s 8 ;ciiKisTiA.M titeHAtD. , ■ ____ '......... ■ . —, - ■- — -* _ ____ ___ _______ _______ _ ___ ; I The dozen or more ministers.of no mean not a word about laying on hands. the gift of God that was in him tween things that differ. ability. • Jt is a duty we owe our­ Luke 6: 13, Ky., “ Chose twelve, by the putting on of my hands. apostles told the church what sort selves, the cause we plead, and the which he named apostles;” Gen, But where did Paul get his apostolic of men to choose, and they chose nn* Nicol«« a niwudvh» of Anting eiidmamminki■ Jt£dw_did ‘"comiuumty, Id dffTE’TIFAAl W BU chose twelve,which he these and ourselves in particular, apostles.” Here now is twelve at Antioch, I will wait till some­ of whom it is said he apostatized as we may hope to claim the atten­ apostles .ordained, no laying on body can tell me better. We never and taught doctrines that God tion of the ..people. Trusting that | bands about it. Aiid in the ordi- find Paul working miracles before hated. Some say the seven were-, all may come full of the Christ- nation of Mathias, no laying on that, and' we do find’ him working set be fore-the twelve for examina­ spirit, and with no sectarian bitter­ hands. Acts 15, Ky. The church miracles soon" after, when, on one tion. If so how was it that somo ness,, I shall endeavor to do all in at Antioch determines to send men occasion, the people exclaimed, one of them that was gifted with iny power to. make our meeting a up to Jerusalem, and at Jerusalem “ The gods are come down ih the Tteservmg -rrf- spirits- did not.. sctr grand success. they ordained for) determined the likeness of men.” Now friend G. what Nicolas was? But in the * C~. J. W. S priggs . . matter. 1 Cor. 7 : 17, “ As God has 1\1. W. we can see that the term present time who is any better Salem, Or., Aug. 30,1883. ---------------------- ♦ ♦ ♦ -------------- called every one sq let him walk, ordain is one thing, and the im- qualified to fill an office in the church after laying on hands than THE AN AMORPHOSÏS. T in-. gH-climcliesT Now we have both mefrand things thing, and the process in each act before ? None, none. Then why EXAMINED. ordained or determined, not a word is quite different; and to confound go through an unmeaning and the two things, and call the con­ empty form ? I find in the C hristian H erald about laying on hands. Now we fused mass all ordain is shocking. Now turn to 1 Corinthians and of July Cth of the current year, an will view the picture from another So in the other case, to confound twelfth chapter, commencing 12th article written by G. M. Whitney, standpoint. We find in the 51st the term Holy Ghost and the en­ at the- 4th verse. Road closely. a few extracts of which I design to Psalm, King David says, “ Take not dowment, or endowing with gifts, 4th verse, “ diversities of gifts thy Holy Spirit from inc.” Luke notice. and call it all Holy Ghost, is 5th, “ differences of administra­ 1. On page 5, he says, “ These says, first chapter, Elizabeth was equally delusive. We must call tion 6th, “ and there are diversi - churches had each one its own full of the Holy Ghost, and that things by the right name, and take ties of operations;” 7th, “but the who had been selected and Zechariah was full of the Holy Pfttd-s ad vice —to—Tiaaothyv. and ..manife.s.tatiQn -of. thespirit... (gift)..... is. ordained- by fasting, and prayers, Ghost, “and John was full "bf the “ rightly divide the word of truth,” giverf to every man to profit” 8th, and laying on of hands, of the Holy Ghost_from his birth. John otherwise we will stir up more fog “one gifted with wisdom, to ministers or evangelist; on this 7; 38, 39, is made to'say, “The another knowledge; 9th, to an- than we can settle. point hinges all my argument for Holy Ghost was not yet given, be- Now let us examine one more | other the gift of healing. Now the high authority of the church.” cause, that Jesus was not yet glori­ dispute between case. Paul found at Ephesus a few I understand that these gifts were Again, he says, " But the objector fied.” Here is transferred in different ways, and cannot see that ordination can be John and Luke and David. What disciples "that knew only John’s they operated differently. of any benefit; he thinks he can is to be done with John for saying baptism, and when they were bap­ I will now leave the subject for act as bishop er deacon as well by the Holy Ghost was not, and could tized in the name of the Lord an agreement with the church as by not be given, till Jesus was glorT- Jesus Tie "laid“ hTs 'fiands ' on th em M acky W. S mith . being ordained.” Now, friend fied ? Shall we call a moot court and they spake with tongues. Now Whitney, as to church government to try the question ? Something shall we say that laying on hands Correspondence. I readily admit its utility and di­ must be done, it will not do for is a part of baptism because the two vine authority, and.I also admit the these old saints to dispute in this acts took place at the same time ? Report. importance of ordination; and I way. Come around, friends, and Under John’s ministry there was S ummerville , O r ., would be blind indeed, if I could view the Anamorphosis from the no laying on hands. Why ? Just because there was no endowing right standpoint, and then we can Aug. 30, 188S. not see that there must be an with spiritual gifts. One word all see alike, and stop the dispute At my last meeting near Island agreement between the church and from Paul : “ I fear, that as the at once. Now let us read John 7 : city I immersed one lady. At my its officers, and I think that if a serpent beguiled Eve, through his 39, in this way ( “ This spake he of last appointment at the Christian man should be so vain as to rise up subtlety, your minds should be cor ­ the endowment by the spirit, for Chapel, we had one accession by in church and aim to assume the rupted from the simplicity that is the endowment was not yet given relation, and at my last meeting at authority of governing without the in Christ Jesus. ” because that Jesus was not yet Elkfiat one lady made the good consent of the body, he certainly glorified. ” ) On the day of Pente ­ I thought I would drop the sub ­ confession to be immersed at their would be called to order, and be