Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, August 24, 1883, Page 11, Image 11

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Could we have our thoughts
what infidels do when they declare
that Christians are all hypocrites. written down, how many would be
What shall we do ? We cut all willing to have them read ? Then
together, and when we gather up when w’e remember that the record-
Monmoutli, Oi’ogon.
briers to decay. Let us not become
discouraged if we find wicked per­
sons even in the churches. While
they cause us some annoyance, We
must work on incessantly to save
the pure and good. This annual
iiiirvcst is a steady
after awhile the great soul harvest
will come. Will we be gathered
into mansions, or cast away / Let
us, above and beyond all, make
sure to be r
thoughts, ought we not to be very
careful ?
Iiw many, like the
little boy, when asked if he took
any of the raisin«, and being told if
he did God saw him, replied, ‘‘ Yes
I knew he did but he won’t tell.”
can be kept secret from men,-“ God
won’t tell,” forgetting that we are
to be judged according to the
things done in the body, and that
decision is to be final; no appealing
to a higlter court, for wo stand be­
fore the Supreme Judge of quick
Determined to Get an Educa­ and dead.-- Chvistia#. Messenger.
Captain Pratt, who is in charge
of the training school for Indian
youths at Carlisle, Pa., tells of an
Indian lad-18 years old, who ap­
peared at the school a few weeks
ago, having found his «way across
the Continent in search of an edu­
cation. He had 32.75 on starting
from his home. That brought him
across the Mississippi river. Then
by walking four days together and
getting an occasional ride on a
freight train, he made the rest of
the long journey. He sold his
/Indian ornaments for 32.25 to give
him bread on the way. Coming
over the Allegheny mountain range
the Indian’s worn-out moccasins
were no' protection to his feet
against the snow, and he bartered
his blanket for a pair of shoes. At
last he reached the Carlisle school
and was taken in and cared for.—
Every indulgence which habi­
tually leads us into sin is in itself
siniul, though otherwise innocent.
D. T. STANLEY, A. M., P resident ,
Professor Mental and Moral Sciences, English and Biblical Literature.
W. E..YATES, A. M.,
J. M. POWELL, A. Mr,
Professor Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
M rs . M. B. STANLEY,
Principal Primary Department.
““---------- —
Teacher of Instrumental Music.
Teacher of Painting and Drawing.
W. E. YATES, A. M,
“ A fund has been started at
Secretary of the Faculty.
London to assist the family of the Such Assistants as are needed .wili be engaged as the session advances.
late" Capt. Webb and to erect a
- ..... - -— -....... ..
memorial to him.”.. Let any one act
Monmouth, the seat of Christian Qollege, is a village of about 400 inhabitant, noted for
extremely foolish—even dare to their morality and devotion to the cause of education. The Oregonian Railway passes through
the middle of the town, giving daily connection with Portland, and affording the moau-ftor easy
swim the whirlpool of Niagara—if travel and rapid freights. In addition to a passenger depot in the middle of town, the O. A- C.
ii. K. pto-wti U.iwuxo
aiid the stea m e r s pit in n. Ug> W iJI wneP»-.
Tie wouhTfeve, a memorial crëclëiT land
there ahm ; making Monmouth one of the most easy towns of access in the State. Parents
who desire tTplace their children under good educational advantages, ^here they shall be free
for him and his family assisted. from
tiie intemperance and immorality prevalent in the larger towns, will find in Monmonth
what they desiro in these respects. It is a Bcliool town, built up for tins purpose, and all
So strange are the ways of the just
other interests center in this one. Hence its superiority for educauonal purposes.
world. Let a man spend his life ■
_-----____ .. ____
ADVANTAGES------- ----- - . _. ...............
doing good, perhaps he has never
The Faculty is the most important dement to the successful working of any institution of
learning. The Board of Trustees have sought to put in the various chairs of Christian Collego
seen Niagara, no costly monument men of marked ability, of established success in tneir respective departments, and who are just
the maturity of life. At’the hands of these men they expect to see Christian College among
towers over him, but many memo­ in
the most honored institutions of the land.
B uilding .—Only one wing of the new brick College building has been completed, and this
rials of hfà deeds remain -in the is being
remodeled and greatly improved this year. It contains three working siories of large,
hearts of those he has benefitted. airy and well lighted rooms, used for study and recitation. The old College building adjoining
has been thoroughly overhauled and converted into a pleasant and commodious chapel. — ...........
Apparatus sufficient for ordinary purposes of illustration, is now provided, and additions will
Would you ‘ swim Niagara,” or
be made from time to time. The Library contains a few volumes of interest, and new volumes
would you quietly dispense your of value will be added as fast as the means at our command will allow.
days in the service of Him who is
in all and above all ?— E jc .
The features of Christian College to which we especially invite attention, as distinctive of ou r
God made Saul “a chosen vessel ”
because he had the qualities for one.
Native ability is requisite to fill
great positions. Saul was a man
of great native ability, quick at
learning, of gieat persistance and
will, and^f an over-mastering mor­
Men’s actions are very difficult
al nature. The Early Church need­
to judge. Nobody can iudge them
ed just such a man as a lesder.
but God, and we can hardly obtain
a higher or more reverent view of
Make the boy’s home the happiest
I God than that which represents spot he can find, and he will be sure
him to us as judging men with per­ to prefer it to all other places of re­
fect knowledge, unperplexed cer­ sort. Care for the home carpet
tainty and undisturbed compassion. has driven many a boy to love the
Our habit of judging is so nearly sanded floor of the grocery.
incurable, and its cure is such an
interminable process, that we must
concentrate ourselves for a long ; KIDN EY; WORT ;
while by keeping it in check, and
for all diseases of the Kidneys and
this check is to be found in kind
---- LIVER-----
interpretations. Sight is a great
Xt has apeoific action on this most Important
organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and
blessing, but there are times and
inaction, stimulating the healthy eecrotiou of
the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in froo
places in which it is far more
condition, effecting its regular discharge.
If you arosuffbring flrotp
blessed not to see.— F. IF. Faber.
lea <11 <11 I Cl ■ malaHa, have the chills,
are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidncy-
Woit will surely relieve and quickly cure.
In the Bpring to oleanso the 8ystem, overd­
one chould take a thorough course of it.
<1- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Price 01-
work are as follows:
C hristian M orality .—The Bible is read every day and lectures calculated to impress its
morality are given, and with the Bible as a basis, the effort to impress the highest Christian
morality as the guiding principle in the lives of our students. Dogmatism and becUrianfcm are
carefully avoided. We ignore all religions or political divisions, and encourage great freedom of
thought, and aim to stand on that high plane where Protesiant or Catholic, Democrat or Re­
publican, can meet on one common level.
P ractical E ducation .—The great demand of the times is for men of action. An institution"
of learning to meet the needs of the people, should not only impart instruction, but along with
the knowledge gained, give students tne power to use it to advantage for themselves and others.
The idea of Christian College is, that the finest mental culture and the greatest benefit may
be obtained by the study of those things that will fit young men and women to at once enter
some pursuit or business, and carry it forward successfully. Instead of those branches that are
simply ornamental, we pTeler those that are useful, and we invite comparison and criticism on
our work. Our aim is to graduate young men and women so that they may at once enter upon
the pursuits of life.
M athematics .—The Course of Study in this department is very full. The various branches
are taught from a practical standpoint, with a view to the application of each principal <to such
affairs as people meet with in life and desire to understand.
E nglish L anguage and L iterature .—A ready command of our own tongue, with an ac­
curate knowledge of its history and authors, is one Of the most important acquisitions. No other
accomplishment can supply the want of this. It can only be acquired by a thorough study of
English. In Christian College the course of English extends through four years and we consider
this one of our most valuable features.
B cimnoks .—The rapid advance made in the various departments of Science and the rapid
succession of discoveries of new principles and applications, constitute one of the wonders of the
age. No man can claim to be educated who is not conversant with the present advanced stage
of Science. Very thorough work is made of all these, assisted by the use of the apparatus at our
command. Humcient time is allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the gieat principles
of^tach science.
A ncient L anguages .—By pursuing the beet methods, the progress in acquiring a knowledge
of the Qeeek and Latin languages, is rapid. We have dropped several authors that are frequent­
ly read in Colleges, with a view to doing better work in those that are road, and to give mure
time for the pursuit of the course in English and the Sciences. Experience has demonstrated
that both better linguists and scientists result from this course.
B iblical L iterature and E xegesis .— This department was organized iu Christian College
for tho first time with the opening of tho present session. The object is to study the Sacred
Hcriptures analyticallv and critically, with contemporaneous profane history, and" evidences of
Christianity. Methods of sermonizing, pulpit oratory, methods in revival meetings and the care
of churches, are all carefully investigated. It is this department that the Christian brotherhood,
as a body, are particularly interested in. The interest of the church is carefully considered iu
this, whilo all other departments are wholly free from any religious discussions, except the uni­
formly recognized principles of Christian morality.
Every facility is hero afforded for fitting voung persons to successfully carry on any kind of
business. The best authors are studied ou the various subjects, and such practical tests are
made as will insure thoroughness on the part of the student.
HyFor Conrse of Study and other information send for Catalogue. Address
‘ D. T. STANLEY, A. M., P resident .