ the Spirit-»of GoiL”.—GL44 ■ aa~.a ■ cmwieter-o£--aiffc---When-4t-- ^me to prepareT^
p reach i ng.
point over this business.” Not that through the aid of miracles (which opperates on the mind of a person It is good for a preacher, as long as
they may appoint, that the apostles were the workings of the Holy in disobedience, it is anything but he continues in the ministry, to give
moy ordain; but look out, (choose
a c'imferter to him, As.
-¿waaaelf wholly -to the—work. ... A
or select out) that the apostles may was the Messiah or Son of God. j his life stand out before him, he preacher has as perfect right to
Nebuchadnezzar in all his wicked­ appears to himself the most un­ change his profession as -any man,
appoint or ordain.
Let us see now if the appoint­ ness, when he saw the hand-writing worthy of God’s creatures, without when ever his interests demands.
ment was not the ordination. They was compelled to acknowledge the one excuse for his life of sinfulness, We'may doubt, however, the wis­
Bay look out seven men that we power of the God of Shadrack, and he casts his all upon Christ and dom of attempting to hold with .
may appoint, so they chose Stephen, Meshech and Abednego, so great says, “ Lord what wilt thou have Christ and run with the- world ; it
Philip, &c., and set them before the were the manifestations of His me do,” then comes the words of looks so much like “ serving two
apostles. Of course that they may Spirit. Daniel 3: 26-30.
Peter: “Repent and be immersed masters.” I returned from Olathe
appoint them ; so how do they do ?
Nicodemus after he had beheld every one of you in the name of to K. C., yesterday; and I am tick­
(6th verse) “ And when they had the miracles of Christ was led to Jesus Christ for the remission of eted for two lectures here, one this,
layed their hands on them.”
exclaim, “ Rabbi, we know that sins, and ye shall receive the gift andone to-morrow evening. Thepro-
Will those who oppose ordination thou-art a teacher come from God ; of the Holy Spirit.”
ceeds go to their church work. The
by fasting, prayer and laying on of for no man can do these miracles
3. To comfort and build up the new building will soon be complet­
hands, please study those passages ? that thou doest except God be with saints in Christ, “ Ye shall receive
ed. It is a magnificient structure-
T see in H erald of Sept. 7th him.” (John 3 : 2.) These simple the gift (dorea not Karismata) of over which Bro. T. P. Haley pre­
Bro. Smith, (I suppose a Bro., quotations are sufficient to establish the Holy Spirit.” What is the gift sides gracefully and, in the mainty
though does not say so) writes an my first proposition—viz : That the the Holy Spirit offers us ? Eternal
acceptably. He has established a
article, answering the one Bro. G. Spirit shows us the divine origin of life. The Spirit itself dwelling
Sunday-school on Drip street in the
M. Whitney had written; and I Sacred Writ.
within us no longer as a convictor western part of the city as a mis­
tru&t Bro. Whitney will reply. 1 —2.
sionary point where a church may
would love for us all to get right That the Spirit performs and im­ guide ; which is the consequence of
be established in the near future.
and in unison on this, and all other portant part in the conversion of our obedience to the commands of
I am stopping, while in the city
subjects, is the prayer of the writer. mankind to Christ’is also very evi­ Christ. “There is therefore now with my son, Dr. A. P Campbell”
Eugene, Sept. 22, 1883.
dent from the following passage, no condemnation to them which are who is pleasantly located and com­
in Christ Jesus, who walk not after
flesh, but after the Spirit.” manding a fine practice in his pro­
Do Mankind Receive the Holy
Spirit Before their Baptism ter will not come unto you. And (Rom. 8:1.) “ Because ye are sons, fession. The energy he has dis­
in Obedience to Christ’s Com­ when He is come He will reprove,” God hath sent fbrth the Spirit of played in establishing the Medical
(or lather convince from Greek His Son into your hearts crying College of the city and the fine
mands, or After ?
elenko) “ the world of sin, aftd of ‘ Abba Father.’ ” (Gal. 4 : 6.) The reputation established in one of its
Spirit never cries “ Abba Father ”
C. H. yoOES.
righteousness, and of judgment; of in the heart of a man while in dis­ leading chairs have secured for him
I was considerably amused a sin, because they believe not on me; obedience to God’s commands. He a high position as a man of science
short time ago at hearing a discus­ of righteousness, because I go to only comes by yielding entirely to and given him an extensive practice.
sion between one of our brethren my Father, and ye see me no more ; God and obeying His command­ Nor is he alone, nor alone entitled
and a Baptist upon the above ques­ of judgment, because- the Prince of ments. “ The love of God is shed to all the merit in this prosperity.
abroad in our hearts by the Holy
tion. The former claiming that the this world ” (the Devil) “ is judged.” Spirit which is given to us.” Rom. Hp.has a companion who is a lady
Holy Spirit did not opperate upon Now it is very evident from this 0 • O.
of fine taste and superior culture, a
pankind until after obedience to passage that while the mam is in C olumbia C ity , O b „ Sept. 18, 1883.
Christian worker whose influence
Apostles 13: 2, “ As they minister-
ned to the Lord, and fasted, the
Koly Ghost sardy Separate rne-Bar-
nabas and Saul for the work where-
unto I have called them.” What
were"they called to? They were
calletlio preach the word of God.
Perhaps you would ask how I
, know-? Because (in the 4th verse)
they were sent forth by the Holy
Ghost till they got to Salamis (5th
.__ versfi) and there they, preached tire
_..... word of God in the synagogues of
the Jews. Now how were they
separated to this work ? (preach­
ing). Verse 5 says: “ And when
they had fasted and prayed, and
layed their hands on them, they
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