Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, July 13, 1883, Page 12, Image 12

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■ 3d. The work includes the most im­
portant discoveries made at Newark, O.,
Below we give a partial list of the books we
[Under this head we will be pleased to give authenticated by Rev. Matthew R. Mil­ propose to furnish our readers at publishers re­
editorial reviews of all books ana tracts of inter­ ler and others.
prices. We would just say in brief that we
Also, large extracts tail
est that may lie sent to this office.]
are prepared to furnish most anything in the
i s sik lin e , und wiU. Ui nl a j in cd h i in«4> i ¥alx i rd i ‘.rn
The Only Two Books of the Kind Pub­ part of this century, by Elias Boudenot,
lished I
with all the discoveries made in the
seventy years bearing upon this in­
teresting question.
4th. In this connection we give
Together With a Representative Piece lengthy articles from writings of Wil­
__ of Musio From Each Author.
liam Penn, James S. Milligan, D.D.,
H istory of M usic and its A merican
C omposers is divided into three parts : tion is also added the entire of Wendell
1st. Ils History, giving many new and Phillips’ lecture on the Lost Arts.
interesting things relative to its origin
The author J has dovoted a large
and progress. Though the art of music amount of time for the past sixteen
has reached a very high degree of per- years in gathering up from various his-
~TrrtinTT,-ynt' i!OW greatly has the histo r i- tones, facts connected with this ques-
_ cal^art been ueglmLed, and yet how .es­ tion. So this volume is not the work of
sential and interesting is a knowledge of a day, a month, or a year, but of many
its history from the beginning to the years of earnest research.
presen*, noticing Hie progress made by
The book contains about four hund­
the different people throughout the va­ red pages, beautifully bound in cloth
rious ages of the past. Great pains and morocco, with title in gold. It is
have been taken, and many years spent printed on an excellent quality of paper
in making this part of the work com­ and in every respect is gotten out in the
very best style.
2nd. American Composers, giving the
The book is no.w in press. Send in
biographies of all composers of any note your orders immediately. Prioe: per
in America^ from the first up to tl^ copy, in cloth, $2.50 ; in morocco, $3.00.
present time, including excellent por­ Special rates toagents— - ====== ==
traits of nearly three-fourths of them. * Complete outfit sent to agents upon
XVe are confident this will be an inter­ receipt of $2.50. Bo careful to state
esting feature of the work, as here we~ what territory you wish to work.
i .in see tho portraits and read the histo­
Address orders for eithei of the above
ries of those who have given us the ben­ books to
efits of their labors. Owing to the T he F ireside F riend P ublishing C o .,
Springfield, Ohio.
large number and exact likeness of theso
photographs contained in this worked
Decline of Man.
will be one cherished by all lovers of
Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impo­
tence, Sexual Debility, cured by “Wells’
3d. Their Music. In this department Health Renewer.” $1.
will bo found a piece of music from the
pen of each author whose biographies
are herein contained. One Piece of
Music from every American Composer !
Think of it ! Where can there be a work
obtained that contains such a variety
and collection of music ? All classes,
grades aud styles, for any instrument,
are found in this department ; and this
music being a sample of the work of
my old Stand to a
-many different authors, you may feel
assured that great care has been taken
in its preparation and selection. Let
your taste lie what it may, it can be sup­
plied with this collection.
South of the Post Office,
Great care has been taken in regard to
its appearance, as it is intended for the Where I can be found at the
mush repository as well as the library.
Price, per copy $3.50. Special in­
ducements to Agents. «Send your orders
now, and we will fill them in turn as When the wants of the community de­
soon sra completed.-
mand, where I keep
■ Ii.u.i.
* I, ■
On, T he T rue H istory O f T he N orth Constantly on hand. And I will try and
A merican I ndians .
supply my customers with as good
Showing that they are the Descendents
of these Ten Tribes.
1st. This work embraces the history
cf the North American Indians, from AS THE MARKET AFFORDS, AT
th« landing of the Pilgrims, giving such
portion of the history designed to prove
tuat those Ten Tribes were their ances­
Thanking my frionds for former
2od. It gives many important facts patronage would respectfully solicit a
connected with Indian History that have continuance of the same.
never before appeared in print—that of
forts, monnds, and other curiosities of
May 22,1883. - -
the United States.
for* sameT^' We wg IT*#^ ic”Triis'’TiSf as our limb
and space will allow.
BIBLES and testaments .
1. Family Bibles, different styles, sizes, ate.,
with prices from $2.25 to $18.
2. Pulpit Bibles from $5 to $10.
3. Oxford Sunday School Teachers’ Bibles
from $1.50 to $19.
4. Revised New Testament, Compared Edi­
tion. $1.22 to $750.
a? Revised New Testament aIone$T80 aiicl
15 cents.
Lesson Commentary, by J. II. Vincent, D.D.,
McGarvey’s Commentary on the Acts of the
Apostles, $1.50.
Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by J. W.
McGarvey, $2.
t Xuuint'n f a r y on Uni t e; hr rf. H . h i w n s r, !»2.—
Commentary on Hebrews, by R. Milligan, $2.
Commentary on Paul’s Letter to tie Ro­
mans, by M. E. Lard, $3.
Analysis of the Four Gospels and Acta ; with
Leading Queries and Illustrations, for the use
of Sunday Schools, Families, etc., by R. Mili-
gan, $2.
Reason and Revelation, by R. Milligan, $2.
The Scheme of Redemption, by R. Milligan,
Conybeare and Howson's Life and Epistles of
This powder nevor varies. A marvel purity,
tlio Apoetle Paul, $1.50.
The New Biblical Atlas and Scripture Gazet- strength »nd wholeeomenees, More ecouomi
cal than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold
teer $1.25.
in competition with the multBude of low tost,
Lands of the Bible, by J. W’. McGarvoy, $3.
short w< iglit, alum or phosphate powders.
Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities. $1.50.
Nicboll’s Introduction to the Study of the Soldoul»/ in mns. ItovAL B aking I’ owdem C o .,
12 8-ly
106 Wall St., New York.
Scriptures, $1.25.
Scnaff’s Bible Dictionary, $2.50.
■ fwsinwi‘s Hand Rook of ihbto Manners suul
Customs, $2.25.
Whitney’s Hand Book of Bible Geography,
F bank G. A llen , | Editors.
G. W obth Y ancey ,
Barrow's Companion to the Bible. $1.60.
Rawlinson’s Historical Illustrations of the
Old Testament. $1.
Boar. G raham
Walks about Jerusalem, l>y Isaac F.rrett, SI. 6. L. Loos,
J. W. M c G arvey ,
I. B. G rubbs .
Talks to Bureaus, by Isaac Errett $1.
Letters to a Young Christian, by Isaac Er­
rett, 35 cents.
1 devoted to the advocacy and defence of
The Heavenward Way, by J. II. Garrison,
Apostolic teaching and practice. “Ask for the
35 cents.«« and Authenticity of theJjOSKls. i Old-Paths, and walk therein ** i* its motto, its
practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure,
by B. A. Hinsdale, $1.25.
Smith’s Unabridged Bible Dictionary. Ameri­ safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make up is order­
can Edition. Revised and edited 4>y H. B. ly, neat, attractive and on CxcoUaui iia|»er. A
Hackett, D. D., assisted by Ezra Abbott, L.L.D. specimen copy will satisfy all of the above, and
In fo ir volumes. Price in Cloth, per set, $20. will cost you but the time and postal card on
which the request is made. Address tho Pub­
Price in Sheep, the set, $25.
lishers. Fee “Our Principles," and “Our
Smith's Bible Dictionary, $1 50.
Barnes’ Notos ou the New Testament. $1 50 Rules’’
per vo'ume. The volumes sold separately.
On the Four Gospels, 2 vols. On the Acta of
One Year, $2 00; Six
the Apostles. On the Epistle to the Romans.
Months, $> 00 ; Three Mouths, 50 eta.
On the First Epistle to the Corinthians. On
the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the
Epistle to the Galatians. On the Epistle to the
To any one sending a club of Five and $10 00
Ephesians, the Colossi» ns, and tlie Pliilippians.
On the Epistle to the Thessalonians, Timothy, cash, an extra oopv.
T he O ld -P ath G uide ($2 00) and
Titus ana Philemon. On the Epistle to the
T he W ord and T he W ork (50 eta) $2 25.
Hebrews. On the General Epistle of James.
P acific C hurch N ews ($1 00) $2 50.
Peter, John and Jude. On the Revelation.
Barnes' Notes on the Psalms. In Three
T he C hristian H ebald ($2 00) $3 00.
volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50.
Address for specimens,
Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Daniel, $1.50.
C. C. C ube A Co.,
Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. General Publishers of Church and Sunday
2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50.
School Supplies, 310 West Main St.,
Barnes’Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols.
Louisville, Ky.
Cloth, per vol., $1.50.
Outlines of Church History, by Rev. Jolin F.
Hurst, D. 1)., 50 cents.
A Short History of the English Bible, by
Rev. James M. Freeman, D. D., 50 cents.
Chronology ol Bible History, and How to
Remember It, by Rev. C. Munger, 50 cents
Cruden’s Complete Concordance to the Holy
Scriptures, $1.50.
Cruden’s Concordance Abridged, 75 cants.
Brown's Pocket Concordance, 50 cents.
The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning-. _
ham Geikie, D. D., $1.50.
The Life of our Lord upon the Earth, by
Samuel J. Andrews,$2 50. •
Tho Sunday School Helper, by J. H. Hardin,
50 cents.
Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler, $1.5!).
The Standard Manual, fur Sunday-school
workers, by F. M. Green, 75 cents.
Heroes sud Holidays, edited by Rev. W. F.
Crafts, $1.25.
Story of an Earnest Life, by Mrs. Eliza
Davies, $2.
On the Rock, by J). R. Dungan, $1.50. ’
A Trip Around the World, f»y Timothy Coop
and Henry Exley, $i.5O.
Around the World, ’four of Christian Mis­
sions, by W. F. Bainbridge, $2.
Tho Christian Manual, for the use of Church
Officers, in the various relations of Evangelista,
I’astors, Bishops and DeaconH, by F. M. Green, HARNESS A SADDLES,
Address all orders to C hristian H erald ,
Monmouth, Oregon.
And everything that pertains to a Firnt-Claiw
There are Haws in diamonds, flies Shop. Call and examine m.v Stock before pur­
chasing elsewhere. The beat of California
in amber, and faults in every man. leather lined.
Absolutely Pure.