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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
CHRISTIAN HfRALD. - T---- BOOK TABLE. :dt ----- JUn d fir t hi s he a d .« a. will h a nl aa wl tn giv e editorial TeHewe of all books ana tracts of inter est that may lie.sent to this efie*. ] I ndia .—What Can It Teach Us? by Max Mullet.—No. 92. Standard Libra ry Price 25 cent's.—Max Muller stands in the front rank of the noblest geniu ses and best scholars of our age- It is _ not necessary jo 6Deak-Qf his. wnndfirfnl abilities and profound learning. Had any proof of the above estimate of him been wanting, this book “ India : What Can It Teach Us?” would have abun dantly supplied it. The subjects of the book was tbrst discussed Iffa Sene» ' of lectures which he was invited to deliver before tbo students of the University of Cambridge, England, by the Authori ties of that venerable seat of learning. They were then put trgether in a book, and we now have the pleasure of giving them in this cheap form to our Ameri can readers. The American edition has been greatly improved by Prof. Al exander Wilder, who has written an able introduction and introduced some nates for our readers on this side of ■ the Atlantic. The T joo Twill Be found to contain a world of informatoin, teach ing new and most invaluable facts and lessons, yet apart from this it would be a most profitable task to read it once ev ery month if only to cultivate the auth or’s inimitable style. Few roaders will receive all Max Muller’s teaching.- Every intelligent reader, conversant with English literature, will know this from his other writings. We exhort every one who may be lacking in toler ance, before reading the book, to read his “ Dedication ” to it. Nothing in the English language which we ever Tead breathes a nobler, more simple, more childlike and tolerant spirit, while at the same time it is manly and fear less. Read it by all means. Funk & Wagnalls, Publishers, New York. OUR BOOKS Answer This. Is thgre a person living who ever saw * CW .of ague. bUfousness,. nervousness or. neuralgia, or any disease of tlie~stbm*cn, liver or kidneys that Hop Bitters will not cure ? My mother says Hop Bitters is the only thing that will keep her from severe attacks of paralysis and headache. Ed. Oswego /Sun. My little sickly, puny baby, was changed bo uncing boy, and I was raised from a sick bed by using Hop Bitters a short time. A Y oung M other . No use to worry about any Liver, Kid ney or Urinary Trouble, especially Bright’s Disease or Diabetes as Hop Bitters never fails of a cure where a cure is possible. I had severe attacks of gravel and Kidney trouble; was unable to get any medicine or doctor to cure ipe until 1 used Hop Bitters. They cured me in a short time. T. It. A tty . Unhealthy or inactive kidneys cause gravel, Bright's disease, rheumatism, and a hor,de of other serious and fatal diseases which can be prevented with Hop Bitters •if taken in time. —Ludington, Mich., Feb. 2, 1879. I have sold Hop Bitters for four 'years, and there is no medicine that surpasses them for bil ious attacks, kidney complaints and all tltaeaees dneideut to th womktfiul xlimate»- H. T. A lexander . Monroe, Mich., Hept. 25. 1875. S irs —I have been taking Hon Bitters for inflam mation of kidneys ana bladder, it has done for nie what four doctors failed to do- cured me. The effect of the Bitters seemed like magic to me. W. L. C arter . G ents —Your Hop Bitters have been of great value to ine. I was laid up with ty phoid for over two months, and could get no relief until I tried your Hop Bitters. To those suffering from debiMty or any one in feeble health, I cordially recommend them. J. C. S toktzmi , 638 Fultonst., Chicago, Ill. MONMOUTH MEAT MARKET. :o: OBITUARY N orth Y amhill , O b ., June 22, 1883. Editor Christian Herald: Brother Aaron Payne, just before his death wished a notice of his death sent to you with a request for you to publish in full the 19th chapter of Job a« an expression of his dying sentiments and the last Scripture he asked to be read to him, and be further admonishes all to obey God and keep Lia commandments, aud to follow his written word and not the commandments of men. Brother Payne was in his sound mind when he made these requests, and did not wish anything further said about him than just this simple notice: Aaron Payne, born »in Somerset county, Penn., Dec. 30, 1789, died at North Yamhill, Oregon, M ty 19, 1883, R. B aird , Decline of Man. Nervons Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impo tence, Sexual Debility, cured by “Wells’ Health Iienewer,” ¿1. HAVE JUST REMOVED FROM I my old Stand to a NEW COMMODIOUS HOUSE South of the Post Office, Where I can be found at the 33 I j O O I5L % When the wants of the community de mand, where I keep FLOUR AND BACON Constantly on hand. And I will try and ' supply my customers with as good AS THE MARKET AFFORDS, AT ’ LIVING PRICES. Below we give a partial list of the books we to furnish most anything are prepares------ ,------- _ „ in the book linq, and will be pleased to receive orders for same. We will add tc this list as our time and space will allow. z. BIBLEB AND TESTAMENTS. . 1. Family Bibles, different styles, sizes, etc., with prices from $2.25 to $18. 2. Pulpit Bibles from $5 to $10. 3. Oxford Sunday School Toachers’ Bibles from $1.80 to $18. ——------ -- 4. Revised New Testament, Compared ^Edi tion, $1.22 to $7.50. 5. Revised New Testament alone $1.80 and 15 cento. Lesson Commentary, by J. H. Vincent, D.D., $1.25. McGarvey’s Commentary on the Acto of the Jkpestles, $1 .50. ................ —------------------ Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by J. W. McGarvey, $2. Commentary on Luke, by J. S. Lamar, $2. Commentary on Hebrews, by R. Milligan, $2. Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Ro mans, by M. E. Lard, $3. '■ Analysis of the Four Gospels’ aiid Acta ; with Leading Queries and Illustrations, for the use of Siindky Schools, Eaffillies, etc., by R. Mili- gan, $2. Reason and Revelation, by R. Milligan, $2. The Scheme of Redemption, by R. Milligan, $2.—- --------------- ,----------------------- - — Conybeare and Howson’s Life and Epistles of the Apostle Pawl, $1.50. The New Biblical Atlas and Scripture Gazet teer, $1.25. . Lands of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, $3. Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities, $1.50. Absolutely Pure* NiehoU’a InUuduutauJU . to iUÛütudy of the- Scripture«, $1.25. ' - Scliaff’s Bible Dietienary, $2.50. Freeman’s Hand Book of Bible Manners and Customs, $2.25. • - Whitney’s Hand Book of Bible Geography, $2.25. Barrow’s Companion to the Bible, $1.60. Rawlinson's Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament, $1. Walks about Jerusalem, by Isaac Errett, $1. Talks to Bereans, by Isaac Errett, $1. Letters to a Young Christian, by Isaac Er rett, 35 cento. - ' The Heavenward Way, by J.. H. Garrison, 35 cento. » -• # Genuineness and Authenticity of the Gospels, by B. A. Hinsdale, $1.25. • • .Smith’s Unabridged Bible Dictionary. Ameri can Edition. Revised and edited by H. B. Hackett, D. D., assisted by Ezra Abbott, L.L.D. In four volumes. Price in Cloth, per set, $20. Price in Sheep, the set, $25. Smith’s Bible Dictionary, $1 50. Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament. SI 50 , per volume. The volumes sold separately. On the Four Gospels, 2 vols. On the Acto of the Apostles. On the Epistle to the Romans. On the First Epi«tie to the Corinthian«. On the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the Epistle to the Galatians. On the Epistle to the Ephesians, the Colossians, and the Philippians. On the Epistle to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus ana Philemon. On the Epistle to the Hebrews. On the General Epistle of James, Peter, John and Jude. On the Revelation. Barnes’ Notes on the Psalms. In Three volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Daniel, $1.50. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. 2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols. Cloth, per Vol., $1,50. Outlines of Church History, by Rev. John F. Hurst, D. I),, 50 cents. A Short History of the English Bible, by Rev. James M. Freeman, 1). D., 50 cents. Chronology of Bible History, and tlow to Remember It, by Rev. C. Munger, 50 cents. Cruden’s Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, $1.50. Cruden’s Concordance Abridgud, 75 cento. Brown’s Pocket Concordance, 50 cents. The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning ham Geikie, D. D., $1.50. The Life of our Lord iqnm the Earth, by Samuel J. Andrews, $2.50. The Sunday School llel]>er, by J. 11. Hardin, 50 cento. Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler,<1.50. The Standard Manual, for Sunday-school workers, by F. M. Green, 75 cents. Heroes and Holidays, editod by Rev. W. F. Crafts, $1.25. Story of an Earnest Life, hv Mrs. Eliza Du vics «$‘3 On tiie Rock, by J). R. Dungan, $1.50. A Trip Around the World, by Timothy Coop and Henry Exleys $1.50. ’ , Around the World, Tour of Christian Mis sions, by W. F. Bainbridge, $2. The Christian Manual, for the use of Church Officers, in the various relations of Evangelists, Pastors, Bishops and Deacons, by F. M. Green, This powder never varies. A marvel purity, strength and wholesomeness, More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, m or phosphate powder« powder«. short wt iglit, alum vt,nl'- 18.»ly THE OLD-PATH GUIDE F rank G. A llen , ) Editors G. W orth Y ancey , f editorial editor «. • C. L. Loos, R obt . G raham J. W. M c G arvey , I. B. G rubbs . rpHIS IS A LARGE EIGHT-PAGE WEEKLY I devoted to the advocacy and defence of Apostolic teaching and practice. “Ask for the Old-Paths, and walk therein ” û ita motto, its practice and its teaching. Ito matter is pure, safe, fresh and sparkling. Ita make up is order ly, noat, attractive and on excellent paper. A specimen copy will satisfy all of the above,-and will cost yon but tho time and postal card on which the request is made. Address the Pub lisher«. See “Our Principles,” and “Our Rules.” OUR TERMS. Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00 ; Six Months, $l 00 ; Three Months, 50 eta. club rates . To any one sending a clnb of Five and $10 00 cash, an extra copy. T he O ld -P ath G uide ($2 00) and •T he W ord and T he W ork (50 cte) $2 25. P acific C hurch N ews ($1 00) $2 50. T he C hristian H erald ($2 00) $3 00. Address for specimens, C. C. C ure A Co., General Publishers of Church and Sunday School Supplies, 310 West Main St., 13-3-tf A. STILES, DALLAS, OR., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HARNESS & SADDLES, Thanking my friends for former ROBES, WHIPS, SPURS, Address all orders to C huistian H erald , SADDLE BLANKETS, Ther ¡8 no arena -in which vanity patronage would respectfully solicit a Monmouth, Oregon. CURRY COMBS A BRUSHES, displays itself under such a variety continuance of the same. of forms as is in conversation.— Pa ' /taZ. He who gives before we ask, will 13-21-3m when we ask. A. B. GRIGGS. May 22, 1883. And everything that pertain« to a Eirst-Clase Shop. Call and examine iuv Stock before pur- charing elsewhere. Tho best uf California leather used. 16-3m s. V