12 Prompt Action In Acute Cases« CHRISTIAN HERALD 4 dycements to Agents. Send your orders Young and middle aged men suffering now, and we will fill them in turn as from nervous debility, premature old In acute cases Compound Oxygen has soon as completed. age, loss of memory, and kindred symp­ been found to act with great promptness. toms, should send three stamps for Part Says one of our correspondents : •• I was VII of pamphlets issued by World’s Dis­ THE TEN TRIBES Buffering from a cold at the time I reciev- pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. f OF ISRAEL J O r , 1'nT TnrT H tstoth - Or Tnir NoitTH Y..................................... ....................... “head, sore throat, and violent cough— A merican I ndians ., It is claimed that $30,000,000 and kept getting rapidly worse, till in a Showing that they are the Descendents a few days I was compelled to keep in was invested last year by English of these Ten Tribes. my bed. In three days I was able to get and Scotch capitalists in the live 1st. This work embraces the history up, and was entirely over it in less than stock 'business in Wyoming and ten days, which, considering that I am of the North American Indians, from Texas. now an invalid at the best of times, is the landing of the Pilgrims, giving such portion of the history designed to prove For five cents. Well. Richardson that those Ten Tribes were their ances­ it.” Our Treatise on Compound Oxy­ & Co., Burlington, Va., will send colored gen, containing large report of cases, tors. 2nd. It gives many important facts samples of all colors of Diamond Dyes, and full information, sent free. D rs . connected with Indian History that have with direction. S tarkley & P alen , 1109 and. 1111 Gi- never before appeared in print—that of The new steamship Oregon, of *rard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. forts» mounds, and other curiosities of the Guion line, will make her trial the United States. Home Treatment directed to H. E. 3d. The work includes the most im­ trip in July. She is to equal, if Mathews, COG Montgomery Street, San portant discoveries made at Newark, O., not surpass, the speed of the Alaska Francisco, will be filled’ on the same authenticated by Rev. Matthew R. Mil­ and Arizona. terms ag.if gent directly to us in Phila­ ler and others. Also, large extracts delphia. *Far more valuable than those golden from the woiks published in the early Thia powder never varies. A marvel purity, apples ofHesperides are the Hie, health strengtli and wholesomeness, Moro economi The Only Two Books of the Kind Pub­ part of this century, by Elias Boudenot, ight, alum or phosphate powders. ast seventy years bearing upon this in­ Vegetable Compound restores and pre­ short Soldonly in cans. R oyal B aking P owdeb C o ., HISTORY OF MUSIC teresting question. serves all these. 12 8-ly 106 Wall St., New York. 4th. In this connection we give AND ITS AMERICAN COMPOSERS, Secretary Ch&nd&r is taking Together With a Representative Piece engthy articles from writings of Wil- steps to establish a coaling station s;™. of.. . iam Penn, James '8. Milligan, D.D., H istory of M usic and its A merican and James R. Wilson, D.D. In addi­ m Central America. ' There” is" a tion is also added the entire of Wendell $250,000 appropriation which C omposers is divided into thiee parts : 1st. Its History, giving many new and Phillips’ lecture on the Lost Arts. would soon be out of his power. The author has devoted a large interesting things relative to its origin Advice To Mothers. "and progress. Though TEe"art of music" ■~tnnuTrnt“ottime tor the past sixteen has reached a very high degree of per­ years in gathering up from various his­ Mns WI nslow ’ s S oothing S yrup should al­ boused when children are cutting teeth. fection, yet how greatly has the histori­ tories, facts connected ftibh this ques­ ways It relieves the little sufferer at once : it pro­ cal part been neglected, and yet how es­ tion. Bo this volume is not the work of duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the liltle cherub awakes sential and interesting is a knowledge of a day, a month, or a year, but of many as “ bright as a button/’ It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens tlio its history from the beginning to the years of earnest research. gums, allays gain, relieves wind, regulates the — The bookcontains about four hund ­ l-lesm’, l.fttieing the pi'Ogi’fekk made by Lowels, and is the best kqown remedy for the different people throughout the va­ red pages, beautifully bound in- cloth diarrhcca, whether arising from toothing or I other causes. Twenty-five cts. a bottle. 13-20-1 v rious ages of the past. Great pains aud morocco, with title in gold. It is Secretary Teller has decided that have been taken, and many years spent printed on an excelieut quality of paper DALLAS, OR., in making this part of the work com­ und in every respect is gotten out in the patents must be issued for lands very best style. MANUFACTUBXB AND DEA LEU IN plete. 2nd. American Composers, giving the The book is now in press. Send in claimed by the Central Pacific as HARNESS 4 SADDLES, biographies of all composers of any note your orders immediately. Price: per successor of the California & Oregon ROBES, WHIPS, SPUR«, SADDLE BLANKETS, in America, from the first up to the copy, in cloth, $2.50 ; in morocco, $3.00. Railroad Company. CURRY COMBS & BRUSHES, present time, including excellent por­ Special rates to agents. Decline of Mail. And everything that pertains to a First-Class traits of nearly three-fourths of them. Complete outfit sent to agents upon Shop. Cali and examine my Stock before pur­ -We are confident this will be an inter­ receipt of $2.50. Be careful to state Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impo­ chasing elsewhere. The” "best of California tence, Sexual Debility, cured by ‘ ‘ Wells’ leather used. 16-3in esting 1. ature of the work, as here we what territory you wish to work. Health Renewer. ” $1. can see the portraits and read the histo­ Address orders for eithei of the above ries of those who have given us the ben­ I books to C. C. CLINE & CO., efits of their labors. Owing to the T he F ireside F riend FuBLisnum Co., Springfield, Ohio. large number aud exact likeness of these PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY ----- :o:------ photographs contained in this work, it SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Files and Bugs. will be one cherished by all lovers of L O V I S V I L L E , K Y . INDEPENDENCE music. Flies, roichcfe, ants, bed-bugs, rats, 3d. Their Music. In this department mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out teems : will be found a piece of music from the by “ Bough on Rats.” 15c. Word and Work, one year 50 cfs., six months WILT, BE FOUND THE BEST STOCK OF 30 eta., three month« 15 eta. Good Word«, 10 pen of each author whose biographies or more copies, ono year, 45 cents per copy ; lire herein“ con tain ecl7 Owe Piece of months, 23 cents ; three months. 12 cen s. Harness, The Massachusetts Senate has, Rix Eittle Pearls, 10 or moio copies, one year, 30 Music from every American Composer ! Saddles, per copy; Bix months, 15 cents; three 17 to 11, agreed to submit to the cents months, 8 cents. Think of it ! Where can there be a work Cottars, 1 Year obtained that contains such a variety people the question of abolishing Los. Monthly 3 Months 6 Months 10 copies, .70 1.30 2.40 And in fact everything belonging to a and collection of music ? All classes, the poll tax. 25 „ 1.40 2.60 5.10 first class shop. My Stock oi Fine and 260 5.00 9.50 50 ., grades and styles, for any instrument, . Heavy Harness is the best ever in this loo „ 5.00 « 9 AO 18.00 are found in this department; and this *#* ‘ He that is discontented in one county. Call and see before buying. Guido, 3 Months G Months 1 Year Repairing dono. Charges reasonable. music being a sample of the work of place will seldom btf happy in another.” Les. 10 copien, .35 ' .65 1.2" 25 „ many different authors, you may feel People are constantly changing their .70 1.30 2.50 C. L. PIERCE. 50 „ 1.30 2.50 5.00 assured that great eare has been taken j j homes from East to West and from 100 „ ■ 2 50 5.00 9.0Q in its preparation and selection. Let North to South or vice versa, in search of No Subscriptions received for less than Ten yon*taste be what it may, it can be sup­ a healthy State. If they would learn to Copies of the Losson Monthly and Lesson Guide. Address plied with this collection. becontented, and to use the celebrated rpwo GOOD HOUSES, ONE C. C. CLINE 4 CO., J with one lot, the other with Groat care has been taken in regard to Kidney Wort when sick, they would be 13-3-tf No. 310 W.tMain St,, Louisville, Ky. two lots, in ill® town of Mon­ its appearance, as it is intended for the much better off. -The whole system can mouth ; a good garden spot. . Terms : half do#n aud the TrP PAVQ tn «ell onr Hand Dublier A good music: repository as well as the library. be kept in a healthy state by this simple Al balance on“ time. For further information X XX X O Ntamps. Hample» fro«. Price, per copy $3.50. Special in- but effectual remedy. apply to liobert I’uulkes in II euald o L icc . _ I’oijambfe 4 Co., CleyeUud. O. 17 “ _ 17-lt-ew Absolutely Pure. "■ ........... A. STILES, HARNESS & SADDLES. AT FOR SALE.