Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 28, 1883, Image 4

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plains are the legitimate daughters has been an excess of doctrinal the whole truth in regard to salva­
the preaching to the men of this gen­ tion.— Christian Commonwealth.
A id of the S pirit .—A writer in “ Mother of Harlots.”
eration, is not true. It is as un­
the Pacific Methodist takes the
true as can be. The exact opposite
P olicy in R eligion .—Men are
_^oaB^-that>-whilft a few of-the
Their own interpreters before the
U ur B elief .—^fuch is said now-
heathen who follow the best light
a-days about the need of a gospel tions relate to doctrinal preaching world, often without meaning to be,
they have may be saved, the
free of technicalities-, free of tradi­ and teaching. The truth is there of the motives that govern them.
great body of them will be lost.
tions, of the barnacles—as some has been a deficiency, a lack of doc­ They are unconscious expeunders
In speaking of their choice he says:
say—which have become attached trinal preaching, and the instruc­ of themselves, of their secret
God’s Spirit is everywhere to aid,
tion of the children and youth has thoughts and intents. Solomon
in this choice. But the Old Testa­
not been in doctrines, has been an was right when he said: " As a
ment and the Spirit alike had need» theology. Some have even ven­ instruction *in the International
ihan thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
of Philip to decide the purpose of tured so far as to declare that the
the eunuch. The vision by the need of the time is to turn away Lessons and not in the Catechism. From the records of men’s lives it is
way and the.learning of Paul need­ from Paul and return ^to Christ, The result here in the United States not difficut to frame, with a fair
ed the help of Ananias. Jesus,
a n anal ysrr-of-
.LaajlQLh een.. s a t i sfactory, not . x ve iL..
to those who declaim against doc­ their motives. It does not need
donia, pleaded with’ the man Paul dislike that form of phraseology.
- to come over and help. So every­ It is not ours ; we quote the words trinal instruction. Christian Intel- very extensive observation of men
and things; it does not require very
where an integral factor in turning certain men are fond of using. We ligencer.
large knowledge of human nature
‘ the human will to God is a human like to say St. Paul or Paul the
helper—one who knows God. The Apostle, and our Lord Jesus or our
P rimitive P ractice .—Is it pos­ and affairs to justify the conclusion
honor, the shame, the glory, the
Lord Jesus Christ ; btit the talkers sible to impro ve on the practice of that the Church is sonietimespat-
"““tragic responsi bill ty, is ou rs.
of religious slang speak of Paul and the Apostles and Primitive Evange­ ronized for purposesof self-aggrand­
God’s Spirit is everywhere to
Christ, and unfortunately some of lists in preaching the Gospel and izement. Membership is sought
aid in this choice that his word
them are popular and win applause. winning souls to Christ ? These for the sake of secial prestige, com-
goes. His Spirit and word are in­
• ■What is thé lïîëâïïîng of all this out~ were at least conscious that they ^Fcial gain, or political prefer-
separably connected, and hence
cry against traditional dogmas, and acted under the immediate authority ment. The Church is inade a con­
where the word does not go, the
barnacles, and so on ? What the cry of their risen Lord, and conse­ venient vehicle of conveyance into
Spirit is not found to convert the
that we must return to the simple quently they spoke and acted as fashionable society, civil office, or
people. Hence the need of Philip
Gospel ? Does it not intend to dis­ though there was no doubt as to mercantile success. Rome is joined
and other primitive preachers, and
parage and reduce the Epistles of the truthfulness of all they said and for her vote. To own a pew in a
hence the necessity of preachers
;he New TestamentTo an inferior did. But many preachers in these Fifth avenue church is a passport
now to apply both the word and
position ? Is that according to the days do not use the language of to Fifth avenue society. Commun­
the Spirit. If the Spirit went out
mind of our Lord, as He expressed entire confidence when dealing with ion with the saints means, to some
independently of the word to. con- -
mind*, customers in thir 'it^'ro. it“
r~ we woulff" it ?_ He graciously - promised -His thc-TmcoTi verted. "There” is“alto<fe-
Church that He, going away, would ther too. much limping, halting and is hardly possible to conceive of a
most certainly expect him to go to
send the Holy Spirit to "guide” hesitating in both word and action. greater wrong and sin than to pros­
the heathen who are without the
His people “into all truth.” In The Primitive preachers were sure titute religion to these base ends.
word. But as we have no such
fulfilment of this engagement He of their steps, and they never used Mr. By-Ends and Mr. Money-Love
evidence of the Spirit’s operation,
gave His Holy Spirit to the Apos- the language of circumlocution. in Bunyan’s "Pilgrim’s Progress,”
let us realize that the heathen are
;les John, James, Peter and Paul. When sinners asked what they must thought that a man might use re­
lost; and in order to save th$m, we ,
They were inspired by the Spirit do to be saved, the answee. was al-, ligion for such purposes,.. land yet...
must carry them the bread of lif cl
senl Ly tKë~ Lord ""Jesus to unfold ways ready, short, to the point, sim­ be a right honest man.” But Chris­
;ruth to Hiij Church or they did not ple, and exactly in harmony with tian gave them all that they deserv­
A F oolish Q uestion . — The
tell the truth, for they claimed this the great commission given by the ed wheijL he said: " If it be unlaw­
Catholic Sentinel, among other fool­
very thing. Is it then the will of Divine Master. The'modern prac­ ful to follow Christ for loaves, as it
ish things it has to say about the
our Redeemer, the Light of the tice is faulty in nearly all these re­ is, how much more abominable is it
H erald , asks this question :
World, that we turn our backs upon spects. New methods and new ex­ to make Him and religion a stalk­
Pray, brother, who treasured the
New Testament ere your sect and ihe doctrinal epistles ? But these pedients have been invented, while ing-horse to get and enjoy the
the many other isms sprang into are too profound, too high and too the old truth is either sadly neg­ world ? Nor do we find any other
existence ?
deep for men at large ! Let us have lected or almost entirely perverted. than heathen, hypocrites, devils and
Not the Catholic Church surely, first the simple Gospel, and then In fac|, the weakest point of mod­ witches that are of this opinion.”—
for that " sect ” to which we be­ et us give the doctrinal epistles to ern Christianity is its failure to Christian Intelligencer.
long, founded by Christ and the advanced Christians as they can recognize Apostolic precept and ex­
apostles, existed hundreds of years >ear them ! But consider that these ample in dealing with inquiring
Original Contributions.
before a Pope was ever heard of, betters were written to a young, souls. What is really most of all
and will continue to exist long weak, , comparatively
ignorant needed in these degenerate days is
after the “ Man of Sin ” has been Church, a Church just gathered out a holy courage which is willing to
-destroyed by the power of God. of heathenism and the cold, dead leave the popular current for the
“ Pray, brother,” tell us who wrest­ formalism of Judaism. These let­ small but pure stream which comes
ed the New Testament from an ters are what our Lord as soon as down from the Primitive Church.
It would seem from the narrative
ignorant and wicked priestcraft ïe had ascended inspired men to Which one of the evangelists of all
given us in the book of Job, that
and put it into the hands of the write to the young and inexper­ who are* preaching in England to­
the angels, called here the sons of
people, thus giving liberty and en- ienced Church. Can the intelligent day trusts implicitly to the guid­
God, on set occasions, to honor
lightment to the nations of the world and Church of the present ance of the Divine Spirit as set forth
God reverentially presented them­
earth ? The idea that the world is day afford to put them in an infer­ in the preaching of the Apostles ?
selves enmass before him. On one
to-day indebted to the Church of ior position ? Besides, and we may We should like to publish a list of
of these occasions Satan also ap­
Rome for the Word of God is as well speak plainly, the assertion the men who are brave enough to
peared among them. God recogniz­
ridiculous. The many sects .and that the Epistles have been exalted follow without deviation just what
ed him, and inquired where he had
jsms of which our neighbor com- above the Gospels, and that there the Holy Spirit has pointed out as
come from, and received the reply.
detections and Comments.
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