Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 07, 1883, Page 9, Image 9

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California Department.
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All matter intended for thia department
should be addressed to Prof. J. Durham, Col-
Bible Study.
We greatly rejoice to see such an
interest taken in Bible study. So
many more persons are being mar­
shalled into the ranks of truth
seairetw -eaeh-waak thumghout the
world. This is done through the
sunday-school work more than in
I any other way. But while this
work is going on there are many
L more who might be engaged fu thr»
if they would. They are good and
zealous Christians but they do not
believe in taking the Sunday-school
lessons as a means to accomplish
the end. They have no other
means, nor do they study the Bible
any more than before the present
method was adopted. The studies
now in the Old Testament are very
interesting, embracing some of those
bold movements of Jehovah in bis’
dealings with the children of Israel
such deep impressions of his hand
as stood out before Israel as re-
minders to them through ages, how
God would not look on sin with the
least degree of allowance. These
bold juttings of the Divine hand
are as deeply marked as the. rough
granite out-croppings that mark the
original ledges or strata through
mountain chains, and it is with so
much interest the Geologist studies
these rocky pages. The elementary
forms of life, either animal, or vege­
table, the time of their beginning,
the hour of their origin, the condi­
tion of light, heat, and moisture of
the primitive age are among the
interesting lessons to the scientist
And many times with the smallest
conceivable amount of data does
this lover of nature spend days,
months, and.years in trying to read
some dim outline—a lesson God
gave ages ago when he commanded
and it was so. And many times
this rocky lesson has not been
read correctly. We know that by
the simple change or omission of
letters in our language, fog may be
read dog, plain, pain etc. The
scientific world has accepted some­
times these incorrect readings as
the true reading aud the mass of
mankind has taken up many times
these readings and become romantic
ramblers after a very wrong im
pression received from nature.
There is no better time than now
to take up this line of Bible study,
and if you want more of the Bible
lessons than are given in the regu­
lar series, all the reader has to do
I wish to acknowledge the fol-
is to take up the intervening les­ lowing sums for the support of our
sons and read the connected history foreign missions :
and the whole line that is given.
For General Fund : John Shack-
to be slain by a sharp sword ere the
spell was broken, and the foul thing
became a princess living in her
beauty. So we ourselves have to
slay ourselves, and out of the ugly,
say, “I won’t do anything unless it
is done my way,”" when the"“ my
way ” is of no more Bible authority
than some other way. The-coming
generation will be a Bible people
as much so at least as any genera -
tion that has ever lived? There is
more real, true Bible study and in­
vestigation to day than ever before,
and let each one of us do as much
gles forth, beautiful and radiant,
th« better self, which is the image
and gift of Christ, All goodness is
self-repression. The Churchman.
Ladies’ Miss. Soc., Mt. Healthy, O.,
10.00; Church, Kellogg, la., 15.00;
Mrs. Rebecca Taylor, South Wales,
N. Y , 100; A Disciple, Shalersville,
O. , 5.00; G. C. Winship, Decorah,
la.. 20.00: Findley L. Underwood,-
Mt. Vernon, Mo.,. 20.00; S. S, N.
Royalton, O., 3 00 ; Church, Bethel,
Clermont Co.,O., 13.00 ; South Rus­
sell church, Chagrin Falls, O., 2.00;
---------- ■■■»• •
------- ------------- —
It may be set down as a rule that
gentleman. It is best to learn this
rule early and practice it late It is
not well to say mean things of an­
other, because in most cases you will
“Akron, ()., lOftOO^-Mra. ' Tav6~ToTffk0 ft all back tri bitter ness —
The Bible-time is always, to-day. M. I. Beal, Louisville, Kan., 1.00;
I have seen it the case whin the Mrs. Welty, Wamego, Kan., .50; of heart when he does you an unex­
brethren were content to spend Mrs. E. J. Ellingston, Blooming pected favor. It is not wise to
most of their time in sunday-school Ferry, Minn., 5.00; Antioch church, treat any one brusquely, because
and Bible study in the B >ok of Rutland, Ill., 4.83;’S. S.» Chat­ you can not always judge a bird by
the feather he has on. It is not
Acts. The more careful study is
tanooga, Tenn., 5.00; II. B. Goe, well to look down on any body, the
made of the Qid. Teitinunt. the Pittsbur^-Pa’, 2i5.OO; S.S.T Johnson
time may come when he will look
more beauty is seen in the New.
City, Tenn., 1.85.
down upon you. There is a certain
s taken from the
—F«_>r Turkish Mission . W S. selfhood in every one wbich-should----
O. T. are such as are of the greatest Powell, Princeton, Ky., $5.00;
irtermt-to. WWI4-««!-youngand-
7 OO; Mra Mr be respected. We have no right to
the live Christian cannot afford t) J. Giltner, Milton, Ky., 1.00 ; Bella infringe upon it; His notmoranty,
it is not mere conventional rule, it
stand outside of the grand army of
Metcalf, Carlisle, Ky., 6.10 ; A sister is not simply a social regulation;
near 15,000,000 persons who form
in Mo., 5.00 ; Mrs. Eudora South, it is something in the nature of
the rank and file of Bible students
Frankfort, Ky., 5.00 ; Brethren at
who are found in every nation, Hustonville, Ky., 5.00; Church, things that you should always show
a delicate regard for others. One
tongue, tribe and people. “ Search
Kirksville, Ky., 5.61 ; W. S. Smith,- who did not fail here was never
the Scriptures.”
Mt. Sterling Ky., .50; A sister in known utterly to fail elsewhere.—
Mo., 5.00; W. S. Clark, Hardins- Rural Home.
-...... .
~TCg?~Ky?, 5?00 ; Mrs.PàlmaCMW-
Died, in Colusa, Cal. of heart ford, Shelbyville, Ky., 2000.,
There are times in one’s life when
disease, on August 15, 1883, Mrs.
For French Mission : S. S, Glen- all the world seems to turn against
Mary Hathaway.
us. Our motive? are misunderstood,
cairn, Ont., $5.00.
Sister Hathaway was born in
Total receipts for week, $317 39. our "Words misconstrued, malicious
London, England, in 1840, and was
smiles reveal to us the unfriendly
A. M c L ean , Cor Secy,
married at New bedford, Mass., in Box 570.
feelings of others. Oh 1 how hard
Cincinnati, O.
1860. They came to Oregon in
it*ll seems, and the more so that
1869 where they remained till
we cannot divine the cause, Cour­
1.878, when they came to Cal
age, patience, disconsolate ones!
To live to self, whether it be our God is making a furrow in your
Sister H. joined the church at Ash­
land, Oregon in 1876. They came judgment or our own taste, or our heart, where He will «sow His grace.
to Colusa last Oct. She was a de­ passions, or our own lusts, is sin. It is rare when injustice, or slights
voted Christian, and on the morning and it is death. To live to God is patiently borne, do not leave the
of her death, she prayedearnertly for goodness and life; and to live to heart at the close of the day filled
her family and deqjared herself ready God is the only way by which we with marvelous joy and peace.—
to depart, trusting in all confidence cease to live to self. We must die Rural Home.
in her risen Savior. She bore her in order to live. All goodness is
Spurgeon recently gave an anec­
sufferings without a murmur, and martyrdom, the martyrdom of self
fell asleep in full hope. She leaves that the life of God, which is life dote of James Smith. Mr. Smith
three daughters and five sons with indeed, may ilow into our souls. In visited one of the members, who
a stricken husband. “ Blessed are the lowest region of all we must was dying, and said to her : “ You
“ Yes,” said she.
sacrifice possession-*, and in every are failing ?”
the dead who die in the Lord.”
region of experience we must give “Do you feel yourself« sinking?"
Let us beware of losing ourentliu
“ What 'did you say, Mr. Smith ?’*
siasm. Let us ever glory in some­ up ourselves, our prejudices, our am­
thing, and strive to retain our admi­ bitions, our notions, our tastes, and, He asked whether she was sinking.
ration for all that would ennoble, worst of all, and most comprehen­ " No I my dear minister,” Baid she
and beautify our life.
sive of all, our will, and everything “ never ask such a question of a
that is ours but our consciences, if child of God. Did you ever know
Wealth is like a viper, which is we w’ould have the fair beauty of one to sink through the rock* ? If
harmless if a man knows how to
take hold of it; but if he does not, goodness in our characters. Old I were standing upon the sand, I
it will twine round his hand and tairy tales describe how a loathy might sink ; but I am upon the
bite him.—¿>7. Clement.
serpent, twining round a tree, had Rock of Ages.”