¿-—i— mu m, i n » 1 / ?■ CHRISTIAN T.., •«. . ^1.... - - HERALD. -------- - . —-- 5 —■ this valley to a northeasterly direc­ ally for its maintenance. Never water power in W. T., and is tion, you find heavy settlements did I meet with a more selfsacrific­ destined to be a manufacturing continuing through Indian Valle}7 ing . band of disciples than here. town of importance in the near and Elk Flat, a distance of seven Never in any country met with future. We have sonic brethren miles ; beyond which lies the fertile, more kindness than here. They here, and we think that there is a healthy and famous Willowa, noted surely love the cause and respect good opening for a church, and it forjts fine grazing lands, limped those who plead for it. This mani- ought to be started now. We to-L a k a Pen d n (irfi j l l e* gtt iB MWB of- sparkling watw ;=ggd- fcstcd"- by the many itie e pitmen to. mo v e 4 different sects that converts may beautiful lake with its inexhausti­ the brothers and sisters have poured which we crossed on a long trussel, have choice.” Others are at a loss ble store of fishes. I have never into the hands of myself and family. and rolled round the lake to the what church to join, when they seen the Willowa, but I suppose To whom and for which we return north, passing magnificent scenery on either side. Then we next might see, if they would, that all fishers of men are wanted there. our heartfelt thanks. J. M. J ones . struck Clark’s Fork, a fine river others professing Christianity claim I am told it is a good field for min­ ----------------------- ♦ ------------------------ which cuts through the mountains the Bible as the foundation of all isterial labor, and large enough for any one man. From the best Letter from Dakota Territory. for [nïTe87âfitr aTô'fig" the Joo1 that is containcT'in their creeds. ■ are chances for stock ranches, The Will you be so kind as to give us information I have from there, F argo , I). T., July 8, 1883. first town of importance we coma some light on the numbered sub­ there are 30 or 40 disciples scattered Bro. Floyd: jects 1, 2 and 3. If you deem any through that country, like so rnanj’ No doubt some are wondering to is Missoula, in Montana. It is .. w aU uftlu a- wr x mg,da not . p ubl i&L sh ee p wi t hout a s h e ph e rd , fHyrish ing w here I a m.... 4..etai'tod on a to u r located in a fine valleY, and, a.shorfc it, assign it to the trash basket. I for the bread of life. Hence from East on the 15th day of Maj*, and distance from the junction of Hel- would not do injury if no good those quarters we sometimes hear arrived here yesterday morning. It gat and Bitter Root rivers ; and arise frojn it. Sometimes an in­ the Macedonian cry, but their cry is a grand trip over the N. P. 11. R. from here on to the little Missouri judicious friend docs more harm so far has-been almost in vain. I The company are taking great pains river is a good grassy country. than an open enemy. You must expect to visit them soon.. I am of to make everything as comfortable The next town is Helena, the 1 be the judge of this, whether to the opinion a preacher would do as possible for the traveling public; capital of M. T., located in Lost i prune, correct, retrench .or. obliter­ well to go iTi and locate among nice- Pulman and dining cars on all Chance Gulch, nt the foot of the ate. I believe the Scriptures say those people. All the territory I trains. The trip is a grand one for mountains, just after we have the “ truth makes us free.” Let us have mentioned lies in Union scenery. We see first the Multno­ crossed the devid of the Rockies. in understanding be met). county. Brethren, here is work mah Falls, which are beautiful, The Prickley Pare valley is a beau- -Y ou rw i n le ve of the gospel, - — enough for five'or six faithful' thou^h but a ¡wait sheet of’ water tiful sight after our 12o . milfia. of J. F. C ampbell . preachers ; and I here alone to plead Then the Cascades, the first falls or ride from the last named place Paloutie, W. T., July 8, 1813. for the cause in my feeble mariner. rapids in the Columbia river, where which opens up to the view as we “* Oh that there could be more labor­ Uncle Sam is hard'at work cutting emerge from the Mullar tunnel. The Sheep and the Hog. ers come into this part of the vine­ a chanel or canal round the Falls. Helena is a rich town of 7000 in­ habitants 5,550 feet above the When a sheep falls into the mud yard. So far the good Master has From here we wind around the blessed my labors. Weahave threje foot of the mountains, through level of the sea, and located in the it will kick, bleat and try to get congregations in this county, num­ tunnells, over tressels and racks up midst of the finest grassy lands in out. Not so with the hog, it will bering in the aggregate about 105. to The Dalles, the first town of im North America, and a few miles lie perfectly contented, for the All in harmony. We held a Camp­ portancc on our trip which is a from it raises the waters which element is congenial. In this way meeting, begining the 7th of June growing town and lias a country to How to the Columbia river and the we can tell the true Christian from and continuing eleven days. Bro. support it. For 201) miles to the Missouri. We next pass on till we the false professor. If a sincere C. J. Wright, of W. T. was with us north and south above this town saw the meeting of the waters the Christian falls into sin, he will im­ and did Borne noble preaching for are'located tha second great barrier Gallatin, Madison and Jefferson mediately get out. The hypocrite rivers, all meet close together and like the hog, enjoys wallowing in us, resulting in 8 acccessions to the to steamboat navigation of the the church. And by the masterly Columbia river, which in time, no form what is known as the Missouri the mire. addresses of Bro. W. upon the work doubt, will be cut around by Uncle river. The Gallatin valley is the J ames W. L owber . of Christians—the brethren were Sam, if he does not get robbed finest we have seen since we left aroused to a sense of their duty. too much in the work he has al­ the Columbia river; and Bozeman Correspondence. Bro. Wright is a man who well ready commenced. From here we is a nice town and substantially knows how to divide the word of followed along the river’s bank to built, its business most of brick ; Letter from Union County. truth and in its ancient simplicity Wallula, and saw very little of the from here we pass through the S ummerville , O r ., he sends it to the very core. Last grand country along each side of Bozeman tunnell. We next ar­ July 11, 1883. Lord’s day at my regular appoint­ the river. Here we bid adieu to rived at Livingston, a town which Dear Bro. Floyd: By your permission I will give ment two miles south of Island the O. R. N. Co., took the N. P. R. has grown up so rapid that its in­ your many readers a few items City, we had two additions; one R., crossed the Snake rrverat Ains­ habitants wonder where everybody from this part of the Master’s reclaimed and the other made the worth ; thence north-east through comes from. This is where a branch heritage. Religiously this country good confession, to be immersed at the poorest country in Washington of the Northern Pacific runs up to has been greatly neglected. But I my next appointment. Now as we Territory, to Sprague, the end ol tjie Yellowstone Park, which is so cannot see why. There certainly have a membership of more than the first division of the N. P. R. R., grand that language and picture is not a better field for ministerial one hundred in this county, with but located in the midst of the fails to describe it, and has to be labor in the State of Oregon than our confidential evangelizing board, finest agricultural region in W. T. seen to reaTze its wonders. But and our quarterly cooperations, we Cheney is a nice place and in a we will close for the present as we Union county. Grande Ronde valley itself is at with bright anticipations look for­ grand country for farming. Medical are tired, and no doubt you will be least 25 miles long and 10 or 12 ward to a glorious harvest of Lake is located about six miles by the time you get through with broad, and nearly every foot of it is ingathering. For there are many back or north-east of Cheney, which this. Yours fraternally, areable land. The soil is generally hearts here susceptible of the gospel. is a fine resort for people who are C raigie S harp , J r . Its waters are very prolific, and the climate is We have many generous hearted feeling unwell. ------ :------------------------ healthy ; hence it is pretty densely brothers and sisters who love the i splendid to bathe in. We next The Lord’s days are quiet islands populated. And in passing from Master’s cause, and sacrifice liber- I came to Spokane Falls, the finest in the tossing sea of life. be implicated. I remember an anecdote by our great pioneer in the Reformation, Elder A. Camp­ bell, about the Aporto vinedresser. If no fault was found where would be grounds for reformation ? I have heard some in our congrega- 1 ■ I L B ~ ~ -___________________________ ■ » KM -*4