Warren Truitt. A. Johns THE CHRISTIAN HERALD ■ • TRUITT & JOHNS, Attorneys and CoiincelQrs at' Law, MODERN DANCING c SUCCESSOR TO FISHEL & ROBERTS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM a. --------- M OK M O Um , O RE GON.------------ - Corwer First «nd Alder Sts., DALLAS, OREGON. Office—North of Court House, on Mill Street. 13-14-3m T. J. Leo, M. D. J. E. Davidson, M. D. DAVIDSON & LEE, T /TÌPHY8ICIANS & SURGEONS' INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Disease« of women a specialty.! Prescriptions filled at the office. ¥ e w i n c m AT c h ine s, THE STRONGEST,- SIMPLEST, AND MOST DURABLE Sewing Machine in the market. Sold on easy installments, or a liberal discount fur cash. The Singer Manufacturing Co. WILLIS B. FRY, Manager, —--- -------------- "WSNIorrlson St., Portland. 12-35-tf v y PORTLAND. HE HERALD IS THE ONLY WEEKLY on tlje Pacific coa'st published by Disciples of Christ, and is of special interest to all who desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or traditions. As successor to the Pacific Chris­ tian Messenger it is in its THE leading EXAMINED THIRTEENTH VOLUME, Is on a permanent basis, with good building, power presses and steam power, an abundance of good material for running such a paper. The H erald contains each week sixteen four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as to turn like the leaves of a book, with only a limited amount of advortising. and that of the. most selectKind. Air advertisTfi^ not this? worthy is refused. As now published it is one of the LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED FROM A SCRIPTURAL POINT Mrs. Dr. Green, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. By J. F. FLOYD, by our brethren. It is conducted by a strong editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of the best writers among us on this coast. We foel safe in saying it is one of x Author of “ What Must I dp to be OUR BEST PAPERS. Saved ? Devoted to such matters as will make it indis­ pensable in every Christian family. First oomes the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Of great interest and value to parents and teachers. Next comes the TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tem- ( perance, representing the thoughts of the ‘ greatest workers of this important field. The A Common-Sense Remedy ¡TAL ICYLICA. No More Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT Is the central thought of the paper and em­ braces Editorials, and contributions from our | best writers. The Spirit of the Religious Press representing the various religious bodies, and church news from all the States in the Union. The This is a tract of 3 J pages neatly printed and well bound in paper covers, and has been highly com­ mended by the press generally. It is divided into six chapters, as follows : ITDefinitioif"and Old Testament usage of the term. -2. New Testament usage of the Five years established and never known to term and Scriptural Inductions. fail in a single case, acute or chronic. Refer tjo. SECULAR DEPARTMENT all prominent physicis ------ J n '' ians and druggists lor the jncjU(qeH Editorials on the important secular 3. Scriptural Inductions con­ standing of Salicylica. topics of the day, and news from all parte of SECRET. the world. It is, in short, just the paper for tinued. every family, and especially every Christian The only dissolver of the poisonous uric aciu acid .. ..... Which exists Tn the blood of rheumatic and - - family, fiufescriptioa___ . . 4.Dancing Condemned by the Price $3.00 Per Year gouty patients. Salicylica is known as a common-sense New Testament. In advance. remedy, because it strikes directly at the cause Address of Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, while so THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, 5. A direct Scripture argument many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas M onmouth , O r . only treat locally the effects. against Dancing. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with THE CHRISTIAN SOWER 6. Dancing by Alien. oils, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradiate these diseases which are the result of TRACT FUND. . Price, 10 cts. per copy; the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid. —:o:— Salicylica works with marvelous effect on his is the pioneer fund for the per dozen. this acid and so removes the disorder. It is now free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New è America and Europe- Highest Medical Acade­ kinds Address will follow soon. These tracts are free to my of Paris reports 95 per cent cures in 'three those who are not able to buy them, and fifty dayB. CHRISTIAN HERALD, . cents per hundred to those who are able. REMEMBER Every cent received will be used to print tracts. that Salicylica ¡8 a certain cure for Rheuma­ Weak churches will find these tracts useful. M onmouth , O regon . tism. Gout and Neuralgia. The most in­ Evangelists should go well supplied. tense pains are subdued almost instantly. Address Give it a trial. Belief guaranteed or money J. W. HIGBEE, Trustee,______ _ refunded. 12-35-lf_________________ Madisonville, Ky. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica­ tion. 6 Boxes for S3. $1 a Box. Sent free by mail on receipt of money. Ask your Druggist for it. Bat do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended at “ Just as good I” Insist on the genuine with the name Waihburne^ Co., on each box, which is guaranteed chemically pure under our signa­ ture, an indispenBible requisite to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Wathbume «Sc Co., Proprietors, 387 Broadway, Cor. Reade St., New York. 12-50-lyr AXLE GREASE. 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FOUR DEPARTMENTS :o Special attention given to disoases of women and chTdren. * 13-29-ly OF OREGON, OF VIEW, Every Disciple on this coast should take it Every one in the East who desires to know all that takes place of general intereat on this coast. w~■ a Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter . ft 1883. __ _ t to _____ all applicanti cus­ tomers of last year without ordering 11 it It contains Kbout 175 pages, 600 illuBtradons, prices, accurate-, descriptions and valuable directions for planting 1600 varieties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, espec­ ially to Market Gai loners. Send for it! D. M. FERRY & CO. D etroit M ioh . c To any suffering with Catarrh or Bron­ chitis who earnestly desire relief. I can furnish a means of Permanent and Pos­ itive Cure. A Home Treatment. No charge for consultation by mail. Valua­ ble Treatise Free. Certificatesfrom Doc­ tors. Lawyers, Ministers. Business-men. Address Rev. T. P. CHILDS. Troy. Ohio. causing soreness in back and side, also bottom of ribs; weariness, irritability. _____ chi n ■yril lz\xV- Lilt Q Ilil 4*iilfl________________________________________ VOll^llU COcLlCvI, oKill ytrftVrW, •«ftttofla.eyefrdHUrdry c ou gh,st ifle d a n d ob st ruc ts— ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APAPI FYY Epilepsy .Paralysis, dim MrurLua i ,Rjght. sound in ears, giddiness, contusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light before eyes, loss of memory. Diseases of Bladder and inNFVQ urine dark or light,red deposit; MUHuTu; burning, stinging, bearing down sensations, frequent desire to urinate, uneasiness, inflamed eyes, dark circles, thirrt. Diseases of U|“ ART «*Tere P»>n«. fluttering or weight near nCMri I , heart, more so on moving quickly and when lying on left side: out of breath on exertion. UUfinfiOUF dull or «h«rr P«ins in temples, QLHUHUnu, eyes or head; faintness, nausea. Drop«v is caused by watery fluid. Rheuma­ tism, Ac., by uric acid in blood. 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