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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1883)
CHRISTIAN ,HERALD ■ f i l jp l B e S hort —Long visits, long BEATTY’S MIDSUMMER OFFERS ! stories, loDg essays, long exhorta tion and lon<z prayers seldom profit those who have to do with them. Life is short. Time is short. Mo ments are precious. Loarn to con dense, abridge and intensify.— The Dr. Pierce’s "FavoritePrescription.” for all those weaknesses peculiar to wo men, is an unequalled remedy. Die treising backache and bearing down” > sensations yield to its strength-giving properties. By druggists. * -Let’“Dot UnWoftbiness scare the children of God Parents love their children, and do them good not because they see they are more worthy than others^, fur it may - be far otherwise, but because they are their own.— Archbishop Leigh- \ ton on the Lord's Prayer. r_ - .. .... . . L Cured When Pkyiikians Give up. “ Our family physicians gave up our child to die,” wrote Henry Knee, Erq., of Verilla, Warren, Co., Tenn. "It bad fits. Samaritan Nervine has cured ths child.” 1 50. ---- 1 d o not find that to give tip anx-’ iety and to trust in God is difficult now,.though it used to lie. Blessed be my Lord, I cannot help believing him, for he loads me down with ev idences of bis truth and fidelity.— C. II. Spurgeon. Advice To Mutiléis. M rs W inslow ’ s B oothin » B yrup should al ways be used when children are cutting teetn. It relieves the tittle suflerer at once: it pro duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “ bright as a button. * It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gumH, allays pain, relieves wind regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. -Twenty-five cts. a bottle. 13-20-ly The only known specific for Epileptic Fits.-®« XV-Also for Spasms and Falling Sickness.*®» Nervons Wcakncss quickly relieved and cured. Jymlto d b y «e at iu dt M iftuu u f Rl T l'f. 'k® ««-Neutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Bolls, Carbuncles and Scalds.*®» ««-Permanently and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Chan ges bftd _ bimtlLto brcaLh. tr> gouiU naud-,.miu»vtital4M>Urx*r rnruuvtog <ww»r ... _ . Hits biliousness and dears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchlcsB laxative.*®« It drives Sick Headache like the wind.'«« t^"Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly enres Rheumatism by routing it.-®» Restores life-giving properties to the blood.-«« Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders.-®« J®*"Reliable when all opiates fail.*«« Refreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cares dyspepsia or money refunded.*®« py Endorsed in writing by over fifty thotlsand Leading physicians in U.S. and Europe.“®« Leading clergymen in U. S. and Europe.“«« Diseases of the blood <>» n it a conqueror.-®« For sale by all leading druggists. $1.50.*®» The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Co., Propr’s. St. Joseph. Mo. offered for anything tike the prtoe, which Is extremely low•Pyc“U fur the pieaeut.a rwaim Bv aa y ewe# MtUat thia time prove» a wonderful advertisement for nio, as It never fall» to sell more. My plan la to introduce them at a «nail profit, and by a large trade make more than occasionally selling than I 1 would wouI(i by oocaMionally nellinK one or 1 two at a **- opportunity - a or you higher figure. Don’t, let — this slip, ___ jtee<l for wUlbOBorijr. Every one Is positively guarani _ year s use. If «year». Monty will be refunded after a — --- - as advertised. aC * --------------- il0 ,n<’ ------- t',at ---------------------__ time it is not found ad' Catalogue Price,#«». Order Now. Nulkta* aavedby correspondence. SPECIAL OFFER, A BARGAIN 1 FJ A IR F” I / A / Q I W« I W DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, ifew Jersey. To any person who will remit me only $ 173.75, with- A in 10 days from date of this newspaper, I will box and deliver the above Piano on board oars with Stool, Book. Music, for ONLY A call upon | (29) For testimonials and circulars send It EDINGTON k CO., A.!ieiits,_Sau.l'nuiriac«L.. EARS FOR THE MILLION. F»o Chon’i Ital.Hin ofSlimit'» Oil Positively lte»t<>io8 the Bearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. Thia Oil is sbtdracted from necnliir species o small White bhaik, caught in the Yellow Bea, kuown as Carcharodon Rondoletii. Every ChiuesO fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Priest about the year lttff. Its cures were go numerous and many so seemingly mir aculous, that the remedy was officially pro claimed over the entire Empire. Its tiso l>e- came so universal that for over 300 jeais no Deafness has exist«.1 amoi g the Chinese people. Bent, charges prepaid, to any address at $100 per bottle. I Ivor What I lie Deaf Say! And will completely chsiiee the blood in the »sttre ayatein it three months. Any nersoa who EACHNIOHT FROM ONE TO TWELVE WEEKS. may be r TOatorod u> aaaad health. ______________ If snch A a thmg _____________________ j iii possible, For curing teuialr-. liumplmnta lh-M>V.Hwhnye no e.rnal. Fliyait-iananae praoUce. Sold Bold everywhere, ere hysit-iansuse them in their practice. or aeut by mail for a* cents in atampa. Send f»*e txmphleS. I. ?. S. JOHNSON A CO«, CO. Boston^ Mais. MONMOUTH MEAT ' THE OLD-PATH GUIDE F rank O. A llen , I Editors. G. W orth Y ancey , MARKET. EDITORIAL EDITORS. C. L. Loos, J. W. M c G arvey , :o: It has performed a liTiracle in my care. I have no unearthly noises iu my head and hear m icli better. I have l>een greatly benefited My deafness helped a great deal—think an other l>ottle will cure mo. My hearing is much benefited- I have received nntold lienefit. My hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw die notice of it. “ Sleep Splendidly.’* “ Its virtues are unquestionable and its enrative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both from experience and observation. Write at once to HaylpcIT A .Ten ney, 7 Dey Htreet. New York, enclosing $1.00, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and wbuao curative effects will be rennanetit. Yon will never regret doing so.”,—Editor of Mercan tile tteinev. ar To avoid loss in the mails, please send mono J by Registered letter. Only Imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, . 7 Diy St., N. V. Bole Agents for Ameaica. 13-4-ly his ib alargeeight - page weekly T HAVE JUST REMOVED FROM 1 my old Stand to a NEW COMMODIOUS HOUSE South of tlie Post Office, I Where I can be found at the free Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00 ; Mouths, St 00 ; Three Mouths, 50 cis. CLUB BATES. When the wants of the community de- mand, where I keep FLOUR AND BACON Constantly on hand. To any one sending a club of Five and $10 00 cash, an extra copy. T he O ld -P ath G uide ($2 00) and T he W obd and T he W ork (50 cts) $2 25. P acific C hubch N ews ($1 00) $2 50. T he C hristian H erald ($2 00) $3 00. Address for specimen#, C. C. C uke A Co., General Publishers of Church and Sunday School Supplies, 310 West Main St., Louisville, Ky. 13.3-if And I will try and supply my customers with as good LIVING PRICES. tomnrs of last year without ordering it It contains al>out 175 paireA, •»» illustration«, prices, accurate descripMona and valuable directions for planting lf»o varieties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, anta, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, espoc- lly to Market Gardeners. Send for it! . M. FERRY & CO. D etroit M ioh . devoted to the advocacy and defence of Anoetolic teaching and practice. “Ask for the Old-Paths, and walk therein ”• is its motto, its practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure, safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make up is order ly, ne*t. attractive and on excellent paper. A s'jiecimen copy will satisfy all of the above, and will cost you but the time and postal card on winch the request is made. Address the Pub lishers. See “Our Principles,” and “Our Rules.” OUB TERMS. THE MARKET AFFORDS, NTJA iTOJ? was. _ Will be mailed to all appucanta, and R obt . G raham I. B. G rubbs . T I First give your hearts to God and then fill your lite with good works. Consecrate to him your storehouse, your factory, your banks, your jn- surance companies, your houses. The world may not hear of it, but God will, and that is better. A gentleman in Memphis, Tennessee, who has been using the Compound Oxy gen Treatment, in speaking of its good effects in his case, says; “ I Hod my general health splendid. Work all day —no weariness at night, except that caused by work. Sleep splendidly I Appetite best in the world. No cold since using the Oxygen.” Our treat ise on Compound Oxygen, its nature, action, «nd result, with reports of esses and full information, sent free. D im . S tabkey & P alen , 1109 Girard Street, Philadelphia. Pa. All orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to H. E. Mathews, 606 Montgomery Streut, San Francisco, will be tilled on the same / terms «s if sont directly to us in Phila delphia. MATTY’S PIANOFORTES DIMENSIONS: Ix-nsrth, 7 i fwtj lev,; vv idth, 3 feet 6 inciws: Weight. Luxud. 1 ____ ÛÜÜ „______ -¥*•-* ¿ ------- --------------- .- . »VLTO7WU.« Cone. Two Largo Bound Corners, Ivory Key», Capped nammere, French Beautiful ilranc*. Action, Overall ung Baas, New Henle, Beautiful •nd ___ liod» Cai ved Legs and Lyre, with Plated Foot Pedals and ' Itrongert Improved Soft Pedal, Beatty's Original end Hixv«. Moulding *loSiIi ®£r°lj,l><-sk. Bevelled Top Ogee Mouluu.. vementa. • z.n V1!!’ l)o“ble Extra Wreat Plank, all Improvements. Good judge» In both hemi-pheres pronounce this elegant x iauo the Debt iu tone, tiniyb, and workinaualiip ¿jver Io any tunering with Catarrh or uron- chitis who earnestly desire relief. I can furnish a means of Permanent and Pos itive Cure. A Homo Treatment. No charge for consultation by mall. Valua ble Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc tors, Lawyers, Ministers. Business-men. Address Rev. T. P CHILDS. Troy. Ohio. What the impulse of genius is to Thanking my friends for former the great, the instinct of vocation is patronage would respectfully solicit a to the mediocre: in every con*inuance of the same. A. B. GRIGGS. May 22, 1883. 13-21-3m there is a magnet—in that thing which the man can best do, there is a loadstone. ______