Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, August 24, 1883, Page 9, Image 9

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1 lrt*'
The Women’s Missionary Socie­
ties now in successful operation num­
ber forty-eight. Of these, thirty­
seven are in the United States, four
in Canada, four in England, two in
Germany, and one in Sweden.
ing was erected.a few yearns ago-at thus enabled to use all the money never known before.
a cols of 83,000, and it is only this received to circulate tracts. All the
She could not leave him in his
year that the debt was entirely, , profits from sales- wilt be utfed to misery and disgrace. Some of the
liquidated. Rev. Mr. Spaulding, buy tracts for destitute fields. This by standers helped him up, and the
the pastor of the church, assumed work merits your support. An poor mother led away her drunken
charge only last Spring. It is pro- agent wanted in every congrega- son.
■ iionn r,d4,’. .y ou aww
■41^4 ■
ELlIwfiLMfe ptoftea-
The journal of the forty-sixth an­
tracts apply to me.
where mere boys are poisoned, de­
nual convention of the Episcopal
Baskets, Full of Seed I
bauched and ruined by the accursed
J. W. - ----------
H igbee
. . ------ -----—
- , Trustee.
Diocese of Indiana presents the fol­
Madisonville, Ky.
cup. Shall this curse consume
Yes, full of see i of the Kingdom
lowing statistics : Baptisms, 356 ;
forever? Shall mothers rear chil­
confirmation, 155 ; communicants, of God—seed to be sown in human
“ Uh, My Poor Boy 1”
dren to be devoured by this dragon ?
3,881 ; Sunday school teachers, 297 ; hearts to bling firth fruit unto
Or shall men and women who fear
scholars, 3,l71;coutribuums, -$34.- ■ÀQÙ.IftB&j thflt Uldmay-Lu Btiifa There are persons who find amuse-
nal life. Who will become sowers? ment in the madness and misery of TTotT an<T’"Tov‘e.. ngliteousnesg'ToiisS
These baskets are tracts <and the the intemperate; and there are tem­ themselves from their slumbers and
Wealth accumulates in the Eng­
supply now mentioned is owned by perance speakers who evoke mirth seek to banish this dire and bitter
lish colonies. A Scotchman by the
the Chiistian Sower Tract Fund. by picturing scenes which cause evil from the homes and haunts of
__ name ü £ WyAY:audu-.ud Their lurnws BinPiir
IWtmr----- - ■^♦4y-w i»ta>Fy<—Bu t t ho s e who haw- ineiLr-Z'/^
----------------- •
to Australia many years ago, died
1. “Sincerity Seeking the Way experienced the terrible evils of
When the love of God has taken
this year, and left the sum of $100,-
to Heaven,” 5 cents per copy ; 50 intemperance find little amusement
000 to the Theological Hall of the
in auch exhibitions.
Said one possession of the soul, and the whole
man is consecrated to his service,
Presbyterian College, Victoria;
J red ; $25 per thousand by ex- woman, into whose family' this
life loses its fragmentary character,
$50,000 to Ormond College, ami
press. 11 is by 1 Jeiijtmin Franklin, curse had entered, “ When 1 hear a
and one o guiding
$25,000 to the Presbyterian Ladies’
o stream seems to
and is one of the best tracts ever temperance lecture mimic and make
run through it.. Then all varying
_ College at Melbourne. He has also
written?" 1 kno .v of two churches, fun of men who gat drunk it makes and disjointed duties find a fixed
endowed a congregation at Wickliffe
each one of-which was caused by a uu mad' It is no laughing matter
and appointed place; and though,
with $1,000 per annum, and has
copy of this tract Laving been put to have a man come home drunk !”
bequeathed $2o,000 “ to the rninis-
There are some women—God- from the weakness of the flesh, the
to work in the neigh both ood where
jein to be
'pi ty them—wbo~have-lHtown-what 3
ruffled, there is a strong undercur­
Presbyterian Church in Sanquhar,
The hero of the tjact is Sincerity It is see for the-first time a husband
rent that cannot be diverted from
Scotland, the church in which he
who after much tribulation from or a sou drunk. Who can tell the
ita object, but is ever flow’ing on to
went to worship before he left for
ignorant teaclicr-r of the Bible­ anguish of those through whose
its one point, widening and-—
Australia, forty years ago.
final ly fi>und the Kingdom of God souls the sworn has thus been
strengthening as it goes, and so
The Memorial Church on the bat It is the. Very thing to put into the thrust. Those who have seen such mastering all that opposes its pro­
a sigflt will not soon forget it.
tie field of Isandhlwana, Zulu land, bands of young men.
gress. The very hindrances that
2. “ Our Position,” by Isaac Er- Those who have not seen it may
where the Prince Imperial of Franc»1
thwarted are turned into ministers
lost his life, has been completed. It rett, Jin) “ Letters on Baptism to a count themselves fortunate.
About the year 1863, says J. F. to help its course. The stronger
is a beautiful Gothic structure o' l’iou.> l’edobapti-4,” by R. T. Mat­
and more fixedly the soul is set on
white sandstone. At the opening thews, 3 cents per copy; 30 cents Sanderson, 1 saw a scene I shall one object, so much the more does
services the attendance was very per doz-n ; $2 per hundred; $15 never forget. I was walking down- it find pow’er to overcome all diffi­
large, but it is noteworthy that rit­ per thousand by express. They are the main street of Nashua, N. 11., culties and despise all that may be
ualism has found its wray into even proving very effective and populai and came in sight of Jim Bright’s only outward or accidental.— Mrs.
-aloon, a horrible place, from which
those remote regions.
We read and deserve a large sale.
Augustus Haret.
3. “Chiistian Union,” by I. A honest and sober people turned
that the Bishop was vested in a
Many Christian people would do
white cope and mitre, two tapers Thayer, 4 cents per copy ; 40 cents aside with disgust and dismay. As
were burning above the altei, and a per dozen; $2.25 per hundred, and I drew near the door opened, and I well just now to read more church
large brass cross shone out above $20 per thousand l»y express. This saw them lead out a boy of fourteen history. They are complaining of
is. a forcible presentation of our or fifteen years, who was drunk the attacks made on the Scriptures
the vase of flowers. .
Union plea, and will attract atten­ sick, and helpless. Being unable and the churches, believing, also,
to walk, he sat down upon the that if they are overthrown the
The village of Spotts wood, N. J., tion.
was visited by a tornado on the
4. “Eriett’s Review of Sum- sidewalk, the picture of wretched damage done them will be almost
23J ult., resulting in a great deal of iner’s ” (MetLodi-t), 6 cents pel ncss and distress. A number oi irreparable, and that there never
damage. The Reformed Church,a eopy ; 60 cents per doz<n and $4 persons stood around him, laugh inp was a time when religion was in so
i I
rather handsome ff^une structure, per hundred. It is rich, rare and at his pitiable condition, and crack great peril. A study of the past
wascompletely wrecked. The wind racy, and is a complete reply to the ing th« ir customary bar-room jokes will - undeceive them. Beginning
struck the steeple directly in front, Methodist tract. “ Why I am not a As 1 draw near, 1 saw a well-dress with the days succeeding the As­
and toppled it over upon the ridge Camphellite ?” Invest largely ; you ed, bright, intelligent-looking ladj cension of the Master, they will
of the roof, which sank under it will never regret it.
walking up the street. She cam« find there were “ false Christs ”
broken to bits. The walls, except
5. Seven kinds of card tracts, along, apparently happy and uncon­ and other enemies, and learn that
the front one, were bulged out at each containing from one thousand cerned, until she was opposite tht the later days of tlie apostles them­
what were the eavvs from three to’ to twelve hundred w’ords, printed saloon,, when she cast a glance al selves were darkened by the
shadows that came from worldli­
four feet. JI’he south-east corner of on tintetl card board, efficient, at­ the helpless creature on the side­ ness in the Church and the assaults
the building is split open as if riped tractive and durable, 50 cents per walk, and exclaimed in tones 1 of its foes. They will also find that
down with an immense rip saw. hundred; $4 per thousand. Laiger. shall never forget :
in all ages there has been criticism,
ridicule, malignant spite and hostili­
Timbers, boards, and debris of all quantities by express at lower
“ Ob, my poor boy ! ’
kinds, are lying round the church in rates. Since this Fund began
It seemed as if a life-time of ty, and that many times the truth
was in such peril that its present _
heaps, at tho rear to the extent of work it has priuttd more than agony was condensed into that one situation is, by comparison, invin­
thirty feet, while the lighter mat)- 160,000 of these tracts, 1 receive exclamation, which marked a reve­ cible and triumphant. — United
rial is scattered around. The build- no salary for my work and am lation of such Borrow as she had I P resbgterum.
9' -,