Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, June 29, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    OtTïtïHTlAi< HfiËAtD
to understand at once, and sympa­ your place at all public meetings of ||m eting. She had been brought
thize with-, the afflicted.
How the congregation. But you receive up under the influence of the"
many pastors, during their minis­ little or no encouragement to do
trations in thé sick room, have felt anything else. You look around in Presbyterian church? She attend­
powerless in the presence of the vain for any organized movement ed our meetings and while listen­
kind wools and gentle deeds of among the sisters that will insure ing to.our preaching concluded she
some mother in Israel. She seems to success. You say, give us encour­ wished to *be immersed. But she
know at once just what to say, and agement and put us to work m a gave us to understand that she did
when to say it. Is it'necessary to wav where we can help one another,
think MlUT.h qf “nn
be... c hee r ful I It N.. 4RH fed j g i wl W i ld tbf i i
wi ll I)**, I II duvll'^ l
ot those who pro­ and that her purpose was not only
effects is not confined to the Church upon her part, but seems to grow’ truth, “ helpers s ” of
It is certainly true that the Church out of the necessity of the occasion. claim the gos[ pel ' of Christ. This, to unite with the Presbyterians,
is the “pillar and support of the Are sympathetic words appropriate ? my sisters, is just what we are try­ but to live and die a member of
the truthhence it must be evi­ They come from a heart overflow­ ing to reach in this church. You that church. Our good brother
dent to every candid mind that the ing with love. Is an exhibition of have already shown your williijg-
, hum ww4 ■
■‘Confi­ “TtFST /TTer'^W3^r'\vb71T'Tn J‘tTfe .said. Mm. o uglit ■ ta
I nit Tf will succeecT "offTy ‘'"as^TKe ’ courage essential tô
Church is made efficient in promul­ dence ? Her frail form does jiot Lord’s cause, and it is the purpose but we declined on the ground that
gating it. Here fbenTsTne point eveii' tremble in the presence of "oT the officers of thevchtirch to pro­ Mre.. was. ' ■TOT>J ecrfoF
to watch. Make the Church what death. Often have 1 felt utterly vide for your more efficient useful­ baptism. Our brother immersed
it ought to be, and the world will ashamed of my own feeble efforts ness in the future. This example, her, and to this day we believe her
noon be converted to Christ. But to minister to the sick and dying, I trust, will soon be followed in all
jww make the Church what it while watching thé wonderful suc­ the churches, and then I- shall have baptism practically amounted to
ought to be ? Certainly not by cess of these angel .visitors. There an increase, of faith in the early nothing.
leaving almost wholly unemployed is another w’ork which woman can triumphs of the gospel.
that portion of its memliership do most successfully. There are
O pium I n S an F rancisco .—A
In our next we will point out
which is capable of yielding it the almost always persons in the Church
late dispatch from San Francisco
most active and efficient service. who need to be “ instructed in the what we believe to be the fallacious says:
. ■
Is not woman recognized as a ser- way of the Lord more perfectly.” reasoning in the pamphlet.
'vanf of the Church in the Scrip­ And wherever we find an ignorant
None of the opium imported is
tures ? Then may sh^ not right ■ Apollos, we need an earnest Priscilla Selections and Comments.
going east, as most of it will be
used in this cityL Those best qual­
_ fnlly lalor in such ways as she can to teach him what he should do.
Jiest advance the cause of Christ ? TTn no way wrill woman’s influënce
ified to judge estimate that More
Surely no one who hopes for the
July 1st, when the tax is increased
successful propagation of Chris- kind of lalior. Her peculiar raeth- following is from a letter written from $6 to $10 a pound, over $3,-
iiariity can deny herthis,privilege. ods of working, and her relations to by Bro. L B. Wilkes of California jOQOiQQQ worth of the drug-will have
---- W ho e a n be no effici ent aw ¿b e in -th e» . soc i et y i n general, ma k o
. hepn i mported and h e ld fop umo in
Sunday-school ? I do not now stop in this direction almost irresistible. News:
this city. This heavy importation ‘~j
to argue the importance of Sunday- She needs but to be faithful to her
shows to what extent opium is -
Sometimes the one who “ changes smoked here.
schools. It has been said, and with mission, to understand her opportu­
considerable force, too, that Sunday- nities, and she can be instrumental j the mode,” or follows those who
It is to be regretted that? the
schools would l>e of little use were, in leading many hesitating souls to did, apply to us to do their bap­
habit is gaining ground so
family government what it ought a stronger faith, and a more com­ tizing for them. They are so
to be. But no matter how this is, prehensive knowdedge in the divine unused to going down into the rapidly in this country. While we
Sunday-schools may lie numbered life. In all benevolent enterprises water as the apostles did, to bap­ are engaged in the* liquor war,
among the most important agencies woman may perform an important tize, and as the Savior did when he would it not be well also to pay
of the Church, and what a vast re­ part, and in the circulation of was baptized, and as John did, who JUOl'S L , th e ., o p i um h a l
jsponsipilitv inc conduct of these TrâcKei^^
__ r ! Think of tlie men would utterly fail. • Men will water, that they are awkward and in the larger cities ?
thousands of lives who receive their read a tract for a woman’s sake if embarrassed, and would put the
Original Contributions.
first religious impulse here ! The for no other reason, and reading it job on some one else. Or it may
nations may stand with bristling they become interested in it for the
armies ready to contend for empire ; truth’s sake, and will then read it they beg to be excused; or they
theologians may assemble in ¿Ecu­ again for their ow’n sake. I know’ may have so condemned the act
menical councils to discuss the re­ a gentleman in this city who will that they would avoid immersing
condite questions of tlieology; but _not listen to religious instruction their converts. Ought I to baptize
allow me the religious education of except
" *'A c from a certain
1“:~ woman ~
1 * for them, with the understanding
At the sea, Israel were baptized
that the baptized will unite with
the children, and 1 will soon be able
to bring to naught ambitious rulers He will road anything she gives an unbaptized church or people ? into Moses, accepted the Lord for
ami the dogmatic prelacy, out of him and listen to anything she Baptism puts a person into Christ. their God, who was to give them a
which have grown the civil and re­ says. Sisters, think of it; you Should I baptize a man into Christ country for a possession; and Moses,
ligious despotisms with which the l have it in your power to control the. who t^lls me that he means to as their leader, who was to conduct
world has lieen so long cursed. I destiny of immortal souls. Cah unite with a people who are not in
Women understand how’ to approach you then for a moment l»e indiffer­ Christ, and who means to forsake them to the land of their inherit­
children and deal w’ith them better ent to your responsibilities ? Will or not unite himself with those ance. But now, because of the
than men. Hence the best teachers you wa^te the precious time that baptized into Christ ? I answer, evil report the majority made con­
in our Snnday-scliools are women. God has given you in chasing the no! 1 would, myself, be sprinkled, cerning the land, they turn'away
Let these be made to feel the impor butterflies of fashion and folly, and call it baptism as-readily as I from the Lord, renounce Moses as
<ance of their work, and let others when you may be engaged in the would join a church of such. And
• be f.nspired to emulate their exam­ grand and glorious work of leading 1 would do either as willingly as I lea4er? an'l ill their hearts return
ple, a«d we shall soon have a new’ the work I to Christ? Surely no would baptize a man who should back to Egypt. This causes the
life manifested in this important true woman would hesitate for a notify me beforehand that he in­ Lord to interpose, and his glory ap­
-department of Church enterprise. moment which course to choose. tended to spend,his life in building pears in the tabernacle in the sight
In visiting the sick, woman may But you may ask, how is all this to up such a cause. .
of all Israel. His people had apos-
exert a matchless influence. In bedone ? You may say that you are
We regard this as sound doc­ tacised, and he said unto Moses,
fact- there are many cases where willing to work—willing to do any­ trine, although not always prac­
■“ How long will this people provoke
* she alone can be beneficial, and in thing that will be of service in the
me ? and how long will it b^W..
•almost all cases, she can render val­
uable service. Sympathy is fre­ one who will instruct you what to ber distinctly of taking this ground they believe me for all the signs
quently w’orth infinitely more than do or where to do it. You feel cut on one occasion when a young lady which I have showed them ? I
money. “ Weep with those who i off in a large <legree from the active demanded baptism at our hand will smite them with the pestilence
■weep,” is a divine injunction; and agencies of the Church. True, you while we were assisting one of our and disinherit them.”
jt seems to be the nature of woman feel it to be your duty to occupy ablest preachers in a protracted
Moses dissuaded him from utterly
seek to employ all her pow'ers.
Woman’s mission is not to the
world, but to the Church. She is
not sent out to proclaim the Gospel,
but is rather sent in for the pur­
pose of strengthening the faith,
brightening the hope, and increas­
ing the love of the saints of God.
Hers is rather a subjective work,
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