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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1883)
O ürís T í A n iiküALt). 7 4'* ■x Letter from Hillsboro. , ■ ■ . « ■ \ would not smoke it sure. Now, you smoke cigars sure.” Again what motive for observing them. The say it is awfully nasty and bad is the mother’s teaching worth by Sabbath is a weekly commemora H iltjsboro , O r ., tasted and no gentleman will smoke the sido of the preachers, the elders, tion of the rest of God after the July 17, 1883. cigars in a lady’s presence or in the deacons and most of the men in work of making the world. “ For 1 M W | iii- B TX#a ys the Lord made-beaviM* I want to let you know’ that I com pan y orladi es. Now thererare+W efiffreh whJrty^ X&mpto* have sent our paper of June 22, three ladies sitting there by him setting this filthy practice before. and earth, the sea, and all that in 1883, on a preaching tour among while he is smoking, and you say their children which is a stumbling them is, and rested on the seventh the United Brethren and Method that the tobacco smoke is perfectly block to them to cause them to turn day and hallowed it.” Israel was the people to whom God revealed ists to see what it can do in open poison, and there they are alt sitting away from the truth ? E lizabeth T rullinger . the great mystery of creation ; that ing the eyes of the blind and un- there right in the tobacco smoke, a . — _ ------- master truth by which alone human "sEopping the ears of the deaf, td • .parfart fng "HSSmmirOT- Lur ttl i Day — thought is "saved in the long run turn them to the Lord, our blessed it kill them at once ?” My darling, Which? from what in philosophy in Pan Redeemer, to do his will and not the tobacco smoke, is perfectly And thus the Sabbath and the theism, and what in human prac help keep up the division that has poison and you can kill insects of every kind with it in a few minutes, Lord’s, day agree in affirming two tice is the sin of confounding God, .long.. existed between God’s p rt Heiplw —a- - 44—a--se.v.- jidthJiia. works. It brought before children, but break down every ’ sAy cutijrpiilais Tn'thrriTTTCst-:—■Tnke- enth part of our time, and the ab the minds of the Jews the ineffable wall to the ground, and let the a pan of fire and put a handfull of stinence from servile work one day majesty of the great counteracting children of God be one in Christ fine tobacco on it and hold it wherff the smoke will go through the nest in seVen. Are they identical ? force against the Jewish idolatries Jesus onr Lord, and that there be May we rightly call the Lord’s day and of the doings of the Macedo no division among them. Now and it will kHl them as fast as it covers them. And cut-worms, you the Sabbath ? These questions nian kings of a later day, in Pales this paper of June 22nd has two may get a handfull of them and must be answered in the negative. tine. sermons in it that are worth their The Lord’s day was never identified - Now, the Christian motive for___ w’eight in greenbacks. The one on n lay them un a tobacco leaf and not one of them will ever craul off of with the Jewish Sabbath before the the observance of the Lord’s day is Christian Union and the one on that leaf. Also a cat; just bind a rise of Puritanism, in the seven the resurrection of Christ from the Missionary Work are both sermons T have heard . inger tobacco leaf on its breast and then teenth century. 'The Puritan di- dead. That truth is to the Cbris- seinibwTong it Wilt IiW. Altera vinw had remarkaMe -knowledge of tia-n ereed what the creation.of the----- preach many times. The one on Christian Union he preached to a dog;-take the stem out of an old the contents of the Scriptures, but world out of nothing was to fhe church of United Brethren once, pipe, then stick it in the dogs mouth they had, as it seems to me, in read Jewish creed. It is the fundamen and turned everyone to Vhe Lord, and see how long he will live. And ing them no eye for the perspective tal truth on which all else that of scripture. They had broken ¡» distinctively Uh r is tian restsy te obey the truth and wear the the largest .serpent that you can away from the old-time interpreta and it is just as much put forward name of the Teacher, the Head of find ; give it a spoonfull of tobacco the Church. If I bad the money juice and it will-kill it in five min tion which would have them from by the Christian apostles as is the I would pay you to put those ser utes. Put your burning tobacco some of their n intakes. There was creation of all things out of noth mons in-track form and send them where the smoke will draw in to a in that age no school of criticism ing by the Jewish prophets. Not, out everywhere preaching the truth snake den it will kill them or they sufficiently educated“tô take the j ofcourse,'that the creation of alt will leave it. place of what they had lost. Ac- things out of nothing is less pre to the blind ; yes, and every honest Now those ladies you see sitting ‘ cordingly, in their anxiety to secure cious to us Christians than it w’ss to soul would see; and those not the strong Scriptural observance of the Jewish world—only it is more honest with their souls we don’t in the tobacco smoke had just eaten want. I am sending stamps to pay their dinners and their stomachs the Lord’s day, they said the Lord’s taken for granted. It was eclipsed were full of food and they breathed day was the Jewish Sabbath, and i so to speak, by the creation of the for this paper. r- . Again we see a piece on Woman’s the tobacco smoke and it went into that all that was said about the world of grace, and of this last crea- Jewish Sabbath was applied to it. tion the resurrection was the start Work in the Church—her influ their lungs and blood and then to ence over the blessed little house their nerves, and then through their They said that a purely Jewish or ing-point. It is commemorated on hold angels that our Father in entire system, poisoning the entire dinance was one of the necessary the first day of the week, when God brought light out of chaos and heaven has given her to train up in system with the tobacco poison elements of the Christian life. My brethren, the Jewish Sab darkness; it is the risen Lamb who her own house. Yes, her house is while tho vituals protected the the Lord’s house, the sanctuary of stomach and made it Blower in its bath and the Christian Lord’s day, says, “ Behold I make all things our God, the place giveh her to train operation. Now if the human be while agreeing in affirming two new.” And “ if a man be in Christ those little household angels for ing just lived on green vegetables principles, differ in two noteworthy he is a new creature ; old things heaven. Here the mother is teach as those insects do, I presume they respects. First, they differ, as has have passed away, all things have ing her darlings that they must not could not stand tobacco any better already been implied, in being con become new.” Of this the Lord’s use tobacco, nor rum, nor strong than the insects do; but it is our nected with distinct days. The day is a weekly festival of the res drink of any kind, no, not even good food that helps us out of this Sabbath was kept on the last day urrection. In a striking passage in cider. Now when she thinlks she poison. It is the rich food the ladies of the week; the Lord’s day is kept the Epistle to the Colossians. St. has got them all safe, there conies a of America cook that keeps up the on the first. “ The seventh day ”— I Paul associates the observance of new preacher to preach to them. tobacco user. Just gather the men and no other—“ is the Sabbath of the Sabbath with the new moon: “Let no man therefore judge you in ■The old preacher had moved off; but into an army together to go to war the Lord thy God.” When the Christian Church meat, or in drink, or in respect of he had told them time and again and put them on their own cooking keeps its wreekJy holy day or the an holy day, or of the new moon, or they must be temperate in all things and you will soon see them all sick first day of the week, it does much with camp fever, cliolara morbus, and obey their parents and their of the Sabbath days.” In St. Paul’s jord in all things He has told them typhoid fever, or black death, yes, more than merely change the day. I eyeB the Sabbath was a part of the o do. In comes one of her house and very soon the sickness and to Had the motive of the observance discarded system of the ceremonial hold angels and says : “ Ma ! ma ! bacco will kill more than the sword. been the same, this changing of the law, as wi^s the observance of the ' ' here is our new preacher on his It has done it time and again and Divine law would have been un new moon. pardonable. The change was made The Christian Lord ’s day stands >ack porch smoking a cigar and his it always will do it as long as to * eat up just like the grocery-keeper bacco is used. But the little house because there was imperative rea on entirely different ground. The lose, and he certainly likes it very hold angel went off muttering;! son for making it; for the Lords word Christian implies that it is no auch. It must be very good or he •< i when fget to be a preacher 1 will 1 day and the Sabbath differ in their ' lunger Sabbath in the Jewish sense.