r 4 ■* -Z_____ -________ ----- -- C. A. Johns. ----------------------- - - , Warren Truitt. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD “~ T r ’ÜÍTT&JÓHNST'" Attorneys and Councelors at Law,'* DALLAS, OREGON. Office—North of Court House, on Mill Street. 1314-3m HR8. J. W. & MARY T. COLE, PHYSICIAN» & SURGEONS», ' specialties : M. T . Polo, Di M il»» nf W uxuuu.—---- —_ Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Disease«. Consultation freo. 12-1 -tf• T. J. Leu, M. D. -J. E. Davidson, M. D. DAVIDSON & LEE, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS' ’ INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Diseaaea of women a specialty.1 Prescriptions filled at the office. PUBLISHED BVEBY FBIDAY FROM FISHEL & ROBERTS MONMOUTH, OREGON Corser First and Alder Sts PORTLAND rpjIE HERALD IS THE ONLY WEEKLY _L on the Pacific coast published by Disciples of Christ, and is of special interest to all who desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or tradition s , A o i nitioi i wuo v- 'to U w 2<«c(/ic C iaw* tian Messenger it is in its • Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter THIRTEENTH VOLUME, OB1 OREGON, Is on a permanent basis, with good building, power presses and steam power, all abundance of good material for running snch a paper. 'l'ho H erald contains each week sixteen four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as to turn like the loaves of a book, with only a limited apionnt of advertising, and that of tlie most sqlect kind. All advertising not trust­ worthy w refused. As now published it is one of the Guarantees tojsell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house ih the State. 12-12-tf Suver Polk County, Oregon - ~ THE LEADING FROM A SCRIPTURAL POINT OF VIEW, By J. F. FLOYD, LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED bv our brethren. It is conducted by a strong editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of the best writers among ns on this coast. We feel safe in saying itia one of Author of “ What Must I do to be OUR BEST PAPERS. Saved ? “SINGER’’ Every Disciple on this coast should take it one in the East who desires to know all SEWING MACHINES^ Every that takes place of general intereat on this I _ THF STRONGEST, ~ :griiPLEHTT____ AND MOST DURABLE Sewing Machino in the market. Sold on easy installments, or a liberal discount fur cash. The Singer Manufacturing Co. WILLIS B- FRY, Manager. 9*4 Morrison Bl., Portland. 12-35-tf ______ A Common-Sense Remedy. SALICYLICA. NO More Rheumatism. Gout or Nearalgin, immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Care Guaranteed. Five years established and never known to fail in a single case, acute or chronic. Beier to all prominent physicians and' druggists for the standing of Salicylica. SECRET. HABIT EASILY CUKEIFwith DOUBLE CH1OMDE of GOLD. Free. Th» Morphine User; 200 pp. Sl.OC* E K- KEKLEYiM. D..DWIOHT.XL l . ft Rill BA II U I II M U I I U IVI Morphine llablt Cured In 10 to 20 Days. No l’oy until Cured. J. L. S tkpukns . M. D.. Lebanon. Ohio. coast. FOURDEPARTMENTS Devoted to snch matters as will make it indis­ pensable in every Christian family. First comes the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Of great interest and value to parents and teachers. Next comes the TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tem­ perance, representing the thoughts of tbe greatest workers of this important Held. The RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT Is the central thought of the paper and em­ braces Editorials, and contributions from our best writers. The Spirit of the Religions Press representing the various religions bodies, and church news from all lhe States in the Union. The • This is a tract of 3 J pages neatly printed and well bound in paper covers, and has been highly com­ mended by the press generally. It is divided into six chapters, as follows ‘ ~ 1. Definition and Old Testament usage of the term. 2. New Testament usage of the term and Scriptural Inductions. 3. Scriptural Inductions con­ tinued. Knows TO M en of F ame and 8 cience for R emoviko ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Acknowlelf-id a OrttS, Fle-att, ird Efficient Car« for CONSTIPATION, 5‘.71’U^viX.br**’ nVQPFPQIA known by irregular appe- 4* » Qi urum, R)Ur belching, weight and tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency. 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It has been conceded by eminent scientist» In advance. that outward applications, such as rubbing with New Testament. Addrass oils, liniments, and soothing lotions will not THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, eradiate these diseases which are the result of M onmouth , O b . 5. A direct Scripture argument the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid. Salicylica works with marvelous effect on against Dancing. this acid and so removes the disorder. It is now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of BEAUTIFUL EVER-BLOOMING 6. Dancing by Alien. America and Europe- Highest Medical Acade­ my of Paris reports 95 per cent cures in three —:o:— Price, JO cts. per copy; $1.00 days. his is the pioneer fund for the J REMEMBER free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied per dozen. that Salicylica is a certain cure for Rheuma­ THE BEST IN THE WORLD. with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New tism. Goat and Neuralgia. The most in­ kinds will follow soon. These tracts are free to Oar Great Specialty is ffrowina and dtefribulinff Address these BeanUfal Rosen. Hr deliver Strong Par. tense pains are subdued almost instantly. those who are not able to buy them, and fifty Plants, suitable for immediate bloom, safely by mail Give it a trial. Belief guaranteed or money cents per hundred ’to those who are able. at all post-offices. 5 Splendid Varieties, j/owr CHRISTIAN HERALD, refunded. ___ __ . Every cent received will be used to print tracts. choice, all labeled, for 91; 19 for 9*41 19 for S3 ■ Thousand» of testimonials sent on applica­ Weak churches will find these tracts useful. 96 for 941 35 for 93$ 75 for 910 $ 100 for «13. M onmouth , O regon . tion. Send for our New Guide to Rose Culture — Evangelists should go well supplied. •I a Box. 6 Boxes for 95. 60 pages, elegantly illustrated—anck-c/ioow! from over Address Five Hnndrrd Finest Sorts. Address Bent free by mail on receipt of money. J. W. 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