Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, July 13, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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can not read in the New Testament, does everybody that this is not so. make the pulpit influence a success.
and which are* not a necessity in The Corinthians tried a little of But the spiritual condition of many
doing anything that is enjoined in this and Brought their suppers and people is the measure of the prayer
the word of God. The thing to be ate them in the church ; for which meeting. This is why it has many
Jnnn in “ Ming hyaana»aMd.4apMutual» 4hwy.wftftjgJiftiMtkal by t.ha apori.U. »dangers. 11 requires the, amiable:—
songs,” now when one plays on an who said they came together thus concurrence of several individuals
instrument he doesn’t sing, he for the worse. They had homes to to produce a kindling flow of re­
plays. He does something else eat and drink in and Paul said cat ligious fervor. One weak-headed
which is not in the singing and not and drink at home. To do this in or troublesome person may mar the
therefore necessary to the singing, the church is to “ despise the church whole. Self conceit often monopo­
arid hence not a matter of expedi- of God.” Paul and our brother do lizes the social meeting.
prtryw'incctlng is'arr-tnstitntion
cnce W alt.
riot ¿gree ! "
been that we are to play on an in­
The wild notion of our brother that no monopolist can run success­
strument without specifying the that a man can do anything he fully. Those monopolists are pro­
kind, then, as we should have to pleases in tlce name of the Lord, verbially long winded. They fre­
use some kind, whatever kind we about which, he can learn nothing quently repeat themselves ad in-
Again, to baptize you must pro- used would be* divinely authorized in the Bible, is the fruitful source jinitum. These are usually the
Uide much water, for you ^an’t even to a bass drum; but in the of all hurtful innovations and cor best friends the meeting has, but
ptize without it; and as you absence of any teaching to use in­ rupftons, the cause of all creeds and the hand tliat meant to heal gives
not baptize every where at once struments of music in the church all departures from the simplicity the blow of death. Some men talk
u must decide on a place they who use an organ do so that is in Christ. The Lord save in ruts. They always tell the same
tale. This shows that they give
fiether you dig a pool, put in a despite the word of God, and in us from his folly.
Now, has our brother-instructed the prayer meeting but little
ptistry, or go miles to a place in subversion of the plea that we
reek is a question of expediency, make, and also to the rending of us on “ Christian Cooperation ? thought until the appointed hour.
t the providing the place is a the body of Christ.
Yes, somewhat. He might have An aimless speech should never be
Think of the following from one done so fully if he had written on made. And a man whose character
essity inhering in the thing to be
So too the building a nieet- who claims to be.a teacher: “ You his subject. All that the brethren is ip any way doubtful had better, for since the Christians may take an instrument and use it need is to see that it is authorized, remain silent. People do not feel
given community are to come to help read or to aid you in prais­ and can therefore be done in the right while such are talking. But
ther in one place they must ing God. The use of an instrument name of the Lord, and they will do it is a fine opportunity, indeed jt is
the place to meet in of neces- is not in itself wrong, but the man­ it. Its authority rests in the Com­ the best time to unbosom
and this is the authority in the ner determines.” How does he mission itself, and in'the assurance faults and ask the forgiv
\ng to be done. The nature of know that any use of an instru that the church is the pillar and confidence .of the brethren.
ment aids in praising
-aising God ? Hwì support of. the truth, and in the, has not at some time sat in Che
•nj j place is a question of eapedien-
of such a meeting, when a
says everything i must be done in duty to “ hold forth the word of glory
n. ¡r, but the place is a necessity and
waywartl brother made that con-
lat f divine authority. Hence a hall, the name of the Lord Jesus, and life,’—— Whether the gospel is
a grove, or brick or frame house, rightly, but how can he do a thing preached by a single church or by fession which is good for the soul,
Nothing is worse for a prayer
ould all or any of them, be of di­ in the name of, by the authority of any number of churches working
the Lord Jesus, which is in no way together, the thing to be done is meeting than to drift into a set
No reference to a . week-day authorized ?
seen in the'way of doing it (not in plan. The exercises should vary •
Whoever thought that “the use doing something else which the from time to time. The prevailing
ting.” Why does he write thus
en he must know the Scriptures of an instrument is in itself wrong /” Lord has not authorized) and this feeling should be observed on all
The atmosphere, the
that especially mention the worship­ or the use of anything else, for that united effort is Christian Coopera­ occasions.
news, the company, and many sur­
pers as meeting for prayer on other matter. Why bless you, the cir­ tion.
roundings give help or hindrance
the Lord’s day; see Acts 12, cumstances, or the manner, determ­
or feature to a meeting. Some­
1 Cor. 14: 16, et al. As to ine the use, and they determine the
times we don’t feel like talking.
e hour ” on Lord’s day, some wrong in everything; and it is the
Never talk unless you feel like it.
r is a necessity and in being en- use of a musical instrument in the
even prayer is not the
It has been said, and perhaps
ed to meet on that day the house of God that is wrong, not the
ial hour is authorized in the in- ¡use of the .instrument. He says:’ with considerable degree of truth, soul’s desire. Humor has much to
“ If a Christian can use an organ that the prayer meeting is the do. Humor pervades audiences
No provision for a Sunday- any where, he can’ use it in the thermometer of the church. It thus, just as .it does individuals.
1.” The thing to be done is assembly of the saints.” Who said stands next to the pulpit as a There is no better alternative than
all nations." The assem- he could not ? He can do a great means of spiritual life and growth song. Do not call a social meeting
ing of the young or old on Sunday many other unauthorized and hurt­ in-ihe ehureb. Prayer and praise a failure if it on occasions be spent —
learn is a Sunday-school. The ful things as well.
is the Christian’s vital breath. It wholly in a praise service. No­
vision is in the thing to be . Read this from same source : “If is the church’s vital breath too thing is more acceptable to God.
e, and this is true of all expedi it is right for an individual Chris­ Sometimes a church may survive Nothing is better for spiritual
38. But why all this whipping tian or family to use an organ at awhile and thrive without pulpit growth. And how often a few
und and this charging the home, or anywhere, it is not wrong work; but without the prayer bright happy Sings has wakened an
thren with doing tilings unau- to use it in the assembly.” Shades meeting never. Then if such a entire audience into a different
humor and paved the way for other
ceti rized, as though by their own of Hamilton ! How does ho know meeting is potent help in church
hour’ '¡nations they had conjured this? He can know it only by growth in grace and faith and
Brevity in each exercise and an
m up, and had not learned of knowing the following, viz.: What­ strength we should study how to
m in the Bible ? Why this ? ever is right for a Christian, or conduct them to the best advan- energetic leader will be found the
right and left arms of power in the
tptiri is easily explained. He wants family, to use anywhere is not tage.
lug in “ an organ ” and a wrong for them to use in the
The prayer meeting is a very meeting. Short songs, short pray­
e is a’
(jyhristmas-trce ” and a “ church assembly of the saints, in the tender plant and is subject to very ers (like the Savior’s custom), short
>per,” &c., about which people church of God; and he knows as many injuries.
One man may speeches, short sessions. The ob-
what you shall sing or how, whether
by one or all.”
This is marvelous! I suppose he
regards (as spurious) such Scripture
as CoL 3 : 16f “ Let thu word uaf,
Christ dwell in you richly in all
wisdom, teaching and admonishing
ne another in psalms, and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing with
race in your hearts to the Lord.”
is the “ what? namely,
psalms, hymns and spiritual
. . songs,” and “ how.” We have also
the example of the first disciples
ging in the assembly, Matt. 26 :
' I