tJÖitiSTtAK ÎÎÊÎlAtD 4 *. isters sat doWn for a quiet smoke. Just then a half-drunken man en tered, watched them a few minutes and exclaimed, “ Here’s a pretty were about to get up a “ corner ” in which would bring all religious in courts, give three or four this the Scriptures. The novelty of the people together in one formal body equal privilege and I doubt if many scene excited much comment. One without regard to the faith or men would so readily obey the old gentleman, as he alighted from “ Thus saith the Lord ” on thjs practice of any, is simply no union cigars in a public store r “ I know exclaimed: “ Well, the millennium at all. The only ground of union There is a deal of commonsense it is a bad habit, and I’ve often must be at hand, sure enough ! I is fpund in obedience of the Divine in taking this view of the Mormon wished I could give it up,” apolo never expected t"o live to see the will as expressed in the Bible alone, problem, and we hope the people of gized one minister. “ You have my Bible-sold in Wall Street. They and every one who accepts this sympathy. I’ve some bad habits need it here badly enough, Lord ground is compelled to hold him these United Stateswill not be slow knows ! Here, young man, I’ll take to look at it from this angle of the myself,” replied the drunkard. two copies, just to set a good ex- self aloof from all denominationa mental compass. ■wnpter—■ ——— churches—and—be—satisfied- with“ How is T his ?—The Christian simply the Church of Jesus Christ. S trong C onsolation .—Even on Index says: ... H ard on a M ethodist P reach these bright summer days xand A “ Campbellite ” post-master er .—The Christian Index thus C heating the D evil .—From an while we seek exemption from the slips tracts teaching the views of sums up the arguments that decid- —his~rfrmoTrrmarirmdnto the copies of KTa Methodist preacher against urn Oregon exchange we clip this item n oi.suaj ul hurry a nd- CA r a a nd-w o rk— of news: the Baptist Record coming to his mersion : of life, disappointments, trials, The ladies of the Baptist Home office, and thus circulates them as anxieties, bereavements, and sor A Methodist preacher, who had Mission Society will give a fair am if sent from the office of that paper. had some trouble of mind on the festival commencing on the evening rows come upon us. Let us not The only wonder is that these baptismal question, tells us in the of October 2d, and continuing three forget the words : Cast thy bur Baptist papers were not exploded Southern Christian A dvocate of the days. The proceeds will be appliec den upon the Lord, *nn«l He shall and. their contents tom to tatters, argument that decided him against to the finishing of the new Baptist sustain thee;” “ Come unto me all for it is generally understood that immersion. On one occasion, when church in this city. ye that are heavy ladenr and I will what our brother calls " Campbell- he had four persons to immerse, (1) We wish only to add that a give you rest•* Casting all your jte ;’ tracts are worse on Baptist his brethren furnished him, as a church which can only be finished care upon Him, for He careth for baptizing suit, with “ a pair of old litera i'ure ^mn a *oa'* (tyna’ and faded jeans pants with a patch by its members giving fairs anc you.” The good Lord presents ksLivals would be , doing tlm cause 44imself-to4WHksour‘‘4>wi’<len-l>ear- —mite-r-—™ Míe—advise—pur— friends to krt>k affcer this matter at down each knee, of different colors, of Christ a great favor by going er.” It is our privilege to roll our and an old red and well-worn coat;” uufinished. once. cares upon Him, and be at rest.— (2) “ the place of immersion (pre Christian Intelligencer. pared by his brethren, of course,) T he B ible in W all S treet .-—- was “a hole dammed up in a slug M ormonism .—A woman signing .......................... -. —. - ............ , The Youth's Companion gives us gish branch, and full of scum-cover herself “ A Mormon Wife ” w’rites Original Contributions. ---- this interesting stat «ment in refer ed water ;” (3) in proceeding to per fro’m Salt Lake City to the New ence to the sale of the? New Testa form the act he “stood six inches York Independent as follows : BIBLE TALKS. or more in the mud ” (which his Belligerent attacks, from the ment in Wall street : brethren might have cleared away BT M. B. LEMEBT world outside of Utah can be of Milton’s palace of Mammon was butdid noFy (4) anTwTienTiefin NUMBER XX. almost as likely a place io find the ished he found that he had “ laid little avail. Sensational newspaper articles arc only looked upon by Bible in as Wall Street, New York. the heads of the candidates in about At this sitting I shall speak of Such a scene as the following in two feet of a moccasin snake,” the people themselves as “ good ad that haunt of the money -god just (which his brethren had not taken vertisements.” Upon crucifixion Abraham in contrast with Eli; after the issue of the revised New the care to search out and destroy.) they thrive and grow. " The blood have heretofore spoken of him Testament naturally callesl forth On another occasion, after immer of the martyrs is the seed of the quite freely, but much yet remains ready mention and comment in the sion, (5) in returning to the woods Church ” has passed into a proverb. to be said. His, I think, the daily papers. The New York to put on his own dry clothes he The work of disentegration has grandest record upon the pages of Herald said: It was certainly an stuck a thorn in his foot, (for want commenced; and from within can unaccustomed if not an unprece of shoes, which might have been Mormonism only be effectually the Old Testament. He w’as a man dented sight which was witnessed furnished him,) and (6) while chang helped to eradicate its errors. This of the strongest faith, and of the in Wall Street, when a half-dozen ing his dress, some ladies (in the work, so long delayed, has now be deepest piety—obedient to the di enterprising street venders ap lack of one or two male pickets,) gun in good earnest. There is no vine command in all things; and peared, carrying trays loaded with ran upon him in a condition in one man who can ever hold the con was called the friend of God ; in small and neatly bound volumes, which he ought not to have been trol that Brigham Young held over and shouting, “ Bibles, only a quar seen. Now, in view of these six this people; and in the hands of 'act he was a great favorite with ter ’” “ The revised New Testa particulars, what scholar will say twelve men the community are God, so that he said to him, “In freer to exercise individual judg blessing I will bless thee; and I ment for only twenty-five cents!” that baptizo means to immerse ? ment. That some will have to The pedlers, who wer$ mostly active suffer is only the work reformation will*bless them that bless thee, and young men, were apparently very W hat is U nion ?—A writer in always brings; but that as little of curse them that curse thee.” But successful. The sidewalk merchant who first took his stand at the cor? the Church Union has this to suffering shall be caused the inno why was Abraham such a special cent as is possible under the cir avorite ? Many men possessed ner of Wall and Broad Streets was say about Christian union : speedily surrounded by a crowd. A sound union Christian, on re cumstances all humanitarians must M)th faith and piety in an eminent Passers-by stopped-first to investi moving to a new place, will unite desire. If the past were fully pro degree; but Abraham was corfsti- gate and then to invest, and scores with the church most nearly con vided for, and justly, the future of brokers and bankers, young formed to his ideas, or most con provided against, the great diffi ¡uted father of them all. Why clerks and stock exchange opera veniently located, if it wifi receive culty would be met. Let families ¡his ? By consulting the record, it will tors, were seen to walk away with him. To stand aloof or to organize already formed by polygamic con a copy of the book in their hands a new church different from all the tract remain so, and bring about ?e seen that it was his faithfulness or bulging from their pockets. .r others when it is not demanded by their own dissolution in their own as governor and teacher of his own Some of the dealers sold out all the size . of the population, is to way. 1’his would cause the least they had on trays and went away make his peculiar views of union a suffering. But in any case let some lousehold. When about to destroy to return with a fresh supply. ground of division, and to make legislation be had which shall give ¡he cities of the plain, the Lord Altogether, several hundred New himself a sectarian. It is possible financial protection to innocent said," Shall I hide from Abraham Testaments must have been dis to make unionism, as well a\ bap women and their children. Should ¡he thing which I do; seeing that these responsibilities take on a' posed of in the neighborhood of the tism, a-sectarian hobby. legal form I imagine men would be Abraham shall surely become a Stock Exchange «luring the day. There is a good deal of practical less likely to assume them. As the great and mighty nation, and all In fact, the book went oft’ at such rapid rate as to inspire one with nonsense written in these days claim of one wife upon the purse of ^he nations of the earth shall be suspicion that perhaps the brokers 1 about Christian union. That union her husband is very often contested 1 blessed in him ? For I know him ------ — .. ... .w---—...................... » ... — ———— _ * X