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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1883)
CHRISTIAN HERALD. 12 BOOK-TABLB. --_______ _ _______________ _ . . ( ) .. MARILIED. ______ f Ulii<1(5FThi«i fieaxi’we~wilf be "pleased to give editorial reviews of all books ana tracts of inter est that may be sent to this office.] The North American Review for Octo ber presents a most attractive table of ^contents, Senator N. P. Hill writes of * * Gold and . Silver as Standards of Value,” and maintains that silver should be coined as well as gold, not for the purpose of inflating the currency, nei- ther in .the interest of the silver-mining industry, Ajut^rthe more Mr. C. C. Gibson and Miss M. A. Dashiell, at the residence of the bride’s parents three miles from Spangle, W. T. The newly married pair are members of the Christian Church and are noble Christians. Brother Gibson is one of our young preachers of market^ ability, and is destined to do great good in the Master’s vinyard. May success and happiness attend them through life. ~ ---- y . J. C annon . purpose of preserving uni» formmity in the value of metalic money, and of preventing such contraction of for all scrofulous and virulent blood the volume of money as would produce poisons, is specific. By druggists. financial disaster. In “ Some Aspects “ Nature,” says Goethe, “ will be jjf jpemocracy in England,” A. V. Dicey makes clear to the American reader how reported. AH filings are engaged archy aud aristocracy presist in Britain, the Democracy, or, in other words, pub lic opinion, absolutely controls the ac tion of the government. Under the ti- tle’of r‘ Co-operative Distribution,” the Rev. Dr. Heber Newton gives an in structive historical sketch of the rise, progress and fluctuations of co-opera tive merchandizing in the United States during the past fifty years. Prof. W. Boyd Dawkins writes of “ Early Man in America,” whose modd of life and whose implements appear to have been identical with those of the races thaï _ £ontemporaneously inhabited thé medi the tropical forests of India. The pos-, sibility of “ Astronomical Collisions,” whether of the fixed stars with one an other, or of comets with the sun, the earth, or the other planets, is consider ed by Prof. C. A. Young. Moncure D. Conway discourses learnedly, and at the same time most entertainingly upon the | Sum-Tpa!riclT MytE7T Van~T5uren Den Alow, in an article on “ Board of Trade Moi ality,” makes a vigorous de fense of the practices of the Corn Ex chaDge, and in particular replies to the strictures of Mr. Henry D. Doyd; con tained in tho Review for August. Fred eric Harrison contributes an article, in valuable to the historical student on “ Hist cries of the French Revolution.” Finally, tLe Bev. E.E. Hale presents an inventory of the volume and distribu tion of ‘’Social Forces in the United States.” Published at 30 Layfayette Place, Nt w Yuik._ $5.00 a year, —50 cents a number. bv Samuel Wainwright, D D.— “Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good.” This rule Dr. Wainwright has followed in presenting a thorough review of the prevailing .theories of Natural Science. He has submitted to searching criti cisms the views of Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, aud others on the subjects of Evolution, Transmutation, Spontaneous Generation, etc., and has ably shown the fallacies involved in their deduction. Although dealing with difficult scienti fic problems, the book is written in a «dear and simple style, attractive to ev ery intelligent mind. It is well calcu lated to remove skeptical doubts, and to confirm the old belief that, “ He that built all things is God .’’— Published in Funk & Wagnalls’ Standard Library, No, 971 Price 25 cts. S cientific S ophisms , Bck/w we give ft partite Itet of the books we“" propose to furnish our readers at publishers re tail pricks. We woiild just say in brief that ire are prepared to furnish most anything ih the book line, and will be pleased to receive orders I for same. We will add to this list as our time ' aud space will allow. bibles A nd testame A t ^. September Iff,—1889,-by the vrriter,- in writing t-heir owri kistoiy. The planet and the pebble go attended by their shadows ; the rolling rock leaves its scratches-on the moun- tain-7-the river its channtd in rhu soil ; the aniipal its bones in the stratum ; the fern leaf its modest epitaph in the coal ; the falling drop makes its sculpture in the sand or stone. Not a foot slipjj in the snow or along the ground but prints, in characters more or less lasting, a map of its rnareh— The air la full of sounds,. the sky of tokens, the ground of all memoranda and signatures, sub jects covered with hints, . which speak to the intelligent.”— -Ex.' "Bost of AH.” R. V. P ierce , Buffalo, N. Y.’ ^Tr='My fimtly KHT-used "your “Favorite Prescription” and it has done all that is claimed for if. It is the best of all preparations for female com plaint. I reccommend it to all my cus tomers. G. S. WATERMAN, Druggist, Balti more, Md. D b . TU >■■■ s TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fonrthg of the diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indicate thcircxistence: Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick Head* ache, fullness after catin g, aversion to exertion of body or min l <L Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, A feeling of having neglected some duty, Dizziness,Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before the eyes, highly col ored trine, CO.VST 1 PATION, and de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. AsaLivermcdicineTUTT’S PILLS have no equal. Their action on tho Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three “scav engers of the system,” producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous body. TUTTS PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with dally work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE: TO MALARIA, bold every where, 915c. Oitiee.44 Murray St.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR changed DYE in- G H W uay air or hiskers el ant ly to a G lossy B lack by a single ap plication of this D ye . Sold by Druggists ci' sent by express on reoelpt of $1. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. «JTT3 MANVAL OF USE?UIEE6EIFT8 FREI 1. Family Bibles, different styles, sizes, etc., with prices from $2.25 to $18. 2. Pulpit Bibles from $5 to $10. , 3. Oxford Sunday School Teachers’ Bibles from $1.50 to $19. 4. Revised New Testament, Compared Edi tion, $1.22 to $7.50. —■ 5m .Revised New Testament alone $1^0 and 15 cental Losson Commentary, by J. IT. Vincent, p.D^ McGarvey’s Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, $1.50. Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by J. W. McGarvey, $2. Commentary on Luke, by J. 8. Lamar, $2. Commentary on Hebrews, by R. Milligan, $2. Comnientaiy on_ Paul’s Letter to W» Bo-., mans, bv M-ELLard, $8. Analysis of the Four Gospels and Acte *, with Leading Queries and IHrmtairtiorre, for the tiw of Sunday Schools, Families, etc., by R. Mlli- gan, $2. . Beason and Revelation, by R: Milligan, $2. The Scheme of Redemption, by II. Milligan, $2. Conybeare and Howson’s Life and Epistles of Thispowder iiimx.xaried^^jaa^^ -Ure-Aposlte Pn»lf $L5&— .........— - ...... - strength ana wholesomeness, More economi The New Biblical Allas and Scripture Gazet cal than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold teer, $1.25. in competition with the multitude of low test, Lands of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, $3. short w i ifilit, alum or phosphate powders; Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities, $1.50. Sold only in cana. R oyal B akin « P owder C o ., Nicholl’s Introduction to the Study of the 12-8-ly 106 Wall St., New York. ScriptnreH, $1.25. Hcnaff’s Bible Dictionary, $2.50. ’ Freeman’s Hand Book of Bible Manners and Customs, $2.25. Whitney’s Hand Book of Bible Geography, . Absolutely Pure» ej^AfflTXu Barrow’s Companion to the Bible, $1.60. Rawlinson's Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament. $1. Walks about Jerusalem, by Isaac Errett, $1. Talks to Bereans, by Isaac Errett, $1. ~—Letters to a-~¥o»ng Uhnetixn, by Isaac Er-"~ rott, 35 cuinta. The Heavenward Way, by J. H. Garrison, 35 cents. Genuineness and Authenticity of the Gospels, by B A. Hinsdale, $1.25. Smith’s Unabridged Bible Dictionary. Ameri can Edition. Be vised ard edited by H. B. Hackett, D. D., assisted by Ezra Abbott, L.L.D. In fo ir yohimeB. Price in Cloth, per set, $20. Price in Sheep, the set, $25. Smith’s Bible Dictionary, $1 50. —------ ----- Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament. $1 50 per vohime. The volumes sold separately. Tbeonly known gpecijt&for EpileptteFttB.“®»----- On rturFmir Gmrpsis, 2 voTar On tffe Acte oT” S3* Also for Spasms and Falling Sickness.“®» the Apostles. On the Epistle to the Romans. Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. On the First Epistle to the Corinthians. On Equalled by none in delirium of fever.“®» the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the 49*Neutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Epistle to tlm Galatians. On the Epistle to the Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Ephesians, the Colossians, and tlir Philippians. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. On the Epistle to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds.“®» Titus ana Philemon. On the Epistle to the »^Permanently and promptly cures paralysis. Hebrews. On the General Epis ie of James, Yes, It is a charming and healthful Aperient. Peter, John and Jude. On the Bevelation. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Barnes’ Notes on the Psalms. In Three Changes bad breath to good, removing cause. volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50. iv9“Routa biliousness and clears complexion. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Daniel, $1.50, Charming resolvent and matchless laxative.“®» Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. It drives Sick Ileadache like the wind.“®» 2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50« < - {^“Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing it.*®» Cloth, per vol., $1.50. Restores life-giving properties to the blood.*®» Outlines of Church History, by Rev. John F. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders.*®» Hurst. D. 1)., 50 cents. Reliable when all opiates fail.*®» A Short History of the English Bible, by Refreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Rev. James M. Freeman, D. D., 50 cents. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded.*®» Lomoi nber It bv Ilov^ C ^8^or^’ 1U1<^ ^ow to pT’Enaorsed in writing by over fifty thonwand < Leading physicians in U. 8. and Europe.“»® Cruden’s Complete Concordance to the Holy Leading clergymen in U. 8. and Europe.“®» Scriptures, $1.50. Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror.*»» Cruden’B Concordance Abridged, 75 cents. For sale by all leading druggists. $1.50.-®» Brown's Pocket Concordance, 50 cents. ------ The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Co,, Propr*s. The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning St. Joseph, Mo. (22) ** ham Geikie, D. I)., $1.50. Tire Lite of onr tord upon the Earth, by For testimonials and circulars stamp. Samuel J. Andrews, $2 50. BED1NGT0N & CO., Agents, San Francisco. The Sunday School Helper, by J. II. Hardin, 50 cents. Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler, $1.50. Tho Standard Manual, for Sunday-school workers, by F. M. Green, 75 cents. Heroes and Holidays, edited by Rev. W. F. Crafts, $1.25. Story of an Earnost Life, by Mrs. Eliza Davies, $2. for all diseases of tho Kidneys and On the Rock, by J). R. Dungan,'$1.50. A Trip Around the World, by Timothy Coop and Henry Exlev, $1.50. I_ most _______ It 1 im Bpccifio action on thia Important I : 1 organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and \ Around tho World, Tour of Christian Mis sions, by W. F. Bainbridge, $2. inaction, stimulating the healthy aeewtion of » tho Eilo, and by keeping Rio bowels in lrcn £ The Christian Manual, for the use of Church condition, effecting IU regular diaeùargo. 7 Officers, in the various relations of Evangolists, Pastors, Bishoi« and Deacons, by F. M. Green, Malaria. Intuaria, htvo t cl i F a $1 • are bilious, oyspeptio, firconctipatcd, Fda fc v- L 5 I Wort will surely relieve and qulikly cure. k Address all orders to C ubistian H erald , la the Eprtng to cleanse tho S^-stem, every 9 Monmouth, Oregon. ono should, take a thorough couv&e c^it. a k ¿<5Í ever fails T^»* J j ŒMEDJ. C n | e | r | v | e ^ ci ' o | n | q | u | e | r | o | r ) -“—LIVER— - SOLD BY DltUOCtSTS. H c I. J To do so no more is the truest rcpvntence.— Luther,