CHRISTIAN • • ■ *■ HERALD «• - - and pressing demand. It seems that the brethren whose duty it is to contribute to this work are not doing so well this year as last. We started oUt to raise §50,000 this year ; but from present indica­ tions we will fall far behind in this -- ... ___________ f___________________ - - r ------- ______—— ion than the other. Even if we held it as our opinion that there is no hell, it would not bepolicy to teach it to the people. But what we want rather is to teach the people that if they die in their sins they are going to be punished, and tlui 1>U nuUne.Ml. an endless one. Hell is spoken of in the Bible for a purpose, and that purpose can only be accomplished by making wicked men feel that its punishment is a reality. There are a few other matters that we regret character; but on the whole it is a book we recommend, especially to our preaching brethren. Price in cloth, $1.50. It can be had through this office. ness. But Moses said to the people, he sees that his salvation can only * Fear ye not, stand still and see be obtained by going forward to the salvation of the Lord, which he the other shore. The Lord has will show to you to day, for the graciously prepared the way, and Egyptians whom ye have seen to­ now comes the act or acts of day» ye shall see them again no obedience, and then the salvation of more forever.” And after they had the Lord. “’“Lfbo ^-tfyp*”11^ Now as the General Society is nobly in the attempt to pursue them, had AN INTERESTING BOOK. aiding the good work on this Coast, been overthrown in the midst We have had laid on our table we think it but fair and right that thereof, the writer says: “ Thus by the publisher, John Burns, St. those churches who can should con­ the Lord saved Israel that day out Louis, Mo., a Very interesting book tribute to the Society. This work- -of the hand 'of the Egyptians.” entitled, “ My Life is an Open is largely the work of the preachers Here we have a salvation of all Book, by Chaplain G. G. M ullins, and officers of the churched. Let IWcd, noFn spir^ 25 U. S. Infantry, in Charge of them look after the matter and see personal sin and guilt, but a tem­ Education in the Army.” The book that all are giving as the Lord poral one from the bondage of their contains 330 pages clearly printed prospers them. All money should enemies, and it is expressly called , on a good quality of paper and is l»e sent to A. McLean, Cor, Sec., the salvation of the Lord. It was -neatly and Hubataiitially.hoiind. in., box 570, Cincinnati, Ohio. the salvation of the Lord because cloth. The greater part of the without the assistance of the Lord, bodk is occupied with a simple and PERSONAL MENTION. such a salvation was impossible; touching history of the brief and QUERIES AND ANSWERS. yet we venture the statement that successful career of Berty Stover, Dr. J. W. Cole has removed from V acaville , C al ., there were other elements in their the “ Boy preacher.” Berty was a Suver to Albany. July 11, 1883. delivery just as necessary as the native of Indiana, and so remarka­ Dear Sir: —Bro. I). M. Doty goes to thejSoda work of the Lord. Look at the ble was his more manly traits of — Will you please answer these connecting links in this salvation. character and so rapid his intellect- ( Springs on a short vacation. questions: _ They were told to stand still and ual progress that he entered upon 1. Is it right for the church to Bro. J. M. Jones makes a strong see the salvation of the Lord, it is the responsible work of preaching retain members who have violated plea for Union county» We. would A’ue j LuLafter the Lord ZZHeZL the law’ofthc State upon their be glad to see it heeded, oared the way before them, they was regarded as a real and natural - • were commanded to ‘ go forward.” orator from the first, and wherever confession that they have done We are glad to note that Bro. F. t was the “going forward” then he went preaching the good news, wrong ? For instance a person G. Allen of the Old Path Guide, Jiat earned them to the opposite marries contrary to the law of the thepeoplc tlodked to second to hear State. while but little better now, has shore and saved them. (Jan we say ’ him. He was partly educated in Yours respectfully, strong hope of getting up again that without this simple act of the Kentucky University. But J ohn M. B rooks , soon. obedience they would have been soon after leaving college his answer . We are sorry to learn ’that Bro. saved ? We think not. The' true health failed him, and after linger­ If the marriage was simply a Morrison, of Albany, is quite sick. explanation is only tojbe found in ing o for several months unable to violation of the civil law, apd the He has not been able to do but the combination of the divine and preach, he quietly passed away in union was otherwise in harmony little preaching since his irrival, the human elements. The Lord Denver, Colorado, June 1st, 1875, with the law of God, we think they but we hope ho will soon be able alone did not save them, neither at the early age of twenty-two did they alone save themselves. years. Had he lived and main­ should be received * into the church for duty again. ( The Lord never proposed,, tp do for tained his health he certainly would on open confession of their offence The daily (Standard of Portland man what man can do for himself. have been a star of the first magni­ and an evidence of true repentance. has this to say of our agent in that It is only that which man can not tude in this reformation. With The law of the land is to be obeyed city : “ Our well known and popu­ do for himself that the Lord does his brief history before us, we must only so far as it is in harmony with lar photographer, I. G. Davidson, for him. This is the philosophy of conclude that the Church of Christ the law of God. 2. What is the meaning of the has been appointed by Mr. Villard the salvation before us, and indeed, has sustained a great loss in his to take such views of the “ Last of all'salvation. The Lord divided death. In portraying his noble kingdom of heaven in John’s Spike ” affair as are desired by the the sea which Israel could not do ; character and his successful career gospel, John 3:5? Northern Pacific Railroad Company. then they were to march through as a “ boy preacher ” his biographer ANSWER. which they could do and which the has done his work well. A good appointment.” It means the Church of Christ Lord did not propose doing for But the book has some objec­ as it frequently does in the New Bro. P. R. Burnett paid us a them. tionable features, one of which we Testament. pleasant call last week and intro­ Ndw these things are written for will mention. The author adds a duced to us his younger brother our admonition. The salvation of chapter on the subject “ Is there a Selections and Comments. (whose given name we did not Israel is typical of our deliverance hell ?” which we think adds but F aith . —The Christian Intelli­ learn) from California. Bro. Bur­ from sin under the reign of ( hrist. little to ti e value of the book, and gencer says: nett is engaged in teaching in that When the sinner at the foot of the in fact is calculated to do harm Better Thomas with his doubt State, and is making his relatives cross turns his eye back to the when put into the hands of the and spirit of investigation, than in Oregon a brief visit". dividing of the sea nnd the over­ masses We are not one who be­ Thomas with a faith for which he can give no reason. Better a throw of the Egyptians, he is made SALVATION OF THE LORD. to see and feel the hand of the lieves that the place called “ hell ” sturdy faith that is reached by the in the Bible can be explained away tedious, tortuous pathway of skep­ Lord in his own salvation. He on the symbolic or figurative prin­ ticism, than a faith that had its When the children of Israel had come to the Red Sea and were pur­ realizes that it is the Lord who ciple. We believe that there is a birth, and holds its sickly life in sued by Pharaoh, they began to saves, yet he does not overlook the real “ hell,” as firmly as we believe somebody’s opinion. Abraham was rightly set forth murmer at Moses for bringing them fact that the sinner himself must there is a real God, and hence the out of Egypt to die in the wilder- do something. Like the Israelites, one is no more a myth in our opin- in the Scriptures as a man of un- i ----------------- , ..... .- 1 I I I