Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 28, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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by what authority ? Does he
know of any Version which so
gives it ? or can he cite any critic
of note who thus renders it? Let
us try it in Oiid err two of his
passages. Read his first passage
with Sabbath substituted for the
Greek word as follows : “ In the
end of the Sabbath as it began to
dawn toward the first day of the
‘Sabbath,’” etc. Again: “Now
upon the first day of* the ‘ Sab
bath,’ very early in the morning,
they came unto the sepulcre,” et. al.
skillful builder. But let all by the
help of God lay the foundation and
rear Up the building and thus make
to ourselves a habitation for eter-
-Bro. Stewart is not satisfied
“ Lord’s day,” and hence his reply
on another page. Our brother says
he is for truth without regard to
party names, yet he begins by ad-
dreasing us as “ Rev.” The Savior
instructs us to call no man Master,
and Bro. Stewart should follow
Him by refusing to wear or apply
_ ___ any such titles of distinction.. He
also reminds us oF^our^mistake- in
calling him a “ Baptist preacher.”
This was our information when we
—wrote; but after all, we are truly
glad to know that we erred on the
safer side. He is a Presbyterian,
we believe.
— L We repeat that our brother is
utterally mistaken when he says
the first day of the week is called
the Sabbath eight times in the New
Testament. Here is his funda
mental mistake. If he had said I
the phrase “ first day of the week ”
is used eight times in the New
Testament as a translation of *the
Greek mian Sabbaton, he would
have been correct. But there is a
vast difference between these two
statements. He had as well con­
tend that, because a man is an ani­
mal, therefore all animals should be
called man !
2. He holds that a translation
should give the true meaning of
the origina1. Just so; then what
is the true meaning of Sabbaton ?
We think the scholarship of the
world has correctly rendered it and
its adjective by the phrase “ first
day of the week ” in every, passage
Bro. S. has mentioned. If he is
not satisfied with this decision,
what is he .going to do about it ?
Would he translate Sabbaton Sab-
f bath in all these passages ? If so, I
Missionary Column
activity in the service of the Lord.
Hence the Jewish Sabbath was
nailed to the cross in the death of
Christ, as not meeting the demands
Chnrth of Clirlat In Oregon
W. H. Adams, Portland.......... President.
I. O. Davidson, Portland........... .Treasurer.
8. M. Hubbard, Amity....... Rec. Secretary.
B. Wolverton, Hillsboro.. . .Cor. Secretary.
All communications relating to the employ­
ment of evangelists, protracted meetings, co­
operation in securing pastoral work, etc. all
pledges oi assistance with requests for the
Warne, and all business properly coming before
the Board will be addressed to the Cor. Sec­
retary All collections, payments of pledges,
etc,, will be addressed to the Treasurer.
Rates to the Convention.
P ortland , O r
many days the Sabbath had, to
make the absurdity of such a
translation apparent. Luther’s New
Testament is in German, and he
used a word which simply repre­
sented the Greek word!
3. Now Sabbaton in all these
passages and others that might be
given, simply means week, and
hence is correctly rendered in all
our versions.
In Bagster’s Greek and English
Lexicon of the New Testament, one
definition is as follows: Sabbaton.
—* A week, singular and plural,
Matt. 28: 1 ; Mark 16 : 9, et. al.”
In Robinson’s Lexicon of the New
Test a ment we h a v e : Sabbaton. “X
Metonomy, a
puFfbf the”
interval from Sabbath to Sabbath ;
hence a ee’nnigkt, week ; §o especi­
ally Luke 18: 12 neesteuo dia tou
Sabbatou. Elsewhere only after
numerals marking the days of the
week; Mark 16: 9 proota (heemera)
Bro. Floyd:
Permit me to say through the
H erald that the usual excursion
retes have been obtained* for all
■ delegates attending
Convention at Salem. Delegates
will pay full fare coming and on
their return, upnn presentation of
' Terttficate' rff^cndance,theyw+H
obtain tickets at 80 per cent, re­
duction, thus making the 40 per
cent, reduction on round trip
tickets. This will include all rail­
road lines in the ’ State, and these
rates will hold good till after Mon­
day the 8th of October.
W. H. A dams ,
Will persons sending “ Reports
from Churches ” after this date
please send to Salem in care of J.
W. Spriggs. I can thus be sure of
having them to read at the meet-
ing. Also, do not forget to send up
any remaining due on pledges.
Also remember contributions. Also
pledges for the coming year.
..... <
---- —••
~~ ...................... wmmwwh *... ... •
... .
The General Convention meets
at Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 25th
and 26th of October. We under­
stand some of our brethren are in­
tending a trip east on the excur­
sion starting the 2nd of October.
As we want some one to represent
our work, our needs, and general
condition in the State, will not
some of the brethren notify us of
their intended visit, and the Board
would be glad to appoint such as
God made man for one purpose.
That one purpose is “ to honor and
glorify Him.” How many of reli­
gious professors are earnestly, zeal­
ously, faithfully, and to the extent
of their ability, fulfilling that one
purpose ?