CHRISTIAN HEftAtn. io- KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT Christian liberty is liberty to laborers in to the harvest.” Let us gards his country’s laws is a dan­ “ live and let live,” religiously; to 7 go into all the world and preach gerous t citizen, and deserves the develope noble Christian natures and - .contempt of all true men • pernrit others tu du likewise; to'**“’ Bro. Creele says in the Christian work on broad planes of life and Notes and Comments. Evangelist: “ Six additions to the teach others tp do likewise. He Bro. Munnell’s' meeting at congregation at Henderson recently. who sees in the commands and Rucherville resulted' in 10 addi­ We now number 180 members and ordinances of Christ a loving ser­ tions. everything is now in good shape. vice to him and a means of becom­ Have just closed a most interesting ing like him, becomes broad and Let us lay up treasures in heaven meeting at Murray, Calloway Co., liberal even in the strictest obedi­ daily. Let all our highest and best with twenty-three additions; 10 ence ; and in turn he labors to be given to our Father. confessions and baptisms, two re- make others broad and liberal in *e L'ALDWELL. All matter intended for thia department should be sent to J. W. Caldwell, Weut Union, Owen Co., Kentucky. We wish to correspond with every preacher iu Kentucky in reference to the circulation of the H ebaxj ), and contnbutionB to its columns. Send'for terms. Missionary Catechism. How many inhabitants are there on the earth ? About 1,400,000,- ...... ........ ..... .... ........ flow many of these are idolaters? Morgan Morgans is editing a dation.” The good work goes on. About 850,000,000. Missouri department. in the Stand, Bro. Creelé'says that'he once op­ How many does this make who ard with ability. We wish him posed the general evangelists work, either know nothing of Jesus or are much success. but the good that is being done by opposed to him ? About 1,020,000,- of thfì4~ts. system, has converted him. Brest. C. R- T)w;WngTWU-tkiTdrofthepopuIa- Female College, at Richmond, re­ Amen and amen. tion of the earth. • Of the remaining 385,000,00(1 cently held a meeting at Chaplin, Bro. Munnell, our State Evangel­ how many belong to the Papal resulting in 14 additions. ist, takes the position that the church ? AbouCT95,0nn,0OT).-------- Men who stand before the people evangelists are church officers, and How many belong to the Greek to preach should use plain langu­ have authority over the elders of church ? About 78,000,000. the church. The authority, of How many belong to the Copt, age. They should be careful about course, comes from the Word of Armenian, and other Oriental their figures of speech. Not long ago we heard a brother speak of the God. We are inclined to this view churches ? About 7,000,000. of the subject, and think if it were How many are nominally Pro­ howling desert of sin. acted upon we could do a more testants ?. About 100,000,000. A Washington (D. C.) lady is re­ efficient work for Christ. We are How many are members of the - '-^4?-rote&tant—churchea ? ~Afiou t~ 2(LL stand a great deal of thin preach­ We cannoFTTtiTize TTtir forces”and 000,000. How do the professed followers ing. Well, is not this, natural ? means as we should. Our spiritual of Jesus compare in number with But we know of several western liberty amounts to licentiousness. the others ? They are about one in preachers, who would be quite suc­ We need a fuller development of cessful in the east, if thin preaching these essential matters, for they lie seventy-five. at the very root of our success. We How many Protestant missionary will insure success. will investigate this question fully, societies were there at the com­ Sisters, do you read the Christian when the nights lengthen, and we mencement of this century ? Seven. How many now ? Over eighty. Monitor? If not, why not? It is can burn more midnight oil. We How many Protestant mission­ the paper you need. Get it for suggest that Bro. Munnell give us aries were there in the year 1800 ? your daughters. It is worth more a tract on the office of an Evangel­ than the sensational story papers. ist, &c. About seventy. How many now ? About 2,500 Send your name and address with Of the ordination of the Japan ordained European and American $1.50 to Christian Publishing Co., missionaries at Island Park the missionaries over 7,000 ordained St. Louis, Mo. Review says; “ We shall wait and native preachers, assisted by female The church at Frankfurt has a see what these ‘ interesting and im- missionaries, native assistants, etc., pressive services’ are to be. The making a total of about 5,800 mis­ new spire and a chime of bells. whole business is intensely sectarian sionaries, and nearly 14,000 native The fashion thereof is like St. Paul’s church spire in Richmond, from top to bottom, and is intended helpers. to catch the popular breeze.” This How many of these were received Va. It is 132 feet high. St. Raul’s is said to be the handsomest spire constant judging of the motives of during 1881 ? About 24,000. How many native Protestant in this country. But what about good brethren is certainly unworthy communicants in mission lands the the soundness of this thing ? Well, of any creature, much less one who first of this year ? About 540,000. the chime of bells will account for professes to be a Christian minister —Ex. that. At least it is an innovation. and journalist. Can the Review It would be profitable for Sun- Let us have a fusillade all aloniz give a “thus saith the Lord” for - * > * ' r day-school pupils to memorize these the line. judging men’s motives in this figures. ' Also, let the adult Chris­ wholesale way ? Or can he prove tians study them and be constrained The Harper high license law of that these ordination services are to pray and give for the high ttnd Illinois and the Downing high “ intended to catch the popular holy wo*rk. What an army of sin­ license law of Missouri are inforced breeze?” We call for the evidence, ners to convert. Every govern­ in many places. The saloon keep­ and unless it is forthcoming, we ment is open to the reception of the ers of St. Louis and Chicago organ­ caution our brother to be more gospel. “ The fields are white al­ ized to oppose them, which shows cautious, os the Book condems “ evil ready to the harvest. Pray ye that that whisky men, as a class, have speakings,” “accusers of the breth­ the Lord of the harvest send more no regard for law. lie who disre- ren,' “ false accusers/’ &c.' U O home will return to it—no need to lock him in? ‘He who loves God will keep near him—no need to hedge him there by forms. Hence, our best friends are those who are seeking true and liberal. If they have not the true means and we have, they will accept our means when we prove it to be true and effective. We and our friends can overthrow Babylon. This is only a hint—a riddle. So you may think is all I have said of Babylon. But, if you * think it all a riddle, can you guess the riddlej—G. S. H arney , in N. Y. Evangelist. ^¿Pulpit Treas ttryTVoT. T.“N6. " 2 ; J. Sanderson, D D, Managing Editor; E. B. Treat, publisher, 757 Broadway, N. Y. Yearly, in ad­ vance, $2.50; to clergymen, $2.00; single copy, 25 cts. This is an ex­ cellent number. The frontispiece is a portrait of R. S. Stores, D.D., with a condensed, but quite inter­ esting sketch of his life, and a ser­ mon by ^im, “The Transient Mak­ ing Room for the Permanent.’’ These alone are worth the yearly subscription of the magazine. We find the following eminent men represented, each one discussing in­ teresting things in an able manner: H. C. Patter, D D., O. H. Tiffeny, D.D., C. S. Robinson, D.D., Bishop Simpson, Morgan Dix, D.D., G. W. Blaikie, M. B. Riddle, Canon Lid- don, London, J. M. Buckley, R D. H. Hitchcock, Canon Lightfoot, Canon Wynne, C. H. Spurgeon, &