The United Presbyterian As­ sembly will reassemble"at St. Louis on the fourth Wednesday in May, 1884. 1 be Dead ( an not Be Raised, nor if jour lungs badly wasted away can you be cured by tbe ubo of Dr. Fierce’s “ Golden Medical Discovery.” It is, however unequalled ae a touic, alternative, and nutritive, Hnd readily cures the most obstinate cases of bron- ohitis, coughs, colds, and incipient con- sumtion, far eurpassing in efficacy cod liver oil. Bend two Btumps for Dr. Piero’s pambblet on consumption and Kindred Affections. Address World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffi loN.Y. ___ BUTin FOR ONLÏ $65. BEETHOÏfN OAGINS $65.00 Regular Price $ 125.00 without Bench, Book and Muio. The Beethoven is boyoud u doubt toe most popular Cabinet Organ ever placed 11 pon the market. During the past 119 working days 6,434 where manufactured and shipped to all parte of the clvillaed world. The factory Is taxiplto lta utmost capacity to supply the demand, working nights by Edison*« Electric l ight to All order« prompt ly. tW~lf you are about to purchase a Cabinet Organ orto buy one as an Investment to sei I again you should avail yourself of toe special limited offer as below. (Be suret. read Deacrlptlnn of Mops 28 and 2T, see below .) Buy it as an iNrEurxEyr. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTRUMENT. There are _________________ _______________ T_..._ — e TEN FULL SETS OF ___ GOLDEN TONGUE REED8 built upon an entirely new and ■clentiRc plan, producing music equal to an .Ji oi-gan costing four times Its value of other make*. .... The Reeds are arranged In the 1 .j _ Reed Board, as follows : ,— ------ _r ----------- ffib. l«t. Set Charming ----- Kaxaphone Reeds. Set Sweet VoIx Celeste Reeds. 2d. Set Famous French tlorn Reeds. 7tli. Set of Soft Cello Reeds. 3d. Set Beautiful Piccolo IG i ds. »th. Sot of Dulclnna Reeds. 4th. Bet Jubilant« Vlolina Reeds. • »th. Set of Diapason Reeds. 6th. Bet Powerful Sab K am Reeds. — nwum 10th Set of Clarionet or Celente Reeds. Special attention is called to the number of stops used in this famous instrument. With To------ " Reeds ■" and the - following •• •------- the above 10 sets Golden Tongue Stops fourteen (14) distinct ®»MAK&%&^D U“ MAKIKQ TH18 OROJ& >^L IO 14 ORGANS OF 17 VOIX CELESTE.» ft.tone «.. aafppows:; DfoftOfc««rtone. ________ - . —- - JLCE, 4 ft. tone 18 Vlolina, 4 ft. tone. 1 OF LI A», 8 ft. tone. 10 Grand Expreasione « ft 1» Vox Jubilant«, 8 & 4 ft 2 Melodia. 11 French Horn,» ft tone 20 i’iccolo, 2 ft. tone 3 Clarntx-lla. 12 Harn Aiolian. 21 Octave COUPLES. 4 HUB-BASH. l»ft. tone. 13 VOX HUMANA. 22 Orchestral Forte. 8 Bourdon, 1» ft. tone. ------------------- 14 Echo, 8 ft tone. 23 Grand Organ Mop. » BAX APIIONE, I ft. tone. 18 Dulciana, 8 ft tone. M Right Knee Stop. 7 VIOL DI GAMBA, 8 ft. tone. 18 Clarionet, 8 ft. tone. 25 Automatic Valve Stop. Latest Improvements: * f^atented ¿’embTwada^Bweil^To^hichPadded the AEROSTATIC, EJiipilliSIoN -Governor Cleveland ’ has signed the New York Aqueduct bill. latlon Sv Compass or Regulator, showing at a glance the ajuount of pressure upon the instru­ ment, same as a compass to the ship Bota this new improvemriit to the Organ. (See cut shown under the lamp or side of ease.) Case 4s built from handsome Solid Ammen’s Cough Syrup cures colds, coughs, bronchitis and consumption. All cases are profusely oriuunt nted with neat hand carvings. Manufactured so as not; to take the dirt or dust. Thoroughly seasoned and kiln dried; will stand the tert of any climate; handsome rubbed varnish finish and _polieh ; carved and ornamented designs In gold. IT 18 BUILT TO LAST NOT FOR SHOW. THE CASE IS t ERY HANDSOME. Contains Lamp Stands, Pocket for Music, Treble (3)Upright Bel­ lows. Steel Springs Nickel Plated Pedal Plates, BEATTY’S PATENT STOP ACTION and SOUNDING BOARDS. REXIUI-AR CATALOGUE PRICE OF THE BEETHOVEN. IN THE ABOVE STYLE OF CASE, IB »123.00 without Bench, Book and Music Black Wti brut (4 f preferred Ash or Jibonixed). InSolid Mahogany Case only $16.00 extra. (Height, 72 Ina.. Depth, 24 ins., Length, 48 ins.) It is the providenoe of ministers to do good, t) erefore we think every min ster should inform himself in regard to Ain- men’s Cough Syrup, and after beiug Hatisfied that it is all that is claimed for it, recommend it ; thus lives can be saved and then taught how to eave their souls. Wear® told that the proprietor is always willing to gi^ a bottle free to any minister of family who wishes it to My» ________ _____ _ SPECIAL TEN-DAY OFFER TO READERS OF K ristian herald . If you will remit me only *86.80 and the annexed Coupon within 1« daynfroni the date hereof, I will box and ship you this Organ, with Organ Bench, Book, etc., exactly the same as I sell fur *125 You should order Immediately, and in no ease later than jQiiays- One year’s tost trial given and a full war- tNDtKMV JUNE 29, 1883. The Governor of Pi nnsylvania has signed the Free Oil Pipe bill. Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we' will make an offer by which you can earn §3 to $7 evenings, at your home. Men, Womeu. Boys, or Girls can do it H. C. WILKINSON & Co , 195 and 197 Fulton Street, Now York. The Indiana tornado did serious damage in many portions of that State. __ “ Female ComplniiitH.” nnilPONI On receipt ot this Coupon from any readers of f\f\ > Tbe C hristian herald $ ou uu and S86.OO tn cash by Bank Draft, Post Office Money Order, Registered Letter, Express prepaid, or by ?heck on your Bank. If forwarded within 10 day's from date hereof, 1 hereby agree to accept this Coupon for *410.00 as part payment on my celebrated ST Htop AlSb Beethoven Organ, with Bench, Book, etc., pro­ he cash balance of *85.00 accompanies this Coupon, and I will send you a view. Latent Style K-KCSONANT ~WA-JLiHgXI’I' Cane Na. 1&,OOO< viding-» receipted bill tn full for *125, and box and ship you the Organ Just u it h ad­ tWIMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ! Key», Lumber, Steel Hpringe, vertised, fully warranted for six years. Money refunded with interest from date Reed Boards, etc,, um*d in the (»onNtniction of this inRtniment, are of the text quality and are! of remittance if not as represented after one year’s use. bought from th© very game parti«© that s»«li to all other oriran makers in the Untied State©' (Signed) DANJFL_FL£EAITYL_ and Canada. The Beethoven, therefore, contains more Reeds, more Stops, more musical combination effect© than an orj?an of ordinary make at four times its coat. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. Iwill give S 4«ya grace from the ahov,, -date, to any peraon who will come and select tne instrument in I , ____ ____ person, and ____ will allow HQW TOeHDER. Eni-losed lliut *85.00 for BMfthovtMl organ in your latest •5.00 for traveling expenses, if they buy. If possible, possible, I would much rather have bi buyer« style case. I have read your statement and I order one on condition that it must come and select instrument in person. FREE COACH meets all trains. Hotel 1 Meal« prove exactly as represented In this advertisement, or 1 shall return it at the end of Free, whether you buy or not: you are welcome r .____________ " an anyway. one year's use and demand the return of my money, with interest from the very . . r If --------------- you do not want an organ yourself, It will pay yot« Atf AN INVESTMENT, moment I forwarded It, at six per cent., according to your offer IF" He very par to order the instrument to sell ag _________ ____ _ __ by „ correspondence. . . again. Order ____ now| ________ nothing saved tleular tegive Name, Past Office. County. Mate, Freight Motion, and on what 1 want the instrument introduced quickly, •, hence hence this thin special special ---- . In thia .. New — Style of Case •leys)/ Railroad. tWBe sure to remit by Bank Draft, P. n><*e«Ally made. Cortly ▼ • “ Outfll tree. Aildrciis T mvk & Co., Augusta, Mt I I F rank G. A llen , G. W orth Y ancey , C. L. 1.008, j Editers; EDITORIAL EDITOBS. ItOBT. J. W. M c G arvey , G b A ham I. B. G rubbs . ! ADII I Hä MBIT EASILY T ■ r ■ll|WI Cl•KEIihnthlMWBtB Ul I Will CHJLOKrnE of GOLD. E b *BV Free. Th» Morphing User; 200 pp. 01.00 LESLIE E. KEELEY?M. D.,£> WJüHT, 1Ü. HH_____ .v y Fifty Cents I AnX F«"»a who will take ON E PILL LOUISVILLE, K Y. Ask for Wells’ “ Rough on Corns.” SUBSCRIPTION, 15o. Quick, complete, permanent cure, Per Annum...................... Corns, warts, bunions. Sixteen thousand rejected models of unpatentable inventions have been sold at the Patent Office for $762. mo“tlu THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. H fa PM I '< tf-Ml W>e Cure. A Home Treatment No ^■1 charge for consultation by mail. V.ilua- f To any suffering with Catarrh or Bron rgM chitis uno earnestly desire relief. I can t, fifl furnish a means o’ Permanent and Pos- EMfible Treatise Free. CortificatesTrom Doc- W"/S*ors Lawyers, Minis*«’’«. Business-men ¡^^^5 Address Rev. T. P CHILDS. Troy. Ohio. fit ra uts is a large eight - page weekly devoted to the advocacy and defence of A doh to lie teaching and practice. “ Ask for the Old-Patha, and walk therein ” is its motto, its practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure, safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make up is order­ ly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper. A »‘pecinien copy will satisfy al) of the above, and will oust you nut (,he time and postal card on which the request is made. Address the Pub­ lishers. See “Our Principles,” and "Our Rules. ” OUR TEAMS. Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00 ; Six Months, $i 00 ; Three Mouths, 50 cts. M- » CLUB RATES. To any one sending a clnb of Five and $10 00 cash, an extra copy. T he O ld -P ath G uide ($2 00) and T he W ord and T he W ork (50 cts) $2 25. P acific C hurch N ews ($1 00) $2 50. by mail, a Golden B om of Good*, that will bring you In mom T he C hristian H erald ($2 OUj $3 00. noner In One Month than anvtbing »lie la America. Abw Address for vpecimens, lute Certainly. M. Young, 171 Greenwich Sk* New Yoda O. C. C line A Co., Goneral Publishers of Church and Sunday School Supplies, 310 West Main 8t., ft m II BA Morphine Habit Cured In 10 Louisville, Ky. I 13-3 tf C UT THIS OUT SB OPIUM LtefeasK