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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1883)
CTT'RTSTTA.'N’ HERALD it stands in the same relation as does the general to the Gospel, as the Paschal Lamb to the Pass over. It is transfigured so as to have parted with its identity. The spe- cial consecraUon m a^evehih~part of time, the abstinence from all la bor, this remains; but. the spirit that governs it, the motive of the day, is fundamentally changed; we stand no longer at the foot of Sinai, listening U) the thunder, hut hy-ihe, empty tomb.— Canon Liddon. ing immigration, but there is no diminution in its Christian liber ality, its income last year being larger by $5,000 than in the year preceding. The corner-stone of the. First Presbyterian Church of Delhi, Ohio, was laid a few days since with ap propriate ceremonies. A beautiful brick edifice is now in course of irrectibh" which it is fntènded BÌiaif be dedicated free from debv. The newly inrt.lled p.rtor, Rev. E. L. Lord is meeting with much en couragement in his labors. Poverty and Poor Preaching. The calamity which I stand in dread of, and which is next to the withdrawal of the divine blessing, the a eBuioli that rising talent, genius, and A Protestant- Episcopal Bishop said recently, that one reason the “&y the ministry of the gospel for other world is so unwilling to come to the professions. “A scandalous main church is that the church is so will- tenance,” Matthew Henry says, . ing to go to the world. The thought Grace Protestant Episcopal “makes a scandalous ministry.” And is one to awaken reflection on the dhurch, Toledo, Ohio, now a pros I will gi ve you another equallyItrue? part of Christians at least. perous parish, is the fruit of Sun “The poverty of the parsonage will -------------- :—faM* --------- s------------ ■ Arrangements are nearly com day-school work commenced by two develop itself in the poverty of the Current Religious News. pleted for the erection of a new young ladies some thirteen years pulpit.” I have no doubt about it. church edifice for the Episcopal ago.. AXuthex^ ____—_-------- Genteel ...po ver five members has been organized at Church of the Crucifixion, at Eighth ministers are doomed, is one of the and Fitzwater streets, Philadelphia, Austin, Texas. The Presbyterian Church at great evils under the sun. To place to include also a parish building for Medina, N. Y., has extended a unan a man in circumstances where he is Rev. H. B. Steedman has accepted Sunday schools and other parochial imous call to Rev. E. P. Gardner, expected to be generous and hospi a call to the Second Baptist Church, work. which has been accepted, and he table, to open his hand as wide as Troy, N. Y. Encouraging progress was report- will enter on his pastoral duties his heart to the poor, to give his J family good education, to bring them — Mr. Spurgeon’s Church, in Lon up in what is called genteel life, and don, has added to its other benevo NewfoundlandSunday-school work The Congregationalists of Austra to deny him the means of doing so__ lent organizations a Flower Mission. ers, held at St. John’s. Between lia are s howing a l arg e measur o~ôT is enough, but for the hope of heaven fifty and sixty delegaTes-were pres^ —T4»e BaptUt Year Book, for -1883 ent. 'and thcrc was a large -attend“- reports 1G,514 ordained ministers ance of Sunday-school teachers. jubilee gatherings at Sydney were In the dread of debt, in many only, while there are 26,931 church- A mass meeting was held in the . very enthusiastic, and well sustain daily mortifications, in harrassing Park, at which twenty-five hundred ed to the close. Before the inter fears of what will become of his persons were present. The reports colonial Conference was over, $90,~ wife and children when his head The First Congregational Church indicate an increse of from four to 000 had been subscribed to the lies in thé grave, a man of cultivated of Haitford, Conn., will celebrate its five thousand in Sunday school Jubilee Fund, to be mainly expend mind and uelicate sensibilities has 250th anniversary on October 11th membership over the last official re ed in paying oil’church debts, and trials to bear more painful than pri and 12th. port, making a membership of about in starting a Ministers* Retiring vations cf the poor. It is a bitter Fund, and there is no reason to Cûp; and my heart bleeds Kir breth ~ The ¡SOrner-stdiie of a new Protes twenty thousand in the island. doubt that the amount will event ren who have never told their sor tant Episcopal church at Tanners The congregation of St. James’s ually be swelled to at least $100,000. rows, concealing under their cloak ville, in the Catskills, was laid with Protestant. Episcopal Church are The Congregational churches of the fox that gnaws at their vitals. much ceremony on the 8th ult. making arrangements for building Australia are grouped as follows: —T homas G uthrie , in Christian The General Convention of the a new church edifice on a site re New South Wales, 48 churches, Statesman. Protestant Episcopal church will be cently purchased at Seventy-first with 12, 995 adherents, and 6,229 held in the church of the Holy street and Madison square. The lot Sabbath-school scholars; Victoria, Trust In our Father. Trinity, Philadelphia, in October is 130 feet long by 75 feet wide, and 45 churches, 15,447 adherents, 7,- next. work will soon be commenced on 370 Sabbath-school scholars; South “Johnny, don’t you think you the foundation on what is promised Australia, 45 churches, 9,860 adher have got as much as you can carry? The tenth anniversary of the or to be a fine structure. The jiarish ents, 4,390 Sunday-school scholars; said Frank to his brother, who was ganization of the Reformed Episco of St. James was organized as far Queenland, 20 churches, 5,550 ad standing with open arms, receiving pal church will be celebrated on back as 1810. The old church will herents, 2,784 Sunday-school schol the bundles his father placed upon December 10, by special services in be sold as soon as the new one is ars; Tasmania, 29 churches, 4,835 them. “ You’ve got more than you the various churches of the denomi ready for occupancy. adherents, 2,246 Sunday-school can carry, now.” nation throughout the country. “ Nover mind,” said Johnny, in a • The corner-stone of the new Pres scholars; total, 187 churches, 48,747 adherents, 23,019 Sunday-school sweet, happy voice, “ my father Rev. Dr. Macdonald, of North byterian church at Oneida, N. Y., scholars. The outlook for the fu knows how much I can carry.” Leith Free Church, Scotland, was was laid last week with appropriate ture of Congregationalism at the How long it takes many of us to lately presented with an illuminated services. The new church building antipodes is, on the whole, an en learn the lesson little Johnny had address, an a deposit receipt for will be 118 by 102 feet, of the “Eng couraging one. by heart! “ Father knows how $17,250, in recognition of his long lish gothic” style of architecture. much I can carry.” Nogrumbling, and valuable services to the Church. The auditorium will seat 650 per Rev. Dr. Morse, of St. George ’ s no discontent, but a sweet trust, in sons. The building will bo quite St. Paul’s Protestant Episcopal imposing in appearance, and will Episcopal Church, Hempstead, L. our Father’s love and care that we Church at Glen Cove,. L. I., is to cost about $30,000. Rev. Samuel I., completed on Sunday last the will not be overburdened. Our twenty-fourth year of his rectorship heavenly Father never lays a bur begin at once the erection of a new Jessup is pastor. of that church. church edifice. It will be a hand den upon us that we cannot bear. Dr. Robert Moffat, the father-in- some structure with all modern con So we will trust him as little John Rev. J. B. L. Hwnmedieu has re veniences, and cost about $25,000. law of the late Dr. Livingstone, the his father.— Ex. celebrated African traveler and ex signed the pastorate of the Baptist ny did ---------- ■ ♦............ ■— The Presbyterian Church in Ire plorer, and himself for many years church of Babylon, L. I., and accept During the present century land is diminishing largely in num a noted missionary, died in London ed a call to the Park Baptist Church 300,000,000 copies of the Bible have bers through continued and increas on the 10th inst. at Port Richmond, S. I. been distributed. ?