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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1883)
< I. 6 and some of her family were con- her, table, stool, and candlestick for > the prophet, and one night about supper time said to him, " Mr. Knox, I think you are at a loss by want of awife?”'TowlnchTTe t>aid, “ Madam». I think nobody. will take such a wanderer as I.” To which she replied, " Sir, if that be your objection I will make in • quiry to find an answer against our next -meeting."“ The lady accord ingly addressed herself to her eldest daughter, telling her she might be very happy if she could marry Mr* Knox, who would be a great' reformer, and a credit to the church ; but she despised the pro posal, hoping that her ladyship wished her better than to marry a poor wanderer. The lady addressed the second daughter, who answered 'as the eldest. Then the lady sp7)kF to her third daughter, about nine teen years of age, who very faintly paid, “ Madam, I’ll be very willing io marry him, but I fear he’ll not take me.” To which the lady re plied, “If that be all your objection 1’11 soon get you an answer.” Next night at supper the lady said, ” Sir, I have been considering upon a ■wife for you, and find one very willing.” To which Knox inquired : ** Who is it, Madam ?” She an swered, “ My young daughter, sit ting by your side at the table.” Then, addressing himself to the young lady, he said, “ My bird; are you willing to marry me ?’, She answered, “ Yes sir; only I fear you will not be willing take me.” He said, “ My bird, if you be willing to take me you must take your venture of God’s providence as I do. I gor through the country some times on foot, with a wallet on my arm and a Bible in it. You may put some things in for yourself, and if I bid you take the wallet you must do it, and go when I go, and lodge where-1 lodge.” “ Sir,” said she, “ I’ll do all this.” “ Will you he as good as your word ?” “ Yes, I will.” Upon which the marriage was concluded. She went with him to Geneva. And as he was ascending a hill she got up to the top of it before him, and took the wallet on her arm, and sitting down, said, “ Now, good man, am not I as good as my word ?”— Ex. ----------- » » ------ i learned that he that will be a hero will barely be a man ; that he that will be nothing but a doer of his work is sure of his manhood.— ■peorge Macdonald. Our Work and Christ’s Our works may be good,-Christs are mighty as well as good. We visit the sick, Christ cures them. We visit the prisoner, Christ re- Jeases them... that are bound. We feed the hungry, Christ creates the gives them a robe of righteousness fit to wear at the King’s banquet. We soothe the pillow of the dying, Christ raises the dead. Ours are works of charity, his arc works of charity that are mighty. Wc may be benevolent and wonderful • in working. .It is a great thing to build a hospital for the sick or an asylum for orphans; but if our physicians had half the skill and might of Christ, the Great Physi cian, there would be no need of hospitals and asylurns, for they .CQUld then do the mightier works that die did, and cure all manner of sickness aiid heal all manner of diseases, by a word, or a look or a tottch~4f“onr~stfttesttren had half the wisdom that Christ displayed in parrying the subtle thrusts of men, and allaying their passions, statesmanship would be made easy. It is a mghty work to subdue to submission and peace a belligerent people, or to hurl back foreign invasion from the shores of a com monwealth ; but it is a mightier work to rest from the grip of thé devil a stolen world which he has taught to hate God, its Maker, to subdue it to penitence and bring it back to allegiance. This was vir tually accomplished when Christ walked forth from the sepulchre, ascended on high, and led captivity captive.— Christian Intelligencer. Character Strength. There is, perhaps, no better test of a man’s real character than the way he bears himself Under just reproof. Every man makes mis takes ; every man commits faults ; but not every man has the honesty and meekness to acknowledge his errors and to welcome the criticism which points them out to him. It is rarely diftcult for us to find an excuse for our courge, if it’s an excuse we are looking tor. It is, in fact, always easier to spring to an angry defense of ourselves than to calmly acknbwledge the justice of another’s righteous condemnation of some wrong action of ours ; but to nil use to adopt this latter course; when we know that we are wrong, is to reveal to our better conscious ness, and often to the consciousness of others, an essential defect in our eWacter.,- • : ........ _ ___ He is strong who dares confess that he is weak ; he is already tottering to 'a fall who needs to bolster up the weaknesses of his personality-by all sorts of transpar ent shams. It is not in vain that Sc’fiplur F sayTsT^Repf0V0 onerthat* hath understanding, and he will understand knowledge ;” for one of the best evidences of the possession of that discreet self-judgment which stands at the basis of the best means of gaining it when it is lack ing, is just the willingness to accept merited reproof, and to profit by it when accepted.— Rural Home. Programme of Annual Meeting of the Oregon State Mission ary Convention at Salem, commencing W ednesday.Oct. 3, 1883. 2 P. M. Preliminary organization. Appointment of Committee on Credentials. ' 7 p . m . Address of Welcome, J. W. Spriggs, pastor of the church- Response, W. H. Adams, President of Convention. Miscellaneous.* Discussion. .7 P j . m - " Faith or Knowledge- Which J. F. Floyd SATURDAY, OCT. CiTH. 9 A. m . Devotional Exercise (Executive Session). Reports of Committees. Miscellaneous. % P. M. '^Tadies Aids?n Essa by Mrs. A. M. Bedwell. Discussion. “ Service of Song.” Discussion opened by P. R. Burnett. 7. P. M. Address, J. W. Spriggs. N ote .—The intention of the Board is to have exclusively exe cutive’s session in the morning Discussions afternoon and Address es in the evening. We trust this will prove ter be to the best inter ests of the Convention. C or . S ec . ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -r- Notice. P alouse C ity , W. T. Bro. Floyd : Please announce through the H erald that I have changed my residence from Spangle, W. T., to near Palouse City, W. T. Corres pondents will please address me at Palouse City. THURSDAY, OCT. 4TH. Your brother in Christ, 9 A. m . Devotional Exercises. C. J. W right . (Executive session). ---------- e ----------- Reports from churches. Report. Report of the Board. M t . H ope , K s ., Report of Committee on Consti Aug. 13, 1883. tution. Bro. Floyd : Election of Officers. In a meeting here with 44 addi New Business. 2 P. M. The present condition tions. Will close in a few days. Your brother, and demands of our work in the F. M. R ains . State. A conference opened by B. Wolverton, Cor. Secretary. Report. “ Church Government.” Discus sion opened by D. M. Doty. D owney C ity , C al ., 7 P. M. Address, “The Evangel • Aug. 15, 1883. ist; his relation to the church, and Bro. Floyd: the scope of his work.” Neal I am just home from the El Cheetham. Monte Annual Camp-meeting. We FRIDAY, OCT. OTH. had a most harmonious and happy 9 A. m . Devotional Exercises. meeting and eighteen additions; 14 baptisms, 3 Baptists and one re (Executive session) Evangelistic work in the State; claimed, besides 5 by letter—in all Organization and distribution of 23. forces. I baptized two at Downey just [Here will come in more fully before going to thil meeting, and the maturing of plans for the util Bro. I. Coats baptized four at Olive izing of all our strength. Let noni school-house. C. K endrick . fail to be present with his wants ——------------- --------------------------- and pledges that all may be heard. Report. —Cor. Sec.] 2 p, M. Lord’s day Services. A Scio, O r ., Aug. 20, 1883. conference opened by H. T. Mor Bro. J. F. Floyd: rison. Permit me through the H erald “Marriage and Divorce.” Ad to say to the brethren that our^ dress by R, H, Moss. short vacation and visit to tho SoJ*